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View Full Version : Burnet fans never be Cocky

09-05-2003, 09:46 AM
Burnet fans,

Never stick your chest out in pride thinking that no one can ever beat you. Be too boastful will lead to someone beating you and then you the team will beat you. I bet Shipley is talking to the boys saying that never be too prideful and that there is someone also out to beat you. Weird stuff happens, but if Burnet lose one game that doesn't mean the end of the world. Everman lost a game last year and ended up winning State. For Burnet to do well tonight they must shutdown their running game like they did towards Regan last week. Also, make them win by passing because when their pride and joy is gone, then they will in despearate trouble. Also, Chris Levens CANNOT fumble 5 times against Regan last week. It didn't hurt Burnet last week, but it may come back to bite them later on if this becomes a problem. You know that their be a bunch of people tonight, but be positive and don't be too cocky tonight. Have fun and I hope Burnet wins. :p

09-05-2003, 10:36 AM
Their is a fine line when it comes to being cocky and confident. I think every football team needs to have "a little stagger in their walk" but their has to be a line. Teams need to feel like they cannot be beaten IF they execute. So I think teams need to be a LITTLE cocky. With that said, People don't need to go around yelling and boasting that they cannot be beaten and they are the best team ever. Like I said earlier, know where to draw the line and have a little modesty.

Ranger Mom
09-05-2003, 10:42 AM
If they have a little "swagger" in their walk, I'm not too concerned. If they have a little "stagger" in their walk....then I am gonna worry!!! :D :D :D

09-05-2003, 12:54 PM
My bad. Just typing too fast

09-05-2003, 02:44 PM
I'm from Burnet, and while I agree with your post whole-heartedly... please know that just because SWTDog says that Burnet can't be beaten, does not mean that every shares that opinion. Don't let your disgust with one poster, effect your vision of an entire team, town or community of fans. We aren't all like that. I certainly hope we are not beaten, but I also am intelligent enough to know it could most definantly happen.

Chris Hart
09-06-2003, 05:17 PM
Well guys and girls I haven't been around since last Monday, due to my motherboard being fried by lightning and therefore didn't get the chance to see SWT's post about Burnet can't be beaten. So please don't judge us all because of one moron. There are many teams that can beat Burnet on a given Friday night. I expect Killeen Shoemaker to play a great game against us this coming Friday night, and Marlin is in town two weeks later. Then district comes around with Liberty Hill, Bandera, Wimberley, Llano and Ingram. Some of them games could be tough as well. I hate the fact that someone that supports Burnet posted such a rediculous topic. :mad:

I am operating on an old and slow PC at the present time, but WILL be around to TRY and keep the Burnet followers from making a fool of themselves and the community. Good luck Burnet Bulldogs! :)

<small>[ September 06, 2003, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Chris Hart ]</small>

09-06-2003, 07:17 PM
Chris Hart:
.... :mad:
I am operating on an old and slow PC at the present time, but WILL be around to TRY and keep the Burnet followers from making a fool of themselves and the community. Good luck Burnet Bulldogs! :) Chris, you have my sympathies. Last year, several of us from Jasper did our very best to calm down some presumably youthful posters, with very little apparent success. They did absolutely nothing to help the Jasper team and made many in Texas hate Jasper. I hope you have better luck for Burnet. Personally, I look to the Everman fans for the perfect example. They have walked the walk, but you still get little, if any trash talk from their fans.

09-06-2003, 08:09 PM
Burnet as well as Sealy have an "over confident" poster. I think it is way to early to be so confident. You have to believe in your team without stepping over the "cocky" line. Most do not judge the team/fans from one poster who is obviously wound too tight.

09-06-2003, 10:42 PM
Hmm, now what was it that happened the last two times Burnet met up with a little team called....... Bellville?

09-07-2003, 01:18 AM
Hmm, now what was it that happened the last two times Burnet met up with a little team called....... Bellville?The same thing that's going to happened to your spineless heros out in New Mexico.

09-07-2003, 01:21 AM
Hmm, now what was it that happened the last two times Burnet met up with a little team called....... Bellville?wasnt this thread about not talking trash and being overconfident? just curious, but i can tell you about the bellville meetings, at least the first one. i graduated the year that we played bellville the first time, which was in the 2000-2001 school year. that was when we had our old head coach and a.d. ed abernathy who wouldnt utilize our talent on our team. he ran the same old wishbone formation and ran the same belly plays and veer options over and over again, and every so often would try and incorporate a pass into the game plan. as most of you know, the wishbone worked in the 80's and early 90's, bc thats the offense ol abernathy used in 91 when burnet made it to state then. but honestly, over the last decade of football the option has been dismantled by defensive geniuses and has been made almost ineffective. im not saying that was the only reason bellville beat our team, bc they were certainly a very talented team, but it didnt help that we ran an offense that was almost as old as our coach. anywhoo, thats just my speil on that, and dont worry about SWTDAWG, hes just a little overzealous bc his little brother is playing, and honestly i would probly be just as confident and excited as he is, just wouldnt be near as vocal and cocky sounding, sometimes we say things the wrong way, and get burned for it, and i think that this is just one of those instances. i graduated with him, and he never struck me as a cocky or arrogant person. so, um, yeah, ill shut up now :D