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View Full Version : Remembering Nagasaki

Phil C
08-09-2005, 08:19 AM
It was exactly sixty years ago that the USA dropped the second atom bomb on Japan on the city of Nagasaki. After the first bomb had hit Hiroshima the Japanese still refused to surrender. On August 8 the an unneeded USSR declared war on Japan no doubt wanting to get more territory as people under its power bent their knees to the tyrany (55 years later their sons and grandsons refused to bend their knees and communism got kicked out of the USSR and Eastern Europe). To save American lives (and Japanese lives too) and stop communism from having an opportunity to spread even more President Truman ordered the second bomb to fall on August 9, 1945 and it was dropped on Nagasaki. Japan wisely realized the futility of the war now and surrendered on August 10, 1945 thus bringing the costliest war ever to an end.