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09-16-2005, 11:16 AM
i just thought i would make a thread and let yall know Kyle is going to play this game with some bruised up ribs...he took a shot on the sideline last week by a wharton guy...but he is starting and will do awesome so everyone start him on your fantasy team this week because he is gonna light up sealy's defense.

AP Panther Fan
09-16-2005, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by ro_tex_solja
i just thought i would make a thread and let yall know Kyle is going to play this game with some bruised up ribs...he took a shot on the sideline last week by a wharton guy...but he is starting and will do awesome so everyone start him on your fantasy team this week because he is gonna light up sealy's defense.

I think he needs someone to drive from West Texas and kiss it for him!:D

Hope he is feeling better soon (before next week)!:)

Ranger Mom
09-16-2005, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
I think he needs someone to drive from West Texas and kiss it for him!:D

Hope he is feeling better soon (before next week)!:)

Sorry....can't do that trip 2 weeks in a row!

09-16-2005, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by ro_tex_solja
i just thought i would make a thread and let yall know Kyle is going to play this game with some bruised up ribs...he took a shot on the sideline last week by a wharton guy...but he is starting and will do awesome so everyone start him on your fantasy team this week because he is gonna light up sealy's defense.

That's football!

...and it was a good block, not a cheap shot, for the record.

09-16-2005, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by LogieJoeBean001
That's football!

...and it was a good block, not a cheap shot, for the record.

lol then why the 15 yard penalty for a late hit? But you are right, it is football.. happens all the time

09-16-2005, 11:32 AM
im ready to see him wreck shop againts sealys defense

09-16-2005, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
lol then why the 15 yard penalty for a late hit? But you are right, it is football.. happens all the time

...and there were absolutely no penalties called on ya'll that ya'll didn't like or think were fair...ya'll were just booing on several occasions just to hear yourselves boo at the refs.

No accounting for guys being excited and pumped up during such a big game but...if anyone thinks for one second that one of our boys really WANTED to hurt your QB, then you have another thought coming...

why so defensive this year? Something's changed in the tone of your posts from last year to this year. Not quite as positive and supportive of the other guy and a little bit more sarcastic than I remember, but you're still a good 3aDL friend!

LH Panther Mom
09-16-2005, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by LogieJoeBean001
That's football!

...and it was a good block, not a cheap shot, for the record.

This might be a little scary, but I'm going to defend ro_tex. He said "he took a shot on the sideline last week by a wharton guy". He didn't say "cheap shot".

It seems there's a few of us being defensive, myself included at times.

gobbler grad
09-16-2005, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by LogieJoeBean001
...and there were absolutely no penalties called on ya'll that ya'll didn't like or think were fair...ya'll were just booing on several occasions just to hear yourselves boo at the refs.

and your point is...:thinking:

Ranger Mom
09-16-2005, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by LogieJoeBean001
...and there were absolutely no penalties called on ya'll that ya'll didn't like or think were fair...ya'll were just booing on several occasions just to hear yourselves boo at the refs.

No accounting for guys being excited and pumped up during such a big game but...if anyone thinks for one second that one of our boys really WANTED to hurt your QB, then you have another thought coming...

why so defensive this year? Something's changed in the tone of your posts from last year to this year. Not quite as positive and supportive of the other guy and a little bit more sarcastic than I remember, but you're still a good 3aDL friend!

I am gonna reply to this one time and then I am done. I am not from Cuero, but I DO know Kyle Noack. I had several different people point out statements to me on several different boards. A couple of those threads pretty much named Kyle by name and said he would be "put out of commission"! Can I swear they were made by a Wharton poster...no, I can't. But when you read something like that, and I hear what happened to Kyle, it makes you wonder!!

09-16-2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by LogieJoeBean001

why so defensive this year? Something's changed in the tone of your posts from last year to this year. Not quite as positive and supportive of the other guy and a little bit more sarcastic than I remember, but you're still a good 3aDL friend!

I was just pointing out that there was a 15 yard penalty on the play for a late hit.. Clean or not - no biggie. If I seem defensive, maybe it's because I took an assertiveness class and I learned too much :D j/k

gobbler grad
09-16-2005, 12:05 PM
I think its just the "FULL MOON"...


09-16-2005, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by LogieJoeBean001
That's football!

...and it was a good block, not a cheap shot, for the record.

Yet again your pre-pre-pre-school level knowledge of the game of football shows...

A good BLOCK? Why would your defensive player want to block our QB who was carrying the ball?

No one said it was a cheap shot, out of bounds was most-likely mentioned to give a clearer view to the situation and letting everyone know that Kyle was in a vulnerable position...

Heck yah the Cuero fans boo'd some calls, but don't act like y'all didn't either, we all boo'd just about as much as any fans who love their team and want them to do well...

We're defensive? Yah, but we usually get defensive after reading the comments in which you/other people are defensive... I post a picture off of our website and you get on and ask why I haven't posted any pictures of Wharton with that 'two sides of every story' stuff (:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :foul: :crying: :crying: ) ... that was defensive on your part, and it was defensive on my part when I came back at it (though your knowledge vs. mine in these subjects kinda makes it a one sided affair)...

