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View Full Version : DID YOU SEE GILMER

Commerce Fan
11-19-2003, 08:00 AM
Well I guess after that destruction of Daingerfield maybe a few more eyes will be on Gilmer. Looks like an easy run through region II but then they may have a real test with Decatur in the semi game but I can see them going all the way this year. Looks like Forney may be peaking at the right time this year and will beat Gaineville (which will be the true state championship in D1 this year) Good thing you guys do not have to play Gilmer? Just kidding but there are some great teams in Region II this year it is tuff to be there right now. GOOD LUCK TO ALL you are going to need it. Put all the past behind you those game are just practice compared to what is ahead. A new season and a different team will you meet tonight. Be prepared to meet the best and you should do well!

11-19-2003, 08:10 AM
EOTT Region II is tougher than ever this year. Forney is my favorite for the DI Champion. I hope they get it finally after all the heartbreak they have had (no thanks to my Leps who edged them in one of the greatest football games ever played in Texas Stadium!). Gilmer is beginning to get the notice they deserve after Daingerfield's destruction. They woke the sleeping giants now everyone is looking at them to figure out how they did it. DII has some great teams this year and I must say it is every bit as competetive as DI. That was the case in 2000 too with Forney, La Grange, and Marlin as well. Since then with Everman Burnet Sinton and Jasper, DI has reigned over DII, but not this year. :cool:

11-19-2003, 04:48 PM
I appreciate the compliments, and we do have a very good team this year. But, we still have to get past Celina this week, and then we're probably looking at Tatum (no offense Canton, I just don't think you'll win), and then possibly Atlanta. I wouldn't put us in the Championship game just yet, but if we play everyone like we played Daingerfield, we will be very hard to beat. Go Buckeyes!!!You've got everyone's attention now, and you have a big #1 Bullseye right on your chest.

11-19-2003, 05:12 PM
Buckeye80, I really hope you and Atlanta meet each other. I honestly don't see how you can play like you played against us every week. That would be a tall order to ask of any team on any level. I do think that even with a letdown, you guys are still explosive enough to win. I really think if you get out of this region, could be smooth sailing. Best of luck this Friday

eye of the tiger
11-19-2003, 07:10 PM
EOTT Region II is tougher than ever this year. Forney is my favorite for the DI Champion. I hope they get it finally after all the heartbreak they have had (no thanks to my Leps who edged them in one of the greatest football games ever played in Texas Stadium!). Gilmer is beginning to get the notice they deserve after Daingerfield's destruction. They woke the sleeping giants now everyone is looking at them to figure out how they did it. DII has some great teams this year and I must say it is every bit as competetive as DI. That was the case in 2000 too with Forney, La Grange, and Marlin as well. Since then with Everman Burnet Sinton and Jasper, DI has reigned over DII, but not this year. :cool: Pudlugger, I too am a big Forney fan. It would be great if they do it all this year.
I first started really paying attention to La Grange in that game with Forney. I was aware of the Leopards before that, but gained much respect after that game. And the game with Commerce the next year. I felt quite lucky for the Tigers to get out of that one alive. Leopards play good tough football, the kind I really like to watch.
Gilmer is playing dynamite football right now. It will be interesting to see how they match up with Celina this week. Tough game for both of them. I also agree with you that this is a good year for DII. It's a good year for 3A football alltogether.

11-20-2003, 12:19 AM
Buckeye80, I really hope you and Atlanta meet each other. I honestly don't see how you can play like you played against us every week. That would be a tall order to ask of any team on any level. I do think that even with a letdown, you guys are still explosive enough to win. I really think if you get out of this region, could be smooth sailing. Best of luck this FridayIt is a very tall order to ask of any team, but I really think that as luck would have it, we are peeking at just the right time on defense. The "possible Atlanta" game would really serve as a measuring stick for the Buckeyes' progress this year. Come to the