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View Full Version : Update on my girlfriend (meningitis)...

big daddy russ
09-03-2005, 11:09 AM
We went to St. Luke's in Houston early yesterday morning fearing the worst. The ER physician (who was awesome even though they were swamped with refugees) took a quick look at her and told us there was nothing to worry about. Phew!!!

She has a mild case of viral meningitis, and it'll take one to two months to completely get over it but she'll be OK.

In case you don't know, bacterial meningitis is the bad one. I was reading up on it online before we left for Houston the other night and 15% of patients who DO GET TREATMENT for the disease still die. That's about one out of every eight patients that make it into the hospital. The way I was seeing things, that's better than the NFC's chances of winning the SuperBowl, but she's OK and she's up and running right now, griping at me because I'm on the DL.

BTW, yesterday afternoon we went to a dermatologist to get those spots checked. The doctor told us to get them checked out just in case that was some sort of rash we could treat. They had popped up two days after our Frio trip and now we know why.

He took another quick look and knew exactly what it was. He asked her if she had been to the beach lately. She told him about the river trip and then he asked her if she had any margaritas or had cut any limes.

But we don't drink...

...OK, maybe we drank just a little.

Apparently, there's a chemical in limes called soralin (sp?) that can get into the skin and when it's exposed to a lot of sun a chemical reaction can take place that causes spots. It's rare, but that's what she had.

Oh, and she saw all the people praying for her last night when I got on the DL. She was very touched and wanted me to thank everyone. You guys are always there when we need you. I've never seen another forum that takes people in like this one does. It really is a family in a sense of the word. So thank you all.

09-03-2005, 11:11 AM
Thats great to hear!!!!! I've never heard about that lime thing, interesting.......

09-03-2005, 11:15 AM
Great news Russ! I am glad Amanda is doing better!

09-03-2005, 11:18 AM
That's just great, Russ--so glad to hear the good news. You and that gal will be taking some more river trips real soon. Have fun together.

09-03-2005, 11:24 AM
good news russ

09-03-2005, 11:30 AM
The power of prayer is a wonderful thing. I'm very happy she will be ok, Russ. That is good news indeed.

09-03-2005, 11:44 AM
Great news Russ.:D

LH Panther Mom
09-03-2005, 11:48 AM
Glad to hear that she's doing better. I had heard the "lime" thing before, but forgot until now.

09-03-2005, 09:48 PM
I am happy to hear she will be okay!!

09-03-2005, 09:57 PM
dang Russ, i'm glad to hear Amanda is alright. Tell her I said hello and to get feeling better soon!

Bandera YaYa
09-03-2005, 10:03 PM
OMG i totally forgot to tell you about the lime thing in my "what to bring camping" thread.....it's all my fault.....I remembered the first aid kit, the towels, the extra towels, the silverware, the paper towels, the extra towels, the sunscreen, the flip flops, the lip balm, the extra towels, the poker chips, the bug spray.......BUT I FORGOT TO INFORM YOU ABOUT THE DANGERS OF LIMES AND SUN...... :crying: :crying:

...( glad she is feeling better...) :D

09-03-2005, 10:32 PM
Glad to hear Amanda is doing ok.

09-03-2005, 10:49 PM
Glad to hear it's "just" viral meningitis; seriously, I had it, she won't feel very well, but she'll be okay eventually, and that ends up being the most important thing. Had no clue @ the lime/sun reaction. Prayers will continue for her to keep her head up, be there for her.