You are obviously in love with Cuero or something, you cannot leave us alone... Move on... 29-28, that is my final answer, Regis...

09-16-2005, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by LogieJoeBean001
That's football!

...and it was a good block, not a cheap shot, for the record.

logie thats the retarded crap im talkin about....i want u to look at what i said and see if i said a cheap shot...dang i think u should be on a poll for who is the biggest idiot that turns around what people post and try and state stupid stuff

09-16-2005, 12:58 PM
hey logie im gonna go ahead and state this too....u should definitely be leading the biggest idiot poll because i dont think a coach tells someone to block if they are on defense...lmao...your so stupid...of course we are gonna be defensive...we are forced to when your a putting words in our mouth that we didnt see...think about it idiot

09-16-2005, 01:03 PM
Who cares anymore, as long as Kyle's alright, it's over and done with, nothing we can do about it now......see everyone tonight at the DQ game of the week!

Ranger Mom
09-16-2005, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by gobblerfan02
Who cares anymore, as long as Kyle's alright, it's over and done with, nothing we can do about it now......see everyone tonight at the DQ game of the week!

Awwww......always the peacemaker..huh??:inlove:

09-16-2005, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Awwww......always the peacemaker..huh??:inlove: Well, I try.............most of the time!

raider red 2000
09-16-2005, 01:07 PM
i hope the kid is better. i think he is good....getting better. probably will light up the other tigers this week.

that kid took several shots last week. he will take lots more. he kept getting up.

there are two plays that popped in my head win i read the prior posts.

1- was a 3rd down play where #5 was hit on the Cuero sideline. there was not a penalty, but Noack was hurting some. Cuero then took a timeout because Noack wasnt on the punt team. it could not have been a late hit...would have led to a Gobbler 1st down.

2nd play- on wharton's sideline- #5 was grabbed by the back of his shoulder pads and was taken down out of bounds. was not a hard hit. was a penalty. wasa good call by the refs. that play should not have hurt any ribs.

also, about the blocking of #5 he played some defense. he might have been blocked. most likely wont bruise ribs on a defenseive play being blocked, but could have happened :)

that kid did great and wich him luck the rest of the year. I wish that Wharton would have won for several reasons. One fo the main reasons is so that I dont have to listen to smack talk for another year from my in laws :)

09-16-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
I was just pointing out that there was a 15 yard penalty on the play for a late hit.. Clean or not - no biggie. If I seem defensive, maybe it's because I took an assertiveness class and I learned too much :D j/k

lol, yes it did! I KNEW you were different this year.

09-16-2005, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by ro_tex_solja
hey logie im gonna go ahead and state this too....u should definitely be leading the biggest idiot poll because i dont think a coach tells someone to block if they are on defense...lmao...your so stupid...of course we are gonna be defensive...we are forced to when your a putting words in our mouth that we didnt see...think about it idiot

You need to stop the name calling. Seems like you are ALWAYS calling someone an idiot.

Ranger Mom
09-16-2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
You need to stop the name calling. Seems like you are ALWAYS calling someone an idiot.

See Ro_Tex....that is why I told you to clean your PM box out.....I was going to tell you that in private!!:D :D :D

09-16-2005, 01:35 PM
most of the time its just logie because her comments just make me mad...how she puts words into what someone said when they didnt say it....and then she wants to say we get defensive when she starts it...do u not see my point???how she jumped to conclusion saying i was mad and i was callin it a cheap shot...that pissed me off...i cleanly stated he took a shot and his ribs are hurt and he will still light up sealy...i dont recall whining and saying it was a cheap shot....i know your not supposed to call someone an idiot on here but come on sinton66 what am i supposed to call her when everytime a cuero person says something she jumps to conclusion and adds words to what the cuero person said?

09-16-2005, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by gobblerfan02
Who cares anymore, as long as Kyle's alright, it's over and done with, nothing we can do about it now......see everyone tonight at the DQ game of the week!

i care because logie is always adding words to what we say and tries to turn things around on us and make us look stupid

09-16-2005, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by ro_tex_solja
hey logie im gonna go ahead and state this too....u should definitely be leading the biggest idiot poll because i dont think a coach tells someone to block if they are on defense...lmao...your so stupid...of course we are gonna be defensive...we are forced to when your a putting words in our mouth that we didnt see...think about it idiot

I'm taking this to the PM's but know that I will respond to this, but not publicly. I"M a bigger person than this other individual and will address what I have to say to them in private, as well as all the OTHER individuals who want to call me an idiot. I don't see these guys calling OTHER women on here idiots, NEVER! Just me! To the PM's I go.......

Ranger Mom
09-16-2005, 01:45 PM
This has gone far enough.........I am gonna close it on down!

09-16-2005, 01:49 PM
I read her comment, she didn't say you said it was a cheap shot. She didn't hint that you might be saying it was a cheap shot. She just said it WASN'T a cheap shot "for the record", and I assumed she meant in case anyone reading your comment misunderstood what was meant. I believe she meant it only to clarify your statement. I kinda got the feeling you were leaning that direction myself. That in no way makes her an idiot.