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Black & Gold
09-06-2005, 09:47 AM
Any early thoughts on this game? I think Snyder 21!

09-06-2005, 09:56 AM
black and gold makes a pretty good prediction

09-06-2005, 10:08 AM
I would say 21 to 28 points.

Black & Gold
09-06-2005, 12:26 PM
I'm not trying to compare the two but didn't Sweetwater put a thumping on Cooper?

09-06-2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Black & Gold
I'm not trying to compare the two but didn't Sweetwater put a thumping on Cooper?


09-06-2005, 12:34 PM
im sure they did, i say snyder by 35.

Da Mules
09-06-2005, 05:14 PM
Cooper graduated a boat load and I think that included most of their huge starting O & D lines. They still have a very good QB in Trey Wood, who is an even better linebacker. If your pass coverage is not so good; look out for their passing game; even though they graduated their best receivers/DB's from last year. They had a decent JV squad so maybe some of this year's juniors are going to get with the program by this week.
They got blown out by Sweetwater in week 0; then blew out Lamesa last week. I think they will play better against Snyder; but look for the Tigers to beat the Pirate by 21 points.

pero chato
09-06-2005, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Black & Gold
Any early thoughts on this game? I think Snyder 21!

I think you're right, but maybe more like 30.

09-06-2005, 06:41 PM
Snyder by 35

09-06-2005, 07:33 PM
I don't know much about Lubbock Cooper. They weren't too good a few years back is all I remember. I hear Snyders looking pretty tough this season, so I'll pick Snyder by a wide margin. I'll predict 48-18. Best of luck to both teams!

09-06-2005, 09:44 PM
Snyder by 28

09-06-2005, 11:22 PM
I'm thinking Snyder by 21+

09-06-2005, 11:23 PM
snyder by 35

09-06-2005, 11:41 PM
Snyder wins by 38.

09-06-2005, 11:50 PM
until snyder decides to quit i think i c this one gettin bad. yes i am a mustang fan saying this haha

Da Mules
09-07-2005, 09:28 AM
quake in your boots, Tigers. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal has already decided that Cooks is going to run over you, based on the Lamesa game :D

Cooks gets Cooper's rushing attack going

For two years, Cooper football coach John Windham had the luxury of a running back who could pound ahead for 4-5 yards at a time.

Going into this year, however, Windham knew he had a back who was just as capable of making big plays with a different running style. Unfortunately, because of an early deficit in the season opener at Sweetwater, the new-look back was pretty much rendered ineffective.

What a difference a week makes.


After showing flashes of ability against Sweetwater, Pirates senior Jamar Cooks showed off his full arsenal Friday, rushing for 166 yards and three touchdowns on just 12 carries in Cooper's 44-14 win over Lamesa. His performance also earned him The Avalanche-Journal's City Player of the Week honor.

"We just didn't make as many mistakes," Cooks said of the difference in Cooper's first two games. "We fumbled the snap a couple of times (against Sweetwater), but we've got that fixed. With fewer mistakes and fumbles, we can hang with Snyder (on Friday)."

If Cooks and Cooper can duplicate their effort last week, then the Pirates should be competitive against the Tigers. He had the same amount of carries against Sweetwater but managed just 50 yards. This past weekend, however, the Pirates established the running game early and rode it to victory, chewing up 414 yards in the process.

"Against Sweetwater we were so much out of our rhythm and our game plan, and we didn't get a chance to start any type of running game with Jamar," Windham said. "Friday, we got that chance to keep the offense on the field and find something that was working, and Jamar broke a few long ones in the process."


Breaking long runs seems to be Cooks' calling card as he scored on touchdown runs of 52 and 71 yards against Lamesa. Bradley Madison, his predecessor, was a bruiser who gained most of his yards after first contact was made at the line of scrimmage. Cooks said he prefers to run up the middle and use his quickness to make defenders miss.

The running style worked for Cooks to the tune of a 9 yards per carry average.

"Bradley was all powerhouse and he did a good job of getting on the outside and using the stiff arm," Cooks said. "I can see better up the middle and make the quick cuts, and I can run outside, too."

As much as Cooper dominated the running game Friday, Windham was equally proud of his passing game, which struggled against Sweetwater in the season opener. Quarterback Trey Wood, who rushed for 133 yards against Sweetwater, hit on 5 of 11 passes for 80 yards and a touchdown against the Golden Tornadoes.

Cooks, meanwhile, is confident the trust he's built with the offensive line, most of which he's played with since seventh grade, will help him have a big season.

"If I'm going one way and it's not open, I can swing around the other way and (senior lineman Randy Calderon) will be there pulling and knock somebody out," Cooks said. "With the linemen I've got, I feel comfortable and wouldn't trade them for any others around."

To comment on this story:

george.watson@lubbockonline.com 766-2166

patrick.gonzales@lubbockonline.com t 766-8735

09-07-2005, 09:36 AM
Bring on that running game! They'll be introduced to Mr. Martinez and Mr. Day pretty quick! Lamesa is no where near the caliber of team that Snyder is.

09-07-2005, 10:19 AM
So Mr. Martinez and Mr. Day have completed the 12 steps of redemption ?

09-07-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Bubba-Joe
So Mr. Martinez and Mr. Day have completed the 12 steps of redemption ?
Snyder Will be at full strength Friday. so take that for what its worth.

09-07-2005, 10:24 AM
Your signature speaks loud and clear!

09-07-2005, 11:52 AM
Well for those of you who dont know... snyder put it to estacado last week, and that was without 3 of the most experienced defensive players! Snyder will be back in full force this friday nite, when they step on the field. Cooper has no chance with the running game being as how estacado had less than 100 yds total offense last week not to mention snyder was playing shorthanded. Snyder by a lot!

send 'em all
09-07-2005, 11:03 PM
Hey Da Mules, make sure you remind the Mule defense that the center can go out for a pass. Oh! Wait! Nevermind, someone just informed me that y'all aren't playing a six man school this week. I apologize.

09-08-2005, 01:10 AM
I think Snyder by 14 maybe 21 or more. Wait!
I want to see an upset cooper by 1

09-08-2005, 01:18 AM
I just read that article i changed my mind.I dont want to see an upset anymore snyder by 40+. Read this it was in the article.at first they said their running back couldnt get going because of swaters early lead that is ****. Swaters dfence was why he couldnt get going.here it they said it themselves "He had the same amount of carries against Sweetwater but managed just 50 yards. This past weekend, however, the Pirates established the running game early and rode it to victory, chewing up 414 yards in the process." Do you really think the game would go very much differenly if swater wouldnt have got the int. no

Da Mules
09-08-2005, 07:41 AM
send em all: Yes the center does go out for a pass in 11-man football.... on the swinging gate. So that way we're ready for either six-man or 3a and YOUR SANDLOT TEAM TOO :rolleyes: