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View Full Version : I'm Back

06-05-2005, 05:07 PM
Last Monday I set out on a voyage to youth camp wiht my brother, the camp was at Lake Brownwood and I must say it was a blessing to my heart so much of a blessing, that I have given up my summer and will be spending the rest of my summer in Odessa with my brother helping out at his church. I went into that camping thinking I was just going to be a camera man to make a highlite video, however, "SOMEONE" had other plans in store and I fell in love with my brothers youth group. My downlow time will be cut down significantly this summer. As I speak I am packing my stuff as this is my last night in Sweetwater until August 15th. If you are praying people please pray for me as I am helping my brother. I would like to close by saying a few things, I am very confused on whether or not if I should return to UT, also I will be looking for a job up there cause I need some cash, there is potential for a lot of miscelaneous(sp) things to happen, we shall see what happens. Oh ya and before I forget ITS REPEAT TIME

HighSchool Fan
06-05-2005, 05:16 PM
welcome back Dre.

church camp doesn't just change the youth that are there. my sister and brother-in-law help run a church camp in oklahoma. i try to go volunteer once a week every summer. the blessing that i've recieved there as a volunteer are to numorous to count. to see God's work being done to help the youth is just great. you may be confused right now, but if you pray about it, and keep asking God for help, you will make the right decision on what to do with your life. good luck and may God bless you.

LH Panther Mom
06-05-2005, 05:33 PM
It sounds you've had a great experience with many more to come. Whatever decision you come to will be tough.