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08-03-2005, 03:30 PM
Why do so many of yall be hate'n on decatur

08-03-2005, 03:33 PM
Now I've got the "Humpty Dance" bouncing around in my brain. :doh:

BullFrog Dad
08-03-2005, 03:34 PM
Look at my previous posts about Decatur and you'll see that I've spoken highly of the town and its' athletics. As far as my earlier post today about this FB season for the Eagles I'm sticking with it.

08-03-2005, 03:34 PM
due that dance

08-03-2005, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Humpty
Why do so many of yall be hate'n on decatur

I missed all the hate'n , Humpty. What happened?
I helped move my brother in law to decatur couple months ago. He's working in the gas fields. There are so many gas wells up there, the cattle can't even walk around in the pastures without bumping into them.
I assume you're rich like everybody else up there!?

08-03-2005, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Humpty
Why do so many of yall be hate'n on decatur

One person is "so many"?

HighSchool Fan
08-03-2005, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Humpty
Why do so many of yall be hate'n on decatur

who's been hating on decatur?? if you say me, ktj, keith7 or koosh, i wouldn't call it hating on decatur. maybe just on someone who talks trash about our school then runs off and hides.

08-03-2005, 03:37 PM
what about their JV and Freshman teams that beat yall as well as other in their district?

08-03-2005, 03:40 PM
not rich, but I am holding my own.

HighSchool Fan
08-03-2005, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Humpty
what about their JV and Freshman teams that beat yall as well as other in their district?

that don't mean anything. when i was in school we didn't lose a game from 7th thru JV. then as Varsity we wasn't near as good. let's just meet back in a month or so and see what happens.

08-03-2005, 03:54 PM
let me tell you my experiences with the Decatur fans last fall.
The Wylie game in Decatur, I cant find the stadium. I stop at Wal Mart to getr directions from some people in the parking lot. Three different people didnt know. I asked if they lived in Decatur. Yes they did they all responded. So I go to a gas station, the guy in a decatur tee shirt say, " Oh you dont need to go. We are gonna beat the HELL outta yall." My kids were with me so I couldnt punk him out on the spot.
after the butt whipping we stop at Braums. Im talkign to a guy in line. My head is held low. This crap spews out of his mouth, " I wish he (coach) would let em score a hundred points. I really think we could have tonight."

The playoff game in Stephenville:
At a BBQ restuarant Four different groups made comments such as and I quote;
" I cant believe yall even showed up."
" I think we will probably put 60 on Wylie tonight"
" Got the basketballs aired up?"
" We are gonna kick yall @$$."

That my friend is why there are Decatur Haters. And Im running for President.

Its okay to be confident, but at least win something before you are. You arent even normally in the playoffs or advance very far so win something then maybe you can talk. You had a three year span where you had some good athletes and we will see if that dries out. I wont lie I have watched 4 Eeagle games in the last 3 years and I will freely admit that there were some good good good football players, good coaching, and a great scheme.

08-03-2005, 03:56 PM

don't be "hate'n":doh:

08-03-2005, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
let me tell you my experiences with the Decatur fans last fall.
The Wylie game in Decatur, I cant find the stadium. I stop at Wal Mart to getr directions from some people in the parking lot. Three different people didnt know. I asked if they lived in Decatur. Yes they did they all responded. So I go to a gas station, the guy in a decatur tee shirt say, " Oh you dont need to go. We are gonna beat the HELL outta yall." My kids were with me so I couldnt punk him out on the spot.
after the butt whipping we stop at Braums. Im talkign to a guy in line. My head is held low. This crap spews out of his mouth, " I wish he (coach) would let em score a hundred points. I really think we could have tonight."

The playoff game in Stephenville:
At a BBQ restuarant Four different groups made comments such as and I quote;
" I cant believe yall even showed up."
" I think we will probably put 60 on Wylie tonight"
" Got the basketballs aired up?"
" We are gonna kick yall @$$."

That my friend is why there are Decatur Haters. And Im running for President.

Its okay to be confident, but at least win something before you are. You arent even normally in the playoffs or advance very far so win something then maybe you can talk. You had a three year span where you had some good athletes and we will see if that dries out. I wont lie I have watched 4 Eeagle games in the last 3 years and I will freely admit that there were some good good good football players, good coaching, and a great scheme.

No matter what school or town you you go to, there is always somebody talking trash. They just have to find you.

08-03-2005, 04:17 PM
and i'm your local liberty high school panthers representative

08-03-2005, 04:31 PM
Decatur is a great place with great coaches and great kids. Decatur will be a lot better than most people think. And by the way batman loves to do the humpty dance.

