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09-11-2005, 03:53 PM
As you all know the nation is overtaken by the destruction of the hurricane in the past 2 weeks in the southern states. I pray everyday for the people from the areas as the rest of the nation does. Many of us are glued to the t.v.'s hoping to see progress and many of us are sending money, doing what we can to help others in need. This hurricane reminds me a great deal of the destruction of the twin towers. It portrays how the United States came together as one to help the people in need and mourn for those who were lost. I have sent this in an email the past few years to remind everyone of the attack that we shall never forget. The attack that changed many lives forever as the floods and hurricane are doing now. We shall never forget when our country and economy was threatened on our own ground in New York City. I simply send this out not to be a forward, but to be a reminder of 9/11. God bless the families and the children that still have an empty chair at their table.

Sept. 11th

Good morning today is September 11th,
that’s what the radio said,
not knowing 3 hours from now 5,000 would be dead,
The radio was cheerful just like everyday,
but little did we know it would turn twisted in a tremendous way.
A plane hit one of the towers and put the world in shock,
you could hear the boom from blocks and blocks,
debris went flying in all directions,
people running in the street to find protection,
the people were helpless as the building was in flames,
Fire fighters were running for people calling their names,
The 1st building collapsed and people were amazed,
all they could do was stand back at the glaze,
A 2nd plane hit the south tower,
this happened in the next few hours,
Fire fighters, Medical, and helpless work people,
all were lost but met at the steeple,
now they are in the Lords hands,
the firefighters were admired as heroes by millions of fans.
When I heard the news in school that day,
I looked out the window and thought there was no way,
“This couldn’t be happening, this can’t be real,
how can innocent thousands be killed?????”
This cowardly act should put the terrorists to shame,
they were the ones who put people in flames,
All I could think that night was why,
for weeks all I heard were people’s cries,
Well I hope you terrorists are happy about this,
Those people lost we will always miss,
you took their lives for stupid a cause,
now you had our country in pause,
But you did not get the best of us,
We stand tall in God we TRUST!!!
This disaster brought us closer together,
Let’s hope it stays like this forever,
Our country was together when we cried,
Now all we have is the GREAT AMERICAN PRIDE.

God Bless The U.S.
R.I.P. victims of 9/11
you will never be forgotten

Written by Neal Allen Tolbert

Leopards,class of 75
09-11-2005, 05:02 PM
Thanks for the post, very well written!!! 911 made us a stronger nation.