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08-05-2005, 01:44 PM
NCAA Bans Indian Mascots During Postseason
Friday, August 05, 2005

INDIANAPOLIS — The NCAA banned the use of American Indian mascots by sports teams during its postseason tournaments, but will not prohibit them otherwise.

The NCAA's executive committee decided this week the organization did not have the authority to bar Indian mascots by individual schools, committee chairman Walter Harrison said Friday.

Nicknames or mascots deemed "hostile or abusive" would not be allowed by teams on their uniforms or other clothing beginning with any NCAA tournament after Feb. 1, said Harrison, the University of Hartford's president.

"What each institution decides to do is really its own business" outside NCAA championship events, he said.

Guidelines were not immediately available on which logos and nicknames would be considered "hostile or abusive."

The NCAA two years ago recommended that schools determine for themselves whether the Indian depictions were offensive.

Among the schools to change nicknames in recent years over such concerns were St. John's (from Redmen (search) to Red Storm) and Marquette (from Warriors to Golden Eagles).

The NCAA plans to ban schools using Indian nicknames from hosting postseason events. Harrison said schools with such mascots that have already been selected as tournament sites would be asked to cover any offensive logos.

Such logos also would be prohibited at postseason games on cheerleader and band uniforms starting in 2008.

Old Dog
08-05-2005, 04:27 PM
Sometimes in life you find things that make you say "this can't be for real", but guess what..... IT IS! This polictically correct C$$P has gone way beyond common sense.

I could rail on this for hours, but nobody really wants to hear it. The NCAA's first thought was the correct one (if one was needed), let each school decide for itself and deal with it.

Phil C
08-05-2005, 09:41 PM
I wonder why they didn't ban it during the regular season. The NCAA saying it doesn't have authority during the regular season. Sure!

08-05-2005, 09:50 PM
NCAA is turning into a dictatorship lately....the guy that is over the Racism/Symbol board thing at NCAA is a Native American...i imagine they will have some serious legal fights w/ Florida State who has permission from the Seminole nation to use them as their mascot....Also the Illini of Illinios will prolly not be too happy...they have just begun this fight...it will go through the courts before we see the end of it...