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06-30-2005, 10:29 PM
I was on my way to the fishin' hole this evening, listening to the radio, and the DJ dude says 'Caller number 9 gets tickets to such and such'.... well, I missed it somewhere, but I was thinking the tickets were for Saturday night... So I call in, they pick up and say 'try again'... so I call again, and they say 'Hello?', and I say 'YAh, I'm seeing if I'm caller number 9', and they say 'Well, you sure are'... YESSSS... so I wont free tickets...

Anyway, when I won the tickets, it was during a song, so I wanted to hang around after the song to see if they said my name on the radio, which they did... but they also said the show was TOMORROW night, and I already have plans... so I called back and told 'em 'hey, I can't make it, give the tickets to someone else', then they made fun of 'that caller who gave away his tickets' for a couple of seconds, but on phone they actually said they appreciated it a lot... two-faced fools...

Ranger Mom
06-30-2005, 10:33 PM
LOL!!! :clap:

06-30-2005, 10:33 PM
you should have gotten the tickets and sold them. you probably could have payed for your plans tomorrow. anyway, im glad to hear you did the right thing. those dj's will get theirs for makin fun of ya.

06-30-2005, 10:36 PM
NAh, the DJ's are cool, I enjoy listening to them, they make fun of everyone, and I would have been very surprised if they WOULDN'T have made fun of me ha...

But as for the 'tickets', basically all I needed to do was show up to the gate, give them my name first, then confirm my address and phone number, and my guest and I were in for free...

dang, I finally reach another one of my goals in life and I CANNOT PULL THROUGH...

06-30-2005, 10:39 PM
i know how that goes, my favorite band to work out to, infact the only groupd i listen to when i work out, Disturbed, came to DFW on halloween 2002, but i couldnt go because i was on vacation over at ft benning going through basic. one of my best friends go to go because he some how magically got tickets. i was a little irritated to say the least.

07-01-2005, 12:03 AM
What were the tickets to....who were they to go see.

Old Tiger
07-01-2005, 12:43 AM
lol...at least you were honest

07-01-2005, 12:23 PM
larry joe taylor I think... I just heard 'free tickets to show out at the marina, be caller number nine' and I hopped on it...