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View Full Version : Best Conditioning Programs

07-20-2002, 09:09 AM
We all know the saying "Championships are won in the off-season". This statement has a lot of truth to it. Weight training , conditioning and overall discipline are essential ingredients to winning programs. Often, when determining why some programs seem to have winning records and an endless stream of talent, this fundamental truth is overlooked. Committing to a year round program involves dedication and committment from the players and coaches. Many potential players with size, speed, and athletic ability, do not play football due to their inability to dedicate themselves to such an intense program. Other programs are hit and miss and never really get a consistant system established. Some teams are so well organized that youngsters are brought up through the system beginning in the 7th grade(Pee-Wee programs notwithstanding). If you follow these young men, many drop out and the few who remain have demonstrated real dedication and discipline by the time they reach varsity level. The training programs develop players, which explains why some schools have so many great athletes year in and year out. La Grange has such a program, a tribute to the professionalism of its coaching staff and desire of its youth. What have you to say about the programs of your favorite teams?

[This message has been edited by Pudlugger (edited July 20, 2002).]

07-20-2002, 12:38 PM
I would put Barbers Hill's offseason program against any in the state, 1-5A. Visiting coaches are always impressed with the toughness of our players. All this is due to our offseason program. Kids make large improvements in weights and running year round.


07-21-2002, 05:46 PM
I don't know any specifics about Wimberley's program (I think I heard the name Ultaquest thrown around????), but I know that a lot of the kids came back at the beginning of last season and you could just see how much bigger they were than the year before. I'll be curoius to see what changes come with Coach Nelms, I've heard from several people that his training programs emphasize speed and endurance over strength, but have no idea if that is really true.