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View Full Version : The lights in BC are coming on after RITA!

Old Cardinal
10-08-2005, 06:25 PM
Well there are towns quite torn up down our way. The eye of the storm came ashore about 15 miles into Louisiana--east of Sabine Pass. and crossed Lake Sabine at an angle, then traveling right over Bridge City. The eye had 125 mile per hour winds at that point; with recorded gust up to 183 mph. It then went over the eastern most part of Buna and right over the top of Kirbyville. At that point it veered to the east a little and then sat on top of Jasper area with sustained winds of 100 mph for ONE HOUR.
Bridge City was saved from the 12-14 foot saltwater tidal wave in a most fortunate way. The counter-clockwise motion of the torrential wind right around the eye sucked the water away from BC and the whole of Lake Sabine's tide swelling was thrown into the giant Sabine Refuge swamp on the Louisiana side of Lake Sabine.
Had the storm moved ashore 20 miles to the west the whole of the giant storm surge would have swamped all of the Golden Triangle. From a low population standpoint, the giant Sabine Refuge was the best place for it to drive the storm-surge wave inland!
Bridge City took one heck of a hit. All churches damaged, all schools with some damage. many homes totally destroyed.
I have a 3200 sq. ft. two-story that I personnally built like a fortress 29 years ago. It stood up well, I lost the shingles, all siding above the brick and stone. Three storage buildings--all in all-- about $ 60,000 worth of damage.
It was interesting, in that, all the houses on the road that were built by individuals, stood up well--in contrast all the houses built by contractors, built on our road were totally are almost totally destroyed!
Well, school will start on the 17th or sooner and we will all be cleaning up in SE TX for months.
At least Texans have sense enough to leave when a major blow is coming!

wos fan1
10-08-2005, 06:29 PM
Thankfully the eye wasn't just 15 miles more west. Power is very slow to return to most of Orange as well.

10-08-2005, 07:16 PM
How is everyone in Orange doing? My cousin lives in Orange, or actually Little Cypress, I believe. He was at my Mom and Dad's in Lufkin during the storm and was constantly pacing the whole time he was there worrying about his home. We had 80 to 90 mph gusts even in Lufkin at times. I sure wouldn't have wanted to be any closer. I left home running FROM the storm and ended up running smack dab into it. Had to sit in a line for gas on the Sunday following the storm for 5 or 6 hours.

I've heard that Orange still was without electricity. My Aunt has a house in Buna and heard that every one of the trees in her yard were knocked down but the house was fine.

I wish you all the best there and hope that things can get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Old Cardinal
10-08-2005, 08:24 PM
All of Jefferson & Orange Counties, plus Calcasieu and Cameron Parishes(LA), were losing some whole homes. It's kind of spotty: it was like mini-tornados passing through the bands of wind storms.
Little Cypress had a lot of big trees go through the beautiful homes that are out that way.

10-08-2005, 08:36 PM
OC - glad things seem to be getting back to some form of normalcy (sp) in your neck of the woods. :)

wos fan1
10-08-2005, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by LogieJoeBean001
How is everyone in Orange doing? My cousin lives in Orange, or actually Little Cypress, I believe. He was at my Mom and Dad's in Lufkin during the storm and was constantly pacing the whole time he was there worrying about his home. We had 80 to 90 mph gusts even in Lufkin at times. I sure wouldn't have wanted to be any closer. I left home running FROM the storm and ended up running smack dab into it. Had to sit in a line for gas on the Sunday following the storm for 5 or 6 hours.

I've heard that Orange still was without electricity. My Aunt has a house in Buna and heard that every one of the trees in her yard were knocked down but the house was fine.

I wish you all the best there and hope that things can get back to normal as quickly as possible. Still alot of the power tonight is still out in Orange. Could be a couple more weeks before everyone gets it back..

10-08-2005, 09:20 PM
It's good to hear some good news from the area again. Also good to see some of the posters from there back on.
I hope you guys in Orange get things back up soon.:)

wos fan1
10-08-2005, 09:25 PM
Thanks. There are just so many poles and transformers down, that's what's taking so long.

10-08-2005, 09:42 PM
Good to hear from you guys over in the golden triangle. Sorry to hear about all the damage and best of luck in getting everything back to normal as soon as possible.

wos fan1
10-08-2005, 09:49 PM
Thanks. Alot of work yet to do here. Hopefully we can get our players back this week before Friday..:confused:

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2005, 09:56 PM
Wow....my thoughts and prayers have been with ya'll.....glad to see things are getting restored, although I'm sure not fast enough for you! Take care and keep us updated on your progress. God Bless! :)

10-08-2005, 10:26 PM
After a 20 hour evacuation route that covered 100 miles, which turned out to be not far enough, 60 mph winds for 8 hrs, then couped up with 12 people in 3 bdr house, it's refreshing to be home.

Really came back to early because had to depend on generator, then $30 daily for fuel if you could find it.

FEMA was great, they provided the tarps for my roof, water and ice.

National Guard gave us MRE's, which are pretty good.

What was strange, no TV, internet, newspapers for about 10 days. Really didn't miss because in reality you only thought about your next meal or where will I get gas for tommorrow.

It's nice to be back.

wos fan1
10-08-2005, 10:30 PM
Know how you feel!

D. R. Hooks
10-09-2005, 02:18 AM
Old Card....what is your source of the 183mph wind? I'm currently writing a review of the hurricane, and the highest reliable data I'm come across is 116mph for Nederland, and 115mph on a LA bridge....Thanks...

Old Cardinal
10-09-2005, 10:21 AM
The data I received was that the highest reading of all was from a ship that had been brought inland to weather the storm in what was apparently a mini-tornado spawned during the storm.
Also the Power Plant in BC recorded 120 mph for sometime then 125 constant wind force for a while. Their instrument topped out at 140 and they supposedly had it top out off-and-on during gust for some time. Then the instrument was blown off and the four men out there said that occasional gust became even stronger. Those four that volunteered to stay in the plant 80' up in the controlroom said they would not ever volunteer to do that again LOL. That info came from a company employee.
I assume these to be reliable sources, I was not there.

D. R. Hooks
10-09-2005, 04:51 PM
Thanks OC....could you PM with contact info for some of these folks? Hopefully I could get an interview....