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View Full Version : Pilot Point 23, Quinlan Ford 22 Final

11-14-2003, 11:29 PM

11-14-2003, 11:46 PM
Man...I didn't see that coming but way to go Pilot Point.

eye of the tiger
11-15-2003, 12:11 AM
Bearcats get tough in the playoffs. WTG guys. A sweep for 9-AAA. As a true blue(no make that orange and black) member of 10-AAA I extend congratulations. I probably should add something like "wait til next year" After all it is only about nine months to zero week. Ill be cheering for you next week. Keep up the good work.

11-15-2003, 11:37 AM
Thanks E.O.T.T. and Rabbit,

I felt good about this game all week. I figured we would match up well and be able to contain the running game, and this is just what happened. You really got to give it to a coach that "knows" he can get a two point conversion for a win in overtime. :D

eye of the tiger
11-15-2003, 03:01 PM
PPHS I thought the 2 point conversion call was awesome. Gutsy call from a coach that knows what he is doing.

11-15-2003, 05:52 PM
Coach G.A. showed a lot of confidence in his Offense to go for the 2pt. conversion. Well done PP

11-15-2003, 05:54 PM
There aren't many coaches who would put it ALL on the line in the playoffs on just one play. It was indeed a gutsy call! Well done PP and GA.

11-15-2003, 11:37 PM
I think the call was gutsy too, but then I have to think that he knew what he was doing. G.A. Moore does not think like the rest of us. In his mind he probably knew how they had been lining up and knew that the 2 point conversion was the right decision. What really impressed me was the fact that Quinlan came into this game averaging 44 points per game and 600 yards of offense, and PP held them to 15 points before the overtime. That, I think was where the real coaching shows up. Anyway, congrats to G.A. and the boys. The road just get's tougher, but I don't need to tell them that.

11-16-2003, 12:12 AM
Wasn't that the ineligable kid that caught the winning pass? Boy, GA thinks of everything. No wonder he was willing to make PP look like they think they are above the rules everybody else has to live by.

He knew he would need the kid to win a game, UIL be damned. What a genius.

11-16-2003, 12:18 AM

You need to take that childish crybaby crap back over to the PIG. We don't play that over here.

11-16-2003, 12:25 AM
Don't want to talk about it? Just cause you got your butt kicked on the PIG and your buddies over here are ignoring it doesn't mean you can bluster you way through it with me.

The governing body that runs HS football in TX has TWICE ruled your boy ineligable, so you won the game with an illegal player. How much do you want to bet that won't be the final ruling genius?

11-16-2003, 12:27 AM
Goodbye Fletch

11-16-2003, 12:36 AM
Good night PPHSfan, but i'll leave you with one final thought/question....

I feel sorry for all of the good PP players and fans (you included), that must be wondering what in the h*** that old man is thinking?


11-16-2003, 01:08 AM
Wasn't that the ineligable kid that caught the winning pass? Boy, GA thinks of everything. No wonder he was willing to make PP look like they think they are above the rules everybody else has to live by.

He knew he would need the kid to win a game, UIL be damned. What a genius.words of a sore loser .............

11-16-2003, 03:45 AM
regardless of whether or not Hatten (sp may be off) played, PP out played Quinlan. Hats off to G.A., he hasn't been successful for this long for no reason.

11-16-2003, 09:17 AM
Don't want to talk about it? Just cause you got your butt kicked on the PIG and your buddies over here are ignoring it doesn't mean you can bluster you way through it with me.

The governing body that runs HS football in TX has TWICE ruled your boy ineligable, so you won the game with an illegal player. How much do you want to bet that won't be the final ruling genius?As Russell used to say on Fat Albert, " NO CLASS ".

11-16-2003, 10:28 PM
If taking up for the UIL and the rules that everybody in it has agreed to live by is "no class", then you Sinton must belong to TAPPS.

Ask your AD what he thinks about it Einstein. Hello! anybody home? Do you even understand the issue?

11-16-2003, 10:33 PM
I was talking about your "got your butt kicked on the pig" comment, brainiac. The pig is where that crap belongs. If you can't keep it intelligent, stay the hell off.

PhiI C
11-16-2003, 10:44 PM

11-16-2003, 10:50 PM
I'll stand by my comments. Go there and check it out. I'll wait....

Find anyone defending PPhomer?

Can you?

Why is the Pig the place to talk about serious issues? I've been following this board for a long time and there have been plenty of good discussions held here, not just mindless cheerleading and trash talk.

I also enjoy PPHSfan's posts as much as anyone, and do not have anything against PP and their fans. I just thought this issue is bigger than GA calling a good play to win a game , if he persists in using an ineligable player in the face of 2 UIL rulings. Can anyone here defend that?

<small>[ November 16, 2003, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Fletch ]</small>

11-16-2003, 11:08 PM
I don't care. This ISN'T the pig. If you think you have a legitimate complaint, then write a letter to the UIL. As far as I know, there are no UIL officials on this site. Therefore your post is stupid and pointless since no one here can do anything about it anyway. If you are going to come on here and start tossing about allegations, you'd better be able to back it up with facts, not suspicions.

