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View Full Version : Did Anyone Catch "The Triplets" On Monday Night Countdown!!

09-19-2005, 06:23 PM
Michael Irvin,Emmitt Smith and Troy Aikman were being interviewed by Stuart Scott and Tom Jackson about their induction into the ROH. All 3 were dapperly dressed in suits and ties. It's probably in the mid 90's right now in Irving and having suits on,only compounds their discomfort. Michael was cool and collected and not a bead of sweat. Emmitt was sweating a bit. But Troy was sweating profusely!! He was sweating raindrops. He even pulled out a napkin a couple of times to wipe the sweat off his brow!! I thought it was kinda funny that the calmest and coolest QB under pressure was sweating like a fat kid on his first date!!! Congrats to all 3 for making the ROH!!! Go Cowboys!!!

:D :D

09-19-2005, 06:48 PM