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07-28-2005, 07:11 PM
I want to tell every one that its true about the move to Denton LCS its not some much me on leaving Decatur its my parent because they think if I was to stay at Decatur that I will not walk the stag and yes I知 having academic problems and so they are moving me somewhere that I would be able to graduate with a diploma. And also my Father when to LCS and graduate and 87

And to tell every one I知 sorry but education come first

Ranger Mom
07-28-2005, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by D$million
I want to tell every one that its true about the move to Denton LCS its not some much me on leaving Decatur its my parent because they think if I was to stay at Decatur that I will not walk the stag and yes I知 having academic problems and so they are moving me somewhere that I would be able to graduate with a diploma. And also my Father when to LCS and graduate and 87

And to tell every one I知 sorry but education come first

Good luck to you in all that you do!

LH Panther Mom
07-28-2005, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by D$million
And to tell every one I知 sorry but education come first

As it should. :) Good luck at the new school.

07-28-2005, 07:34 PM
i hope that it is really you, but if it is, then the absolute best of luck

HighSchool Fan
07-28-2005, 08:16 PM
good luck, it takes some heart to come on hear and admit to having some problems. you have a fan in this corner now. good luck at DLC.

07-28-2005, 08:19 PM
Heart and You-Know-What's...

If this is the real guy, God Bless You, you're doing the right thing...

07-28-2005, 08:20 PM
good luck. if its any consolation you have gained the respect of this soldier for doing what needs to be done before what you want to do. i wish you the very best of luck at your new school.

07-28-2005, 08:20 PM
Is Liberty Christian that new school I saw being built right behind the Raddison?

Bandera YaYa
07-28-2005, 08:21 PM
I don't know you, but I am proud of you nevertheless....education should always come first...you are smart to realize this. Good luck and let us know how you are doing during the year! :)

HighSchool Fan
07-28-2005, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by KTJ
Is Liberty Christian that new school I saw being built right behind the Raddison?

liberty christian used to be by the raddison, UNT bought all that land and buildings. the new DLC is in Argyle.

07-28-2005, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
liberty christian used to be by the raddison, UNT bought all that land and buildings. the new DLC is in Argyle.

Okay, so the last time I went to Gainesville there is some new school being built right there behind the Raddison. What is that?

(Actually, it's to the west of the Raddison and to the south of Fouts Field.)

HighSchool Fan
07-28-2005, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by KTJ
Okay, so the last time I went to Gainesville there is some new school being built right there behind the Raddison. What is that?

(Actually, it's to the west of the Raddison and to the south of Fouts Field.)

that's new dorms the college is building.

07-28-2005, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by KTJ
Okay, so the last time I went to Gainesville there is some new school being built right there behind the Raddison. What is that?

(Actually, it's to the west of the Raddison and to the south of Fouts Field.)

Well, from HSF's reply, I'm guess UNT is building???

07-28-2005, 08:36 PM
This thing looked like either a junior high or a high school.

Plus, it's across I-35 from UNT.

HighSchool Fan
07-28-2005, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by KTJ
This thing looked like either a junior high or a high school.

Plus, it's across I-35 from UNT.

i know what your talking about, they ripped up half the golf course to build it.

HighSchool Fan
07-28-2005, 08:53 PM
mwynn can tell us for sure, he's going to school there

07-29-2005, 02:08 AM
good luck man

07-30-2005, 06:23 PM
This is Godboldt's mom, yes this is him, the one and ONLY!!! I can assure each of you that the move away from Decatur was one of the hardest decisions my husband and I have ever had to make. (None of my three kids wanted to leave, it was strickly the parent's decision.) When we adopted Devin three years ago it was not for his athletic talent but for the good kid we saw on the inside. It just so happened he was an incredible athlete also. When it comes right down to it, he has to get his diploma or he is right back to where he started. He may have a hard time getting picked up in a Division 1 school to start with, but if we can get him into a smaller college where he can work his way up to the bigger ones, than I feel we have made the right decision. We will always be an Eagle at heart, but he has to get that diploma and then we can worry about the next steps in his education and his athletic career.
Thank each of you for your words of encouragement, it really means alot to us to know you care.

07-30-2005, 07:42 PM
Good luck D$million, it sounds like you have very very good parents . things will work out if their ment to be. good luck and God bless.

HighSchool Fan
07-30-2005, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by D$million
This is Godboldt's mom, yes this is him, the one and ONLY!!! I can assure each of you that the move away from Decatur was one of the hardest decisions my husband and I have ever had to make. (None of my three kids wanted to leave, it was strickly the parent's decision.) When we adopted Devin three years ago it was not for his athletic talent but for the good kid we saw on the inside. It just so happened he was an incredible athlete also. When it comes right down to it, he has to get his diploma or he is right back to where he started. He may have a hard time getting picked up in a Division 1 school to start with, but if we can get him into a smaller college where he can work his way up to the bigger ones, than I feel we have made the right decision. We will always be an Eagle at heart, but he has to get that diploma and then we can worry about the next steps in his education and his athletic career.
Thank each of you for your words of encouragement, it really means alot to us to know you care.

Mrs. D$million, as we said earlier, it takes a big person to come on here and admit if they have any type of problems. Your son did just that. You have so much to be proud of. Congratulations on raising such a good, honest young man who's not afraid to come out and share some of his persoal events with us all. It's really something that is none of our business, but he stepped up to end all the rumors. As I said earlier, Devin has a new fan in his corner, and you have a new fan for being such a great parent to him. May God bless your family.

07-30-2005, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
Mrs. D$million, as we said earlier, it takes a big person to come on here and admit if they have any type of problems. Your son did just that. You have so much to be proud of. Congratulations on raising such a good, honest young man who's not afraid to come out and share some of his persoal events with us all. It's really something that is none of our business, but he stepped up to end all the rumors. As I said earlier, Devin has a new fan in his corner, and you have a new fan for being such a great parent to him. May God bless your family.

i concur mam, thanks for being a caring and compassionate mother, i look forward to following devin's career and seeing a picture of his graduation this may...he sounds like a fine young man, yall are doing the right thing

08-07-2005, 12:39 AM
Just an update on Devin.....
Wednesday was his first day at LCS football camp. The players go to Camp Copas in Denton Texas for 8 days. He is really doing a good job there and has finally come to realize that his dad and I have nothing but his best interest at heart. (Plus each of your comments helped!) The Denton Record-Chronicle (newspaper) did a feature article on him on Friday, with his 5X7 picture on the front page of the paper. This reporter even mentioned his brother and how the entire family has come together to allow him to get that much needed diploma. I believe we did make the right move in sending him there, now lets all pray he can make the grades and finally cross that stage in May!
Thanks again for all the words of encouragement. I will jump on here every so often and keep you updated. (That is if it is okay on a 3A chat to talk about a private school!)
Article in Denton Chronicle can be found at:

D$Million Mom

LH Panther Mom
08-07-2005, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by D$million
I will jump on here every so often and keep you updated. (That is if it is okay on a 3A chat to talk about a private school!)

D$Million Mom

Please do keep us updated. :)

08-07-2005, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
. . . they ripped up half the golf course to build it.

:eek: :eek: :eek: