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10-29-2003, 10:29 PM
Jody's fishin' again
By Gobbla2001

Jody's fishin' again and his rhymes we cannot touch
He talks about the BH coach sucking and QB's and such
Price's play calling does not suit the Downlow's 'Angler of the year'
But why can't he go talk to him face to face and not over here
Because I believe this just isn't the right place
That place can only be found infront of Price's face


Okay, Jody, look... My opinion is MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT, maybe his play calling does suck... But as you won't miss a BH game this year, I won't miss a Cuero game this year, so I will not be able to go and see first hand...

Running the same play/player 11 times straight may be a little wierd, but if he thinks that's the way to win, then that's going to be his way to win...

As far as I can tell (lookin' at BH's records the last few years) he's done a great job so far with his play calling etc... So I don't see why there has to be this big movement to have his head cut off...

As for you not liking him as a plain jane individual because his personality or 'lack thereof' doesn't suit you, that's fine, because you're an individual yourself and you know what it takes to be an individual...

But as far as bashing his coaching? Would you want him coming and bashing the way you do your job? Esspecially if he has never done it himself?

Let him coach and he'll let you cheer...

IF you wanna discuss this problem with him I'm sure he'd be willing to sit down and a drink a beer or two with you (actually, I have no clue if either of you drink) or do whatever it is you guys can find a common interest in...

I just don't think you're in the position to wanna fire a coach over a job that you've never done (atleast as far as we know you never have)...

Honestly, if I had a free week, I would enjoy coming up there, meeting you, watching the game, and see what you were talking about...

But to see BH's records under him from the outside, I'd have to say, I don't see much room for 'horrible' coaching...