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View Full Version : MY thoughts for Sweetwater/Snyder

10-11-2005, 11:45 AM
Ahhh, here we are once again. The week that sweetwater plays snyder. Theres always that tension build-up you can feel. Before the game, during the game, and even after the game. It's a rivalry. Both teams are very dominant. Both resemble each other in many ways. Like i have said earlier, i have alot of friends that have graduated from snyder, and some still in school there, ive been there PLENTY of times and every time i go there, i cant help but think of it as a different version of sweetwater. maybe thats why its such a good rivalry. since both towns resemble each other so much in just about every aspect, its the interscholastic sports played every year that gives one town the bragging rights for the particular season. But this week, one thing i ask is that lets not forget the MAIN element in sports...and that is play. From kids playing pee-wee football where they could care less the score, they just want to score a touchdown or touch the ball, to varsity level, where every player has a position and is EXPECTED to know his place. It's sad that the game cant be played w/out the "win or lose issue" instead of "just have fun". But i think there is a line between the two and hope that both teams get to have fun, whether they win or lose. With this being said, i wish snyder tigers good luck and good health as i do the mustangs. But, as always, i chose my Alma Mater. I pick sweetwater in a hard fought game.:clap: :)

10-11-2005, 01:47 PM
Well said 04':clap: :clap:
Football is nothing more than a GAME. In any game a winner and a loser must emerge,and for that brief moment one team has outplayed the other team.
The only ones that it really matters to are the coaches, because it is their JOB. Their futures revolve around winning and losing, but in the long run each game is mearly a tally in a w/l column even for them.
Don't get me worng I am proud to be a Mustang. I grew up here, live and work here, and am glad that I do. However if I lived in Snyder or Wylie I would also be a happy camper.
I am most proud to live in West Texas and be a part of 4-3A. I don't wish to live in the Metroplex or anywhere east of Abilene thank you
Best of luck to both teams this coming friday. May we both walk away with heads held high, with our young men unhurt and most of all our combined dignity in tact :thumbsup:

10-11-2005, 01:50 PM
What is this, Philosophy 101? Geez.

10-11-2005, 01:55 PM
I really appreciate those comments. I completely agree, and it was well said.

Nonetheless............. GOOOOO TIGERS!~!!!!

10-11-2005, 01:56 PM
What's the matter? Kant you stand it? Or do you not understand it?:thinking:
It's a simple concept.:kiss:

10-11-2005, 01:57 PM
Thanks Snyder Mom. Good luck friday.

10-11-2005, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by mustang68
Thanks Snyder Mom. Good luck friday.


Phantom Stang
10-11-2005, 03:37 PM
Great post 04!!

That was downright purty!!:weeping:

10-11-2005, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Phantom Stang
Great post 04!!

That was downright purty!!:weeping:

well thank ya....Supervising 3 football fields at one time for 9 hrs straight on saturday where 658 kids in san angelo come to PLAY football, (notice i said play and not 'win')...it kinda changes ur perspective a little bit

10-11-2005, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by mustang68
Well said 04':clap: :clap:
Football is nothing more than a GAME. In any game a winner and a loser must emerge,and for that brief moment one team has outplayed the other team.
The only ones that it really matters to are the coaches, because it is their JOB. Their futures revolve around winning and losing, but in the long run each game is mearly a tally in a w/l column even for them.
Don't get me worng I am proud to be a Mustang. I grew up here, live and work here, and am glad that I do. However if I lived in Snyder or Wylie I would also be a happy camper.
I am most proud to live in West Texas and be a part of 4-3A. I don't wish to live in the Metroplex or anywhere east of Abilene thank you
Best of luck to both teams this coming friday. May we both walk away with heads held high, with our young men unhurt and most of all our combined dignity in tact :thumbsup:

:clap: :cheerl: :thumbsup: I totally agree w/ u mustang68
Good Luck to you also...

Go Tigers!!!!!!!!

10-11-2005, 09:31 PM
That's probably the best I've ever heard it said. When I coached PEE WEE football, or little league for that matter, I always noticed the kids played better when we made it fun for them.
Good luck to Snyder and let's ALL just have fun on Friday night

10-12-2005, 10:02 AM
All this touchy feely crap is bringin back my hangover

By Gawd this is the snyder v SWEETWATER game we be talkin about

Aint no need to make it some kinda of mamby bamby feel good deal

them tiggers don't like the MUSTANGS - and the MUSTANGS usually refer to the tiggers by a less attractive name too.


and the kids will settle it on the field

So what if the Mustangs have some players hurt - big deal
and if the snyder moms and the sweetwater moms want to throw some kinda of hair pullin wet T-shirt Mud wrasslin pregame match up
Ole Bubba Joe will be there as the guest ref. Provided some body will bring some BC powders for the biggest headache I have ever had since my last divorce.......
Ah what the crap think I will go back to drinkin fore all you politicially correct - can't we all get a long folks come to your senses
and start up some WEST TEXAS get mad type of behavior
Boo snyder
hiss tigers

10-12-2005, 10:10 AM
Wow, it's a first....I agree with you Bubba-Joe (except for the part about beating Snyder!). Tired of hearing the mumbo jumbo too bad someone has to lose crap. Stick it to the Stangs!

Go Tigers!

10-12-2005, 10:37 AM
Can't you understand
black and gold are the ugliest colors in the sports world
snyder is an oil trash town with a bunch of inbreed midgets living in a smelly hole in the road
you can't even buy a cold beer in that windswept place

the so called football field is a broken down wooden wreck with a eyesore of a press box - aint folks in that town ever heard of paint
oh yeah you paint every thing black- a loosers color

every see anything good with black as a main color

THE HORSE/MUSTANG IS A NOBLE ANIMAL was used to conquore the the New World by the Spanish

people pay money to travel to KILL tigger in Africa and hang thier skins on the wall in some lodge

10-12-2005, 10:46 AM
Now...Now....You're are completely and totally wrong....You can buy a cold beer in Snyder now!

10-12-2005, 11:12 AM
Get a life:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-12-2005, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Snyder_TigerFan
Now...Now....You're are completely and totally wrong....You can buy a cold beer in Snyder now!

What do you even do in Sweetwater...atleast Snyder has an oilfield...how is Sweetwater still a town. Half of the existance has to be welfare and unemployment. The only time you see the other half is during the Rattlesnake round up....they come out of the wood works for that!

Snyder's going to ride you like the TAME Horses that you are.

Thats the only way yall make a living. Breakin yalls backs diggin fer that derned ole oil.