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View Full Version : The Pros and Cons of a climate controled weightroom

06-25-2005, 01:35 AM
I just wanted to get your opinons on this.

When we have an away game, and i see an indoor weight room. I can't help but think that they are missing out. Believe me, there have been plenty of times in the weight room where i wished i had an AC goin, but in the long run, i think those go 'old school' benefit more.

What do yall think...

06-25-2005, 01:42 AM
well i cant ever say i have worked out in a outdoor weight room except the little bench press in my garage lol....but I think it would help to have a AC going while your working out because you get very tired at some points and it wouldnt help you if you have the sun blazing down at ya :)

06-25-2005, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by SilsbeeD
well i cant ever say i have worked out in a outdoor weight room except the little bench press in my garage lol....but I think it would help to have a AC going while your working out because you get very tired at some points and it wouldnt help you if you have the sun blazing down at ya :) im pretty sure he was referring to having an indoor weight room w/ no ac. personally, id rather have and ac in my weight room, because once you start working your body will become overly hot, and if your coaches are anything like mine were you arent allowed to drink water during the work out, only before and after. so it really helped that we had the ac to help us prevent heat related injuries.

06-25-2005, 04:00 AM
Originally posted by bullfrog_alumni_02
and if your coaches are anything like mine were you arent allowed to drink water during the work out, only before and after. so it really helped that we had the ac to help us prevent heat related injuries.

kinda harsh... but i guess it builds an athlete outta ya...

06-25-2005, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by CHS_CG
kinda harsh... but i guess it builds an athlete outta ya... it wasnt really as bad as it sounds, if your used to not having something, you dont really miss it as much...

LH Panther Mom
06-25-2005, 09:01 AM
I'm not sure I see the benefit of not having a/c, but then I'm just a chick. ;) Honestly, 40 or 50 teenage boys just standing around could raise the temp of a room by a few degrees - I can't imagine the amount of heat that would be expelled with them lifting weights. :eek: It makes sense to me that one would be able to do more reps with climate control.

06-25-2005, 10:41 AM
Old School here. It's all about toughness.

Old Tiger
06-25-2005, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by bullfrog_alumni_02
im pretty sure he was referring to having an indoor weight room w/ no ac. personally, id rather have and ac in my weight room, because once you start working your body will become overly hot, and if your coaches are anything like mine were you arent allowed to drink water during the work out, only before and after. so it really helped that we had the ac to help us prevent heat related injuries. We don't get water unless it's before or after too :mad:

HighSchool Fan
06-25-2005, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Old School here. It's all about toughness.

i don't see what toughness has to do with it. it's about gaining strength. i agree that all the running should be done out doors.

big daddy russ
06-25-2005, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Old School here. It's all about toughness.
I'm with you on this one. You may not get quite as strong on the bench but you'll make up for it with pulp strength.

06-25-2005, 02:34 PM
Our middle school has an outdoor weight room but our high school's is AC'ed. I know that in the heat of football season and late in the year when it is really hot our high school weight room AC has saved some people from having heat strokes on us. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

06-25-2005, 02:40 PM
ours had A/C in it but the coaches worked us so hard it didnt feel like it was even on.

Phantom Stang
06-25-2005, 05:34 PM
Enduring heat develops MENTAL toughness.
A comfortable climate in the weight-room, should yield better gains in strength, as well as muscle mass.:nerd:

06-25-2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Phantom Stang
Enduring heat develops MENTAL toughness.

I agree....and i know some people might disagree....but i think that football is mostly mental. Your talent and strength might be there, but its the mental game and the heart that wins football games.

06-25-2005, 10:49 PM
In Texas a player has plenty of time to develop mental heat during 2 a days, and pre-season work-outs...When in the weight room I want my players developing strength thru the work-out and equipment...You put a bunch of kids in a 90 degree weightroom BEFORE they even start working out, they will not develop mental toughness..They will lose water dehydrate quicker and threrefore they will not gain what they could fully gain.

06-25-2005, 11:20 PM
i agree

06-26-2005, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
In Texas a player has plenty of time to develop mental heat during 2 a days, and pre-season work-outs...When in the weight room I want my players developing strength thru the work-out and equipment...You put a bunch of kids in a 90 degree weightroom BEFORE they even start working out, they will not develop mental toughness..They will lose water dehydrate quicker and threrefore they will not gain what they could fully gain.

REAL mass is gained in the off season on your own time. Without the mental toughness that one gains from going through 2 a day workouts followed by an hour in a stiffling weight room one will not have the sheer determination that it takes to be dedicated to getting bigger and stronger. Besides, a hot weight room isn't for gaining strength it is for maintaining strength and building a "4th Quarter" mentality in your athletes. These athletes aren't expected to make any gains in the weight room after going through 2 seperate 2 and a half hour practices in the Texas heat. If your argument is about summer workouts then remember that most teens these days are accustomed to air conditioning and spend much of their time soaking the A/C in while playing video games all summer putting themselves at greater risk for a heat related illness come football season. A HOT weight room HELPS prepare these kids for the August heat of 2 a days. Air conditioning is not an issue outside of June, July, August, and the first 2 to 3 weeks of September thus rendering post football offseason weightroom time uneffected by air conditioning. Heat related illnesses are at an all time high in High Schools across the nation due to the changes our society has gone through over the past 30 to 40 years. 30 years ago HS kids spent all summer working in the heat doing physical labor such as hauling hay or wrenching rods whereas today many are able to stay home or have an air conditioned work environment. Coaches are having to be reconditioned to offer more water breaks and make practices less strenuous to accomodate this generation of athletes. In no way am I running today's athlete down I am just stating fact. Today's athlete has a lower tolerance to the summer heat than previous generations out of no fault of their own, it is just the direction that society has led for them.

06-26-2005, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Heat related illnesses are at an all time high in High Schools across the nation due to the changes our society has gone through over the past 30 to 40 years. 30 years ago HS kids spent all summer working in the heat doing physical labor such as hauling hay or wrenching rods whereas today many are able to stay home or have an air conditioned work environment. Coaches are having to be reconditioned to offer more water breaks and make practices less strenuous to accomodate this generation of athletes. In no way am I running today's athlete down I am just stating fact. Today's athlete has a lower tolerance to the summer heat than previous generations out of no fault of their own, it is just the direction that society has led for them.

Heat related illnesses are at an all time high also because heat related illnesses were not as documented in the past as they are now.

I do not think coaches are being reconditioned to give out more water simply because "todays" player is soft, it is because science has learned the affects of what happens to a person when they are not properly hydrated.

Not all but there are still many HS kids who work outside in the summer for summer jobs.

And when I was referring to gains in the weight room I was talking about the summer off-season program.

Ranger Mom
06-26-2005, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Honestly, 40 or 50 teenage boys just standing around could raise the temp of a room by a few degrees - I can't imagine the amount of heat that would be expelled with them lifting weights. :eek:

I can't imagine the stench that would coming from their bodies, it has to be bad enough WITH the A/C.

My daughter is a trainer and has to wash their workout clothes from time to time...she says she gags the entire time she is loading the washer!:D