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06-17-2005, 10:16 PM
Baseball, being my secondary sport to football, has never really been a big injury concern. Yet in four years of high school, i have yet to suffer an injury in anything other than baseball. My freshman year i broke my index finger and still have 3 screws in the middle joint. last friday in summer ball i made a diving catch and in the process cleanly broke a bone in my thumb, putting me out for the next 6 weeks, ruining my summer job, football camp, and a big 7 on 7 tourney.

Anyone else have any weird injury stories? or any occuring in anything as irrelevant as summer ball?

06-17-2005, 10:18 PM
Last year I broke my wrist sliding into 2nd base during a summer game. SUCKED.

06-17-2005, 10:57 PM
Nick Taylor, who graduated this past year, broke his big toe sliding into second base. Put him out all of his senior season.

Ranger Mom
06-17-2005, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by football4life
Baseball, being my secondary sport to football, has never really been a big injury concern. Yet in four years of high school, i have yet to suffer an injury in anything other than baseball. My freshman year i broke my index finger and still have 3 screws in the middle joint. last friday in summer ball i made a diving catch and in the process cleanly broke a bone in my thumb, putting me out for the next 6 weeks, ruining my summer job, football camp, and a big 7 on 7 tourney.

Anyone else have any weird injury stories? or any occuring in anything as irrelevant as summer ball?

Who do you play for?

06-17-2005, 11:20 PM
i will be a senior at Canyon this year, so i was looking forward to a football summer with baseball way on the side, but that didnt work out. at least it was now and not later.

06-17-2005, 11:46 PM
when i was in highschool...either sophomore or junior year...i think sophomore, i was at my sister's softball practice in february and was shagging balls in the outfield....well, i went to grab a ball by the fence and i slipped on some dewy/wet grass and slammed my hand into the ground....we proceded to play a game and i noticed i couldnt grip the ball, i though my pinky was jammed bad but then i couldnt throw a ball more than 5 feet w/o extreme pain....the girls on my sisters team thought it was hilarious little did they know i had completely split the bone in my hand behind my pinky finger in half....along the whole length of the bone....weirdest way i ever broke a bone....the xray look the most painful of the 6 i have broke but it suprisedly hurt less, maybe cause i was older....lol

06-18-2005, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by gobbler84
Nick Taylor, who graduated this past year, broke his big toe sliding into second base. Put him out all of his senior season.

That was a terrible injury too, happened at the Wharton Tourney against Bellville. Kept him out of track too....:(