08-03-2005, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by koose
No matter what school or town you you go to, there is always somebody talking trash. They just have to find you.

Im not talking about kids I am talking GROWN folk.

08-03-2005, 04:48 PM
those would be those who never found the joy of college football

08-03-2005, 04:48 PM
the humpty dance.

that guy had the biggest nose ever recorded in the history of man

HighSchool Fan
08-03-2005, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
Im not talking about kids I am talking GROWN folk.

hey now, i've got kinfolk over there, and you're absolutely correct in what your saying.

slpybear the bullfan
08-03-2005, 06:21 PM
As a loyal and true Bulls Fan... I have to excuse myself from this conversation.

Your Honor, may I step down now?


08-03-2005, 06:32 PM
Their fans are as annoying as a buncha dam beavers...

Actually, I have no clue, never seen 'em play, never been to the town, and until last season I thought it was pronounced 'Decka-ture'... I just felt like saying 'dam beavers'...

BUT, I will say I have not seen anyone 'hating'... saything they will not be near as good is doing two things and two things only... it is saying that they will not be as good OR that last year's team was so much better... wait, that makes no sense...

just get over it...

08-03-2005, 07:28 PM
So I have a Decatur story--

This was the first year Decatur was in our District. (1996-97 I believe) We were playing a basketball game at Decatur and it was pretty intense--why, I don't know. Anywho, the game was going back and forth and then both crowds (Gainesville and Decatur) were getting on the refs....which as a basketball referee now, I hate discussing other officials, but those guys were horrible. The refs stopped the game and said that the Gainesville fans were saying stuff and throwing things on the court...when it was clearly coming from the Decatur student section, which happened to be on the same side as the visitors (us) section--and that is also odd. So some lady prinicpal from Decatur with brownish/black curly hair came and sat in our student section and tried to be our mother. She told us to sit down and be quiet.

Now that situation doesn't make me hate Decatur but you always got the feeling that they thought of themselves as a little high and mightier than everyone else.

Did everyone enjoy my short story?

Also, I wish Decatur-ites would learn how to spell Gainesville. How hard is it to spell it correctly? :D

08-03-2005, 07:34 PM
Since we're discussing 'bad fans' type stories... I'll give you one of mine...

It was at a Cuero game... I forget who we were playing... but the refs made a bad call and some freshmen kid yells out 'You c***suckers'... a guy from a different school was standing in front of him and turned around and told him not to speak that way...

My parents never taught me to speak that way, that's for sure, but my step-cousin's did ;)

The guy was from Calallen... 4 years later I was posting on a message board... a thread about bad things that have happened at games came up... I mentioned what I had done and how bad I had felt about it for years... a guy sends me a PM, happens to be the guy who told me not to speak that way... I was like 'whoa'...

He said how he was glad that I have grown-up etc... was pretty nice... good guy...

I haven't said the word since, btw... ;)

08-03-2005, 09:05 PM
Here's a good story. HighSchoolFan may even remember this one. It was back around 1981. Collinsville vs. S&S Consolidated. We (S&S) are lined up to kick a extra point. A kid from Collinsville busts through the line before the ball is ever snapped and tags our holder. Both benches or sidelines I should say clear. I was about 11 years old and was behind the gold post getting ready to catch the kick. All I can remember is looking onto the field and seeing both sides spilling onto the field. My older brother was playing and was in the middle of it. It was quite an experience for a 11 year old.

08-03-2005, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Humpty
Why do so many of yall be hate'n on decatur

I can't quite recall 3 or 4 people hatin's on Decatur, but I do recall 1!

08-03-2005, 09:59 PM
Wheres Chief Woodman when you need him?:doh:

08-03-2005, 10:08 PM
Wow how did i forget about the year Wylie played Decatur in basketball in the playofs in Stephenville and the kid from Decatur pushed our best player to the floor an stomped on his face and got ejected. Their fans were yeliing stuff at the Wylie girl doign the stat book callign her b***h etc. I remember how rowdy those fans were. Yelling and screaming stuff. The game had the perfect sit down and shut up ending. Wylie throws a pass the length of the court and a kid lays it in at the buzzer. Wow i have quite the resume to be Decatur Hater President... :nerd:

Watch it...lhpm

08-03-2005, 10:12 PM
Was anyone else there the year Sweetwater beat Decatur? Now that was an awesome ending!

08-03-2005, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by wildstangs
Was anyone else there the year Sweetwater beat Decatur? Now that was an awesome ending!

