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08-17-2005, 11:32 AM
I have always wondered what young HS players really think of old guys like me who are always trying to "help out" by trying to get them "fired up" and encouraged for a game. I stand in the spirit line and hit them hard on the shoulder pads as they go by and yell "Drive hard" ,"Be a warrior", or "Eye of the Tiger"-- I know some of them that do not know me probably think--"Who is this crazy old man"--but my motive is purely one of enjoying watching young men get excited enough to want to do their very best on the field for themselves and their school, and if I can help in that regard, I love to do it---and no, I am not trying to live vicariously through them---I gave that up a long time ago. Whenever I see the players and coaches around town, I enjoy telling them that I appreciate their efforts, and comment directly to them or their parents when I know that a player excelled or made a good play in a game. I don't try to tell our coaches how to coach--I'm a businessman--but I really enjoy talking the finer points of the game with them. Anyhow--I just hope these young players understand that I really enjoy the game of high school football more than any other athletic event and hope that they don't mind "indulging" me on occassion as I try to encourage them in a positive manner---I just hope they don't tire too quickly of my "back in the day" glory stories or catch me telling the same one twice. I just can't wait for week "0" this year. Hope you all have as much fun during this season as I am, and you, your kids, and your teams have a fun-filled, injury-free, and successful season.

Fish's mom
08-17-2005, 02:00 PM
Bull, I believe they enjoy it and it boost them. My son told me it gets him hyped up and he learns from the "older" men that talk about the past. But he did come home the other day and ask me"why is it that everyone in town when they see him ask him "how the team is this year and are we going to win?"But he said it jokingly because he says that it makes him feel good that they ask and seem to listen to what he tells them. He tells them all the same " Yes sir,we're going to win and we're going farther this year"

08-17-2005, 09:34 PM

08-17-2005, 09:37 PM
Keep up the good work.:clap:

08-17-2005, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Fish's mom
"how the team is this year and are we going to win?"

I get asked that an im not on varsity.........I loved bein on Varsity during the playoffs last year that was a great experiance running out iwth then and all that

08-17-2005, 10:09 PM
i think its great how you support your team.....keep it up

08-17-2005, 10:21 PM
Bull, I grew up waiting for the day that I would get the chance to walk that line and when it was finally my turn I had a ball. Fans like you are what high school football is all about.

08-17-2005, 10:30 PM
i just finished up my career 3 years ago and i wouldn't say that it hyped me up because i already was, but the fact that they were out there supporting us and going crazy for us felt good and added to the memories, i like going back and looking at our playoff tapes and seeing the HUGE spirit lines, kinda brings back that old familiar feeling