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View Full Version : Lincoln 35 Madison 21 VERY DISAPPOINTED...

09-17-2005, 10:19 PM
Well the loss today to Lincoln was disappointing, but I guess I honestly can't say it was unexpected. I feel bad for those kids who played their tail off today trying to beat Lincoln for the first time since 1998. They had to play today's game without starting DT Allen Lee who was out with a sprained knee and will probably sit out next week as well as a precautionary measure.

I can't fault the kids effort today at all. However what I do fault is the play-calling on the offensive side of the ball. Someone could probably say it's just sour grapes on my part to say something about the offense after a loss, but this is something that's been ongoing for quite some time now. Anyone who saw this game or has seen Madison's offense over the last several years knows what I am talking about. I'm very disappointed in the OC for Madison. I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, Madison's offense would go into the game with some kind of plan to expose Lincoln's weaknesses on defense. I was sorely disappointed again. The play-calling just boggles my mind and the lack of selection as far as routes go on the pass plays really baffles me. I believe it's been said here before and in several other places, but Madison is basically just playing sandlot football on the offensive side of the ball. They don't run more than 9 or 10 plays over the course of a game and it's so frustrating to watch the OC beat a dead horse and run the same plays over and over while getting the same subpar results. I could go into detail about what I saw and what all is wrong with that offensive scheme or lack thereof today and how hacked off it made all the Madison fans in the stands who came to see their boys knock off their neighborhood rival, but that would just cause me to be more frustrated.

For all of you who support schools who have an OC that gives you a chance to win, I'm very jealous of you...I honestly don't know how Madison's defensive coordinator kept from boiling over today and just come unglued when his defense got hung out to dry again. This is not a hyperbole when I say that Madison's defense was on that field for 40 of the 48 minutes of this afternoon's contest. It was just hard to have to watch those kids have to spend that much time on the field. To their credit, they gave Madison's offense every opportunity to win that game today and Madison had it twice in the final 6 minutes down by just 6 (27-21)and they couldn't do a thing with the ball and I don't put that on the kids at all. The responsibility for those two possessions and the rest of the game falls squarely on the shoulders of the man calling the plays on offense. It's also worth mentioning that every point Lincoln scored today with the exception of that garbage time TD at the end came off of a turnover as Madison's D was given bad field position all game long. That safety at the beginning of the game just left me speechless because of what play caused it, but I digress...

I'm hoping that maybe this off-season Madison will go hire an assistant from Gilmer or another school of that stature who is in a great offensive system to come and overhaul this mess and who will use all the many weapons they have at their disposal at Madison. Anyhow, sorry for this rant, but I'm just fed up with this mediocrity that I watch week in and week out on offense and have been for a long time, not just this year. That defense can only do so much for Madison without some help from the other side of the ball. The defense has won Madison 3 games this year and their only hope of being able to get a state title appears to be if the defense carries them to one.

I hope everyone else had a better time at the games y'all went to this week.

God Bless

09-17-2005, 10:34 PM
One thing for sure is Lincoln does have plenty of good athelets ,however I think madison with the wright game plan could easily be a state contender.

09-17-2005, 10:37 PM
from what i saw last year, with the speed you have, a gimmick offense, (haha thats what some of our opponents call it) would work well at madison. when you can run that style of offense it is very dangerous. the biggest problem with it is it takes several years to implement and run correctly.

09-18-2005, 03:42 AM
Originally posted by JR2004

I'm hoping that maybe this off-season Madison will go hire an assistant from Gilmer or another school of that stature HAHAHA go FROM a top notch school TO madison ?? that will NEVER happen.

09-18-2005, 06:06 AM
it has happened -- allen wilson went from john tyler to carter, que britian went from marcus to skyline ... its the challenge some coaches look for ... and disd has pumped alot of $ into their facilities ... never say never

09-18-2005, 09:57 AM
Biggest reason Madison lost was all the turnovers..not gonna win many games turning the ball over 10 times......it's a credit to how good Madison really is that they still had a chance to knock off Dallas Lincoln with that many turnovers!!

09-18-2005, 11:02 AM
I understand your pain. Madison is my sleeper to win it all. With the talent that group has, they need an OC to utilize it, but also to use it in ways to mix up the defenses. Madison will do well when district rolls around.