<small>[ November 16, 2003, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

Owen B
11-16-2003, 11:26 PM

I think that the eligibility question is a legitimate issue. A more important issue is whether or not the UIL can effectively enforce its rules, which are adopted by vote of the member schools. You didn't discuss either of those issues. Instead, you slammed Coach Moore, when there is no indication of wrongdoing on his part in this matter. I think that is what you were called on.

No matter what the facts are, and no matter what the results of the legal proceedings are, Coach Moore was presented with a court ruling that the kid was eligible to play (actually a restraining order negating the ineligible ruling until a trial can be held). He didn't file the suit, he just abided by the court's ruling. I don't see how you can fault him for that.

Mustang '89
11-16-2003, 11:35 PM
I know this off the subject, but what is the PIG and how do I find it.

Chief Woodman
11-16-2003, 11:41 PM
I for one don't think you can fault GA or PP for playing this guy with a restrainig order in place.
(Funny however that the hearing is not scheduled until spring when this issuue should have been settled BEFORE the playoffs began.)

Just as a point of intrest...what if....PP wins the state title...then the player is ruled to be illegal this spring. Does PP have to give back every trophy? What about the team that did not get to go to the playoffs because of the legal sidesteping of the issue? Those boys got robed of a once in a lifetime chance(if he is ruled illegal). I have no problem with the parents seeking due process in the courts. Just it is really stupid for the decision to be put off untill long after it really matters and nothing can be done to make it right for whoever missed the playoffs.

11-16-2003, 11:42 PM
www.txpreps.com (http://www.txpreps.com)

Trust me, you'll decide you like this one much better.

Mustang '89
11-16-2003, 11:52 PM
www.txpreps.com (http://www.txpreps.com)

Trust me, you'll decide you like this one much better.Sorry I asked!!! :( :( frown

11-16-2003, 11:53 PM
Chief, that's an awful lot of IFS that will not, CANNOT be settled on this forum. The school nor the coach have any control over the court or the timeliness of their proceedings, so why even bring it up?

11-17-2003, 12:05 AM
Mustang '89:

www.txpreps.com (http://www.txpreps.com)

Trust me, you'll decide you like this one much better.Sorry I asked!!! :( :( :(Sorry, didn't mean to sound so gruff. There is a LOT of this kind of bickering going on over there. I chose this one a long time ago, because the IQ is much higher on this site.

Mustang '89
11-17-2003, 12:10 AM

Mustang '89:

www.txpreps.com (http://www.txpreps.com)

Trust me, you'll decide you like this one much better.Sorry I asked!!! :( :( :( Sorry, didn't mean to sound so gruff. There is a LOT of this kind of bickering going on over there. I chose this one a long time ago, because the IQ is much higher on this site.I didn't mean it that way. I was saying sorry I asked because I went over there and it didn't look very good. Very hard to follow along with the threads and too many clicks to make it readable. And I also thought it was broken up into divisions. Lot of info that I don't care about.

11-17-2003, 12:37 AM
I tried to remain silent on this issue because I knew that the good folks on this board have way to much class to to talk trash about something that in which they do not have all of the facts.

However, since it seems that a someone from somewhere else, where the level of couth is only preceeded by the intolerance of research, has insisted that I answer, I am going to make one comment in this matter.

I have no comment.

Furthermore, unless you are the party involved, and you actually know exactly what is going on in this situation, you should not have a comment either.

It is one thing to show some good banter in the name of good sportsmanship, and to try and get a spirited game out of your team by razzing your opponent. It is however, another matter altogether, to run down the name of a Minor Child in an open public forum, just because someone "guarantees they know the whole story."

I don't believe for a minute, that ANYONE who has an opinion in this matter, and is also typing something about it on a sports bulletin board, knows even a small percentage of actual fact in this case. Furthermore I challenge anyone who ever thought that they had been wrongfully accused of something, to just sit quietly and allow a system to tell them that they don't have a voice.

In conclusion, I myself do not know anymore about this case than the next "expert in the know", but I do know this......when the smoke clears and the dust settles, it is a shame that a pissing contest between adults, hurts no one other than the kids. And I honestly pray that none of you ever find yourselves in a position that you have to suffer ridicule for standing up for something you believe in, all the while having to watch your children do the suffering.

This is my answer to your question, now show some respect for the kids, and let this thread die.

11-17-2003, 10:03 AM
Well, you're right about that it's the adults. My post never mentioned any name but GA and didn't condemn the kid, whom I know well. I was only sickened by your mindless kissing of GA's butt for being such a genius, when he is thumbing his nose at the system. And it is him, you just don't want to admit it.

So give the PP kids credit, and i'll shut up .

11-17-2003, 10:04 AM
Well, you're right about the fact that it's the adults fault. My post never mentioned any name but GA and didn't condemn the kid, whom I know well.

I was only sickened by your mindless kissing of GA's butt for being such a genius, when he is thumbing his nose at the system. And it IS him, you just don't want to admit it.

So give the PP kids credit, and i'll shut up .