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View Full Version : Katrina worse than 9/11

08-31-2005, 02:43 PM
i know most of you wont agree with me because our national security hasnt been compromised, but i think this katrina situation is rapidly approaching the levels of 9/11. lets look at it:

Death: NOLA - Estimates between 1,000-8,000 is what we're seeing so far. 9/11 was 3,500

Homelessness: NOLA- Possibly hundreds of thousands of people left without homes for a minimum of 6 months. 9/11- homelessness wasnt really an issue

Power: NOLA - Power not expected to be restored completely to the area for a minimum of 1 month. 9/11- Power restored to functional buildings within about 2 weeks.

Looting: NOLA - rampant armed looting taking place. 9/11- No looting reported (to my knowledge)

Chaos: NOLA - mass chaos, gunmen in the streets, looting, police standing idly by with power to do nothing. 9/11- Feeling of goodwill spread throughout, people helping people to get through it.

Economic Impact - NOLA- just about all of NOLA has been destroyed or is under water. Tourism will be an afterthough for a minimum of 3 years. 9/11 - WTC hit and financial district hit, but other tourist venues unharmed, and tourism returned to NYC within the year.

Obviously being hit by flying planes into office buildings to cause 3,500 people to die is huge. I'm not underplaying that. that was a matter of national security also. but this is huge. i dont think the average american living outside of LA, MS, and Alabama are understanding the magnitude of whats going on.

Phil C
08-31-2005, 02:48 PM
Also the thing is they are asking us to open our wallets up and start drives but look at the Fat Cats. I am not just talking about the oil industry who are price gouging as I have said and taking money out of our wallets just to get gas to work but also some hotels around the country. There are hotels in Houston and around the country charging victim's $200 per night instead of showing some compassion. It is the case that people use other's misery to get rich. Usually I refer to Fat Cats as they greedy oil industry but they are in all kinds of business though. They are everywhere!

08-31-2005, 02:54 PM
to an extent, you could be right, but 911 was totally unexpected and caused everyone to be insecure because it could happen any moment here on out. the hurricane was projected and if people werent stupid, there would have been less death and injury.

08-31-2005, 02:57 PM
I dont understand how people can be so low to charge people during this situation. Wait i guess that is what money can do to a person.

Owen B
08-31-2005, 03:14 PM
They're two completely different sorts of events, and comparisons of either to the other distorts its significance.

Economic impact might be a reasonable point of comparison, but you ignored most of the economic impact of 9/11, of which the impact on New York City was a relatively small portion. Katrina's impact on the national and global economy will be much smaller than that of 9/11.

08-31-2005, 03:24 PM
Yes. The NYSE has never been the same since 9/11

However. I feel that both events should have been avoided. By avoiding the hurr, i mean death toll wise.

08-31-2005, 03:40 PM
Here is a fat cat pitching in

http://www.sharebuilder.com/sharebuilder/Research/StockDetail.asp?Mode=News&SubMode=article&symbol=CVX&sid=884946&guid=%7BD657F869%2D2CB7%2D426D%2DBF54%2D5EBE20A08E A7%7D&title=Company+News