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12-04-2002, 06:25 PM
this is a tough one, i mean, jacket keeps everyone inline, matthew keeps everyone informed, toby keeps everyone on the edge about page updates wink , and bearcat is just cool. i mean, this is a toughie. i cant decide who to choose.

12-04-2002, 06:52 PM
I can't pick a favorite...I like all of them :D However, since I have never met any of these fine individuals I try and imagine what movie star that their personalities remind me of:

Jacket = Clint Eastwood...Go ahead punk...Make My day!

Matt = the more quiet, cerebral type but can get fired up when he has to...maybe James Woods or Patrick Stewart (Jean Luc Picard on Star Trek)

BC = easy going, fun loving until you cross the line...then she will nail you...How about...Kathleen Turner

Toby = I haven't read as much about since I am from Region 1...but since the people from his region have been giving him a hard time about the updates I will say...Jerry Lewis (From the absent minded professor).

Just having fun guys...I apologize if any characterization is offensive...you all do a great job. I appreciate all of your efforts!

12-05-2002, 11:56 AM
Toby = I haven't read as much about since I am from Region 1...but since the people from his region have been giving him a hard time about the updates I will say...Jerry Lewis (From the absent minded professor).

Funny, vet!!!! Actually (unfortuneately) that may not be too far from true :)

And Spaniard, I'm hurt...who, I repeat, who has been bragging on your boys since BEFORE THE SEASON STARTED, telling all the non-believers that Burnet was for real? And this is the thanks I get? Thanks a lot, buddy.,,,, :D

12-05-2002, 07:03 PM

And Spaniard, I'm hurt...who, I repeat, who has been bragging on your boys since BEFORE THE SEASON STARTED, telling all the non-believers that Burnet was for real? And this is the thanks I get? Thanks a lot, buddy.,,,, :D toby, me siento :( i didnt mean for it to be like that, sniff sniff, if i was to pick one of the mods for bein my favorite, then it would have to be you bc you know the truth. thats all im gonna say about that :D