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Old Cardinal
01-19-2004, 02:28 PM
I will kick it off with a true story--I had a geology Prof in college that had once taught Bob Lilly(famous early linemen for Abilene Christian College and also the Dallas Cowboys)...It seems that on a test the question was- What is a xygote?-The answer is, (the first juncture of cell-life formed by a male and female).... Well ole Bob Lilly thought for a long time and then wrote down this answer..."A cross between and Zebra and a Goat!".....Please share a funny famous athlete story or joke with us!

01-19-2004, 03:20 PM
When I was in the 5th grade I lived in an apartment complex about 15 miles west of Texas Stadium. At the time there was a new young running back for the Dallas Cowboys named Walt Garrison. Well ole Walt Lived in the apartment directly upstairs from us, and one time on the fourth of July about 10pm........(you will have to pm me if you want the rest of the story)...I don't want to get sued for telling this x-rated story. :D

01-19-2004, 07:58 PM
A boss of mine went to school with Don Maynard in Big Spring, TX. For you younsters, Don Maynard is a Hall of Fame wide receiver that played for the New York Jets in the early 1960's.

In the off season Don was a plumber (back then the players did not make enough to not have an off season job). In one of his trips back to Big Spring, my boss asked Don why he took up plumbing. Don said that learning the play book and preparing for opponents required a great deal of studying and mental preperation. With plumbing you only had to remember two things:
1) Pipe don't stretch and
2) Crap don't run uphill.

01-19-2004, 11:48 PM
When i lived in San Antonio... I was working at HEB... and this short guy walked in, and was buying milk.. thing is.. guy had a weird accent, and i was pissed off... so i was a total arse and very rude...
turns out, the next customer says, "whoa man, did you know who that was?"
i just said, "Some guy who talked funny"
customer turns and says: "yeah, some guy named Tony Parker"
so i go quickyly to the door and look for the guy, and he gets into a car with his initialls and his number on the license plate... freaked me out... turns out.. i was rude to Tony Parker

BullFrog Dad
01-20-2004, 12:30 PM
Early in Muhammad Ali's boxing career he had a title fight with a boxer by the name of Chuck Wepner. Wepner was so confident that he was going to win he told his wife to buy the sexiest night gown she could find because after the fight she'd be sleeping with the Heavyweight Champion. Ali won easily. Wepner's wife ask later after the fight "Chuck do I go to Mr. Ali's room or is he coming to mine?"

01-20-2004, 02:33 PM
My dad stopped George Foreman for speeding, twice in about three years! About 10-15 years ago.

slpybear the bullfan
01-21-2004, 01:32 PM
I am just now reading the book by Charlie Waters and Cliff Harris. It is absolutely hilarious, being filled with anecdote after anecdote.

One of my favorites was when Cliff had been drafted, Gil Brandt was sent out to close the deal. Bonuses were discussed, etc. Cliff said that Gil was absolutely dressed to the T, including an awesome pair of alligator shoes. Cliff had mentioned how awesome they were, and lo and behold, the next signining offer came with a box delivered to Cliff. Inside the box was a pair of the exact shoes Gil had worn, but fitted to Cliff's feet exactly. It blew Cliff away and shortly thereafter he aggreed to a contract.

The deal was closed and when Cliff signed the contract weeks later, he noticed a line item that read, "Alligator Shoes -$116.50" Cliff realized that he had just bought those shoes.

I guess Gil got the last laugh!