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View Full Version : Tour de France - Stage 16

Phil C
07-19-2005, 08:25 AM
This is the last stage in the Pyrenees mountains and it won't be as brutal as the two prior stages. Hopefully Lance can hold on. It appears that the battle for second and third places may be the focal interest now unless Lance is in an accident or gets ill or something. Go Lance Go!

Phil C
07-19-2005, 08:29 AM
Ullrich, Basso and Lance are at the front of the peloton. There are some escapees but I don't think there are serious contenders. Go Lance Go!

Phil C
07-19-2005, 08:33 AM
Cordell Evans is leading the stage. Lance and his group is about 4min05sec behind.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 08:37 AM
Lance's main competitors are in his group and he will probably be satisfied to keep them together. Evans and the other leaders are no threat so they will probably not make an effort to pursue.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 08:40 AM
Evans is now on the final climb. Some of the escapees are close behind. Lance and his group are still together.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 08:44 AM
The Spainard, Pereiro, is now only 15 seconds behind Evans. He has stayed close throughout the stage. He lost out the other day against Hincapie in a fianal sprint. He is probably determined to win this one.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 08:46 AM
Lance's group is about 5min30sec behind Evans who has about 35 miles left to go. I don't think Lance is interested at all in catching the escapees.

07-19-2005, 09:00 AM
are you at work?

Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:01 AM
The leaders are about 30 miles from the finish. There is another group behind them that may catch them. I don't think Lance's group is too interested in it.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:05 AM
Horner had a flat front tire and is being serviced by the team car. He should be back with the peloton quickly. They are very fast at replacing tires. Amazing!

Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:20 AM
There are riders from T Mobile (Ullrich's group) starting to form at the front of the peloton. They are probably concerned with Evans who is 6min50sec ahead of the group. Evans is 12min57sec behind Lance and in 11th place and could gain some time overall if they stay too far behind him. I don't think Lance cares about that but look for him to stay fairly close to them.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:25 AM
Lance's group is now 6min15sec behind Evans group who have about 12 miles left to go. Look for them to try to close the gap.

07-19-2005, 09:25 AM
has lance won a stage yet? i know it important for the overall winner to win at least one stage.

07-19-2005, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by lostaussie
has lance won a stage yet? i know it important for the overall winner to win at least one stage.


Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:47 AM
About ten miles left and Evans still leads the peloton by 4min15sec. It is slowly gaining on them and still has time.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:50 AM
Nope well deserved time off but I will be back at the office right after the race. Evans and his group are now six miles from the finish. They may be able to hold off the peloton after all but I look for the peloton to make it closer though.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:54 AM
A spectator hit rider Andrey Kankehkin in the face causing a bloody nose but he was able to continue the race. The hit seemed to be an accident. This is the second accident in two days. Sunday one of the spectators running on the road got hit by a motorbike but fortunately no one was hurt. Come on people! Please stay off the road! It is good to cheer but stay in your places.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:56 AM
It now appears that the winner will be either Evans, Massoleni, Pereiro, or Zandio since they are about 2 miles from the finish and seem to have a good enough lead on the peloton.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:58 AM
The peloton is now 3min30sec behind the front group but the front group has about 2 miles left. The peloton will close the gap but I don't think they will catch up.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 09:59 AM
The Evans group is now less than half a mile from the finish and are probably getting ready for the final spring.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 10:01 AM
Evans was too tired to spring and the others passed him. Pereiro won the stage today and it was his first stage win in the Tour de France. Now we will see what happens with the peloton.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 10:06 AM
The peloton came in 3min26sec behind. There should be no major changes among the top contenders.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 10:14 AM
I was right. There are no changes among the contenders which is probably okay with Lance. Another race tomorrow which should be won by one of the sprinters with Lance and his teammates probably around him to protect him.

Phil C
07-19-2005, 02:58 PM
Right now the top five cyclists after 16 stages are as follows:

1. Lance Armstrong

2. Ivan Basso 2min46sec behind

3. Mickael Rasmussen 3min9sec behind

4. Jan Ullrich 5min58sec behind

5. Francisco Mancebo 6min31sec behind

A 3min lead is considered good so Lance is in good shape even though Basso is within the 3minutes and Rasmussen is just outside of it. The experts say Lance should win unless an accident or illness or something unforseen happens. We will see. Just a few more days and it will be over. Go Lance Go!