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06-22-2005, 10:19 AM
Investigation Shows Big Business Funding Sex Chat Rooms
Companies Pull Ads After Station Exposes Problem

UPDATED: 10:30 am EDT June 1, 2005

HOUSTON -- Several well-known companies have pulled ads from a popular online chat room service after an investigation by Houston television station KPRC revealed to them what their money was funding.


Corporations Respond To Report Exposing Sex Chat Room Ads

Yahoo! is facing a $10 million lawsuit that accuses it of cashing in on some disturbing chat rooms. The stations' investigation showed what's really going on in those rooms.

The companies are paying huge fees for their ads to appear on Yahoo!. But many are now canceling those ads because of the report. The discovery has prompted fast action in corporate America and a strong reaction at the nation's capital.

"Yes, more legislation is required. The law has not kept up with this type of criminal activity," U.S. Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, told the station.

Among the thousands of chat room titles, where people can look for common interests like music or movies, there are other rooms with some disturbing titles, such as:

* 9-17-Year-Olds Wantin' Sex
* Younger Girls 4 Older Guys
* Girls 13 And Under For Older Guys
* Girls 13 And Up For Much Older Man
* Girls 8 to 13 Watch Boys (In A Particular Sex Act)

The station found all of those rooms listed as education chat rooms, sponsored day in and day out by some major companies consumers have heard of -- all paying money for their ads to be seen before a person enters the child-sex chat rooms.

"Children are the largest victimized group in this country, and we need corporations to do the right thing," Child Rescue Network, Inc. spokesman Charles Clickman told the station.

Before entering the chat room titled "5 To 13-Year-Old Kiddies Who Love Sex" or "Girls 5 To 13 For Older Men," guests were required to click on a Star Wars-themed ad from Diet Pepsi.

Inside the chat rooms, not only were men trying to meet children or even take them away from home to run away, the station found countless adult men using Web cameras to send children in the room lewd pictures or display live nude images of themselves.

However, the nation's top law enforcement officers said it is all legal.

"Short of changes in the law in Congress, we may be limited about what we can do in this area," U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said.

Gonzales told the station he can't use the laws now on the books to shut down Yahoo!'s child sex site. But back in 2002, the station broke the story when federal officials shut down a Web site called "Candyman" with those existing laws.

he "Candyman" site was geared only toward trading child sex pictures and stories, just like the Yahoo! rooms.

"By doing what they're doing here with the advertising, this is endangering children and that's serious. I'm offended as a parent and I'm offended as a child advocate," Clickman said.

Sponsors around the country are reacting to what the investigation found.

The station called Pepsi for comment and the company quickly pulled its ads. A statement from Pepsi said, "We were completely unaware that our advertisements were associated with these chat rooms in any way."

Countrywide Mortgage pulled its ad for refinancing because of the investigation. The company said, "We took measures to ensure that a situation like this could not occur again."

State Farm Insurance also pulled its ads, not only from the chat room but also from all Yahoo! sites. The company said, "We will be suspending our online advertising with Yahoo! until it provides us a detailed explanation of how this situation was allowed to happen in violation of our contract, and until we receive sufficient assurance that our advertising will never again appear on inappropriate sites."

The same goes for Georgia-Pacific, maker of Brawny paper towels. Its ads were pulled, and a spokeswoman said Yahoo! admitted it did not adhere to the advertising contract with Brawny. The Troubleshooters found Brawny ads in a Yahoo! chat room called "6 To 11 Year Old Girls Into Older Men."

Another big sponsor, T-Mobile, did not respond to the station's request for comment.

"Yahoo! is aware of the situation now. They are put on public notice by (KPRC) and other people about what is taking place, and they need to come up with a solution to the problem unless they want the government to get involved and hold them liable, either civilly or even criminally, for these types of activities," Poe said.

Online ads just pushed Yahoo!'s income to more than double what it was a year ago -- up to $205 million.

Yahoo! executives declined to answer the stations' questions but issued a statement saying, "Yahoo! strongly supports law enforcements' efforts to combat illegal activity on the Internet and works cooperatively with law enforcement to aid in their investigations."

The statement also said Yahoo!'s terms of service do not allow illegal activities, but those same child sex chat rooms are being hosted by Yahoo!.

The lawsuit against Yahoo! accuses the company of capitalizing on child pornography when it hosted the Candyman site, and with the other sites like the ones the station found still in action.

The lawsuit by the family of one child porn victim said Yahoo! could have removed the sites, but instead chose to make money on them.