I saw them play the week before against Iowa Park in Irving. Talk about a out of the way place to play. It wasnt at Texas Stadium as Irving may have led you to believe we are talking ghetto irving. Bars on the concession stand windows.

08-03-2005, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
Im not talking about kids I am talking GROWN folk.

I am talking about adults too. Most of the time they are worse than the kids.

Ranger Mom
08-03-2005, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
Since we're discussing 'bad fans' type stories... I'll give you one of mine...

It was at a Cuero game... I forget who we were playing... but the refs made a bad call and some freshmen kid yells out 'You c***suckers'... a guy from a different school was standing in front of him and turned around and told him not to speak that way...

My parents never taught me to speak that way, that's for sure, but my step-cousin's did ;)

The guy was from Calallen... 4 years later I was posting on a message board... a thread about bad things that have happened at games came up... I mentioned what I had done and how bad I had felt about it for years... a guy sends me a PM, happens to be the guy who told me not to speak that way... I was like 'whoa'...

He said how he was glad that I have grown-up etc... was pretty nice... good guy...

I haven't said the word since, btw... ;)

So that freshman of long ago....was you??

08-04-2005, 07:54 AM
Amen, injured - they're a classless bunch.

HighSchool Fan
08-04-2005, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by turbostud
Here's a good story. HighSchoolFan may even remember this one. It was back around 1981. Collinsville vs. S&S Consolidated. We (S&S) are lined up to kick a extra point. A kid from Collinsville busts through the line before the ball is ever snapped and tags our holder. Both benches or sidelines I should say clear. I was about 11 years old and was behind the gold post getting ready to catch the kick. All I can remember is looking onto the field and seeing both sides spilling onto the field. My older brother was playing and was in the middle of it. It was quite an experience for a 11 year old.

good story. i've only been in collinsville for 3yrs. wish i was there to see it tho.

BullFrog Dad
08-04-2005, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by olddawggreen
Wheres Chief Woodman when you need him?:doh: I was wondering the same thing. CW was pretty active on this board a year ago. As far as Decatur and their fans, I've been there many times the last four years for sports and always found them to be a class group. Good Luck to them and all the schools in 7-3A.

08-04-2005, 10:03 AM
It's human nature to form opinions---good and bad-- based on our experiences with almost anything, including football fans and programs. It is unfortunate that some of you have had some "bad" experiences in Decatur. Decatur has been Bridgeport's chief rival for many years, and the level of competition between our schools and towns is one of the most intense in Texas, but I personally cannot characterize their entire town or athletic programs as being distinctly different from many other athletic programs on the rise in recent years. Sure, there are some folks in Decatur that I don't particuliarly like their attitude or behavior at athletic events, but Decatur doesn't have a monopoly on this behavior---I know many of the Decatur coaches and many Decatur fans, and they are fine people. Mind you---come game time--they are the "enemy" and the Bulls are gonna try and beat the Eagles any legal way we can, but their kids and fans bleed "red" blood just like we do.

08-04-2005, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
So that freshman of long ago....was you??


08-04-2005, 01:12 PM
LeonJr to the rescue. Whazzzzz uppp, Humpty. (Yeah I did!-Old school beer slogan). Batman, you vest wearing Leopard...I still got love for ya. All LeonJr knows is that, the Decatur\Gainesville will be won in the 2nd Half. That goes for the Rd.2 game in the playoffs. Do the Humpty Dance... Holla back Batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-04-2005, 01:58 PM
Speaking of bad fans and bad sportsmanship.

I remember back in 90 or 91 when Gainesville played McKinney @ Leeper Stadium. McKinney was #1 in state and had that stud running back James Thornton. After Gainesville beat them both teams were walking across the field to shake hands and a fight broke out. Next thing you know a lot fans are running out onto the field to join in the fight. I have never seen anything like that. Players and some fans were using helmets as weapons. It was crazy. I never heard exactly what started it.

HighSchool Fan
08-04-2005, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by koose
Speaking of bad fans and bad sportsmanship.

I remember back in 90 or 91 when Gainesville played McKinney @ Leeper Stadium. McKinney was #1 in state and had that stud running back James Thornton. After Gainesville beat them both teams were walking across the field to shake hands and a fight broke out. Next thing you know a lot fans are running out onto the field to join in the fight. I have never seen anything like that. Players and some fans were using helmets as weapons. It was crazy. I never heard exactly what started it.

gainesville and mckinney always had fights.

