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View Full Version : Dear Sinton66, ......

12-15-2002, 06:12 PM
Dear Sinton66,

I am a poster on a 3A Texas Highschool Football Board, and I am in need of some advice. I have watched all season long as each poster's favorite team worked their way up through the ranks and with the exception of only three now, I have watched them fall. I have watched lot's of folks talk some smack before games, and I have watched some good folks eat some crow after games, and I think that all of this is part of being a fan. However, I am deeply troubled by some of the things I have witnessed over the past few weeks as the season winds down. The disturbing thing that I am reffering to is what I will call, "after the game, smack". Now please understand, I think that talking up your team Before a game is part of gettting ready for the game, but when a fan or player comes on afterwards and talks about how bad they beat someone or how they were "cheated" out of a win, or insists that the CROW be served is a little bit over the line. The reason I am writing to you is that I have been told by many of my friends and foes alike, that YOU are one of the classiest people they know, and I am sure you will have an answer for me.

My question is: Which came first..the chicken or the egg?

Signed, WannaBeClassy in North Texas :p

12-15-2002, 06:22 PM
Being a creationist, I would naturally say the chicken came first. God created the heavens and the Earth and all the animals on the land and the fish under the sea. And then he created man. He even let man name all the animals. So, in fact, regardless of which came first, man called it a chicken! :p

12-15-2002, 10:26 PM
Thanks :)