Distributed by Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

06-22-2005, 10:30 AM
Wow...makes me feel good that I said no to my daughter getting a yahoo ID to "chat".

06-22-2005, 10:35 AM

06-22-2005, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by lepfan
Wow...makes me feel good that I said no to my daughter getting a yahoo ID to "chat".

i have mixed feelings... i believe that parents are to blame for some of this. insert parental controls on your computer. do what lepfan did. disable some downloading, do something. i have my yahoo ID for local chats with friends from the corpus area. so my chat room is now gone...

LH Panther Mom
06-22-2005, 10:47 AM
However, the nation's top law enforcement officers said it is all legal.

"Short of changes in the law in Congress, we may be limited about what we can do in this area," U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said.

Gonzales told the station he can't use the laws now on the books to shut down Yahoo!'s child sex site. But back in 2002, the station broke the story when federal officials shut down a Web site called "Candyman" with those existing laws.

I do not understand how sex chat rooms for children is NOT illegal. :flamingma :foul:

06-22-2005, 10:49 AM
That's nasty.

06-22-2005, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
However, the nation's top law enforcement officers said it is all legal.

"Short of changes in the law in Congress, we may be limited about what we can do in this area," U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said.

Gonzales told the station he can't use the laws now on the books to shut down Yahoo!'s child sex site. But back in 2002, the station broke the story when federal officials shut down a Web site called "Candyman" with those existing laws.

I do not understand how sex chat rooms for children is NOT illegal. :flamingma :foul:

i guess not all of them are for children, but its easy to lie on a yahoo profile. i can say im 12, and have everyone believe it... but that was a website (candyman), and this is a complete service.

LH Panther Mom
06-22-2005, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by District303aPastPlayer
i guess not all of them are for children, but its easy to lie on a yahoo profile. i can say im 12, and have everyone believe it... but that was a website (candyman), and this is a complete service.

Oh, I completely understand that - a 12-year old can also lie to say they are 18+. I agree with you that parental control is the biggest solution, but a parent cannot stand behind their child the entire time they're on the computer. Installing software will prevent sites from being opened, but will it extend to the chat rooms?

Honestly, I have to say that I have been made aware of language & topics discussed in AIM chats (not sex chats) by some of our own posters, that is sometimes quite surprising and even occasionally shocking and trust me, I am neither a prude, nor am I naive. It makes me glad that I have not been a part, but frankly, if my -18 children were to ever happen to be invited to such, computer access would involve me standing over their shoulder. If my 20+ child were involved, I would ask him exactly what he was thinking.

Bandera YaYa
06-22-2005, 01:21 PM
Those chat rooms advertising underage kids should be blown outta the water.....that is simply disgusting. Besides limiting access to them, you gotta talk to your kids about what kind of junk is out there, calling to them for whatever reasons.....but dont be as naive to think you can totally keep it from their eyes......so you gotta educate and talk to them......older kids (+18) are gonna have to make that decision for themselves because you as a parent cannot do it for them.

LH Panther Mom
06-22-2005, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Bandera YaYa
but dont be as naive to think you can totally keep it from their eyes......so you gotta educate and talk to them......

Oh, trust me...we have those conversations and not limited to the internet.

Originally posted by Bandera YaYa
older kids (+18) are gonna have to make that decision for themselves because you as a parent cannot do it for them.

I completely agree with this, unless they live in my house. Once they no longer live here, they are free to do as they wish. If all the kids were 18+, I would have a totally different attitude.

Bandera YaYa
06-22-2005, 01:54 PM
yeah, I know it was wonderful when mine both got over 18.....you have to just hope they remember what you tried to teach them! :D

06-22-2005, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
if my -18 children

LOL I first read this and thought you were saying you had 18 children...and then realized you meant 'under 18' :doh:

06-22-2005, 06:36 PM
For those not in the Houston area, KPRC has been doing a series of investigative pieces on this type of stuff for about a year. They go into chat rooms and act like they are an underage girl looking for sex. They get these older men to come over to a house thinking that the girl lives there and when the door opens, there's KPRC camera in their face and a reporter asking what they are doing there. I'm normally not a fan of that type of journalism but in this instance I find it quite fascinating. The funny part is, in the third report, one of the guys asked in the chat room "You're not those guys from channel 2, are you?" and then he STILL went to the house. What a nimrod...:rolleyes: :eek:

06-23-2005, 12:47 PM
Yah, I'm a horrible person....