08-04-2005, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
It's human nature to form opinions---good and bad-- based on our experiences with almost anything, including football fans and programs. It is unfortunate that some of you have had some "bad" experiences in Decatur. Decatur has been Bridgeport's chief rival for many years, and the level of competition between our schools and towns is one of the most intense in Texas, but I personally cannot characterize their entire town or athletic programs as being distinctly different from many other athletic programs on the rise in recent years. Sure, there are some folks in Decatur that I don't particuliarly like their attitude or behavior at athletic events, but Decatur doesn't have a monopoly on this behavior---I know many of the Decatur coaches and many Decatur fans, and they are fine people. Mind you---come game time--they are the "enemy" and the Bulls are gonna try and beat the Eagles any legal way we can, but their kids and fans bleed "red" blood just like we do.

Well put. There may have been a few bad apples in the bunch but I'm sure we do here in Bridgeport as well. I agree with everything you said but.....Little Blaster and I both bleed MAROON!

08-04-2005, 04:29 PM
Leon jr., you showed up just in time. You need to check out those wacked comments by that basketweaver dude. As for now I'll just keep doing my dance.

slpybear the bullfan
08-04-2005, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by blaster
Well put. There may have been a few bad apples in the bunch but I'm sure we do here in Bridgeport as well. I agree with everything you said but.....Little Blaster and I both bleed MAROON!

LOL, you beat me to it, Blaster!

BTW, I still need a schedule...

08-04-2005, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
...My kids were with me so I couldnt punk him out on the spot.


11-01-2005, 12:55 PM

11-01-2005, 01:26 PM
I dont think people have ever really hated us. i will agree with some that our fans are very rude sometimes, but the guy who made this post is a single individual who i dont think had anything better to do so he made a worthless post.

HighSchool Fan
11-01-2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by NateDawg39
I dont think people have ever really hated us. i will agree with some that our fans are very rude sometimes, but the guy who made this post is a single individual who i dont think had anything better to do so he made a worthless post.

i agree, maybe a MOD will make sure this thread gets lost.

11-01-2005, 03:13 PM
I will say this..... In the 4 years I have been on here, HighSchoolFan has never said anything positive towards Decatur.

HighSchool Fan
11-01-2005, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by MASH4077
I will say this..... In the 4 years I have been on here, HighSchoolFan has never said anything positive towards Decatur.

i really enjoyed seeing Decatur in my rearview mirror. how was that??

11-01-2005, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
i really enjoyed seeing Decatur in my rearview mirror. how was that??

You need to look out for the steers first!

HighSchool Fan
11-01-2005, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by LeonJr
You need to look out for the steers first!

that comment wasn't a shot at graham, just having fun with mash

11-01-2005, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by NateDawg39
I dont think people have ever really hated us. i will agree with some that our fans are very rude sometimes, but the guy who made this post is a single individual who i dont think had anything better to do so he made a worthless post.

We're hated on too...Such is LIFE!

11-01-2005, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by SnyderMom
We're hated on too...Such is LIFE!

Leon would rather be hated than hating!!!

Ranger Mom
11-01-2005, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by NateDawg39
I dont think people have ever really hated us. i will agree with some that our fans are very rude sometimes, but the guy who made this post is a single individual who i dont think had anything better to do so he made a worthless post.

For some reason this thread was taken from many pages back and brought back up the top for some reason...no clue why! :rolleyes:

HighSchool Fan
11-01-2005, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
For some reason this thread was taken from many pages back and brought back up the top for some reason...no clue why! :rolleyes:

someone trying to stir the pot again.

11-01-2005, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
someone trying to stir the pot again.

Confucios say "Man with small stick, like to stir big pot" :D

11-01-2005, 03:42 PM
Turbostud --"....remember a game in 1981...11 years old."

DUDE!!! You're old. (Just kidding).

11-01-2005, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
someone trying to stir the pot again.
All because we are gonna play again..yadda yadda yadadadob

HighSchool Fan
11-01-2005, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by NateDawg39
All because we are gonna play again..yadda yadda yadadadob

is the person that brought this back out from decatur, or is he just trying to get something started??

11-01-2005, 05:43 PM
Oh he is from Decatur...I have know idea who he is but I know a MOD should take care of this thread due to its annoying state!!

HighSchool Fan
11-01-2005, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by NateDawg39
Oh he is from Decatur...I have know idea who he is but I know a MOD should take care of this thread due to its annoying state!!

i agree, i can see where i said some things i shouldn't of. still waiting on a mod to lose this thread.

slpybear the bullfan
11-01-2005, 07:59 PM
Okay guys... I agree... not much redeeming value in thread.

What is in this thread that merits deletion?

Just curious... (cause if it is just because it has no value then we MODs have a LOT of work to do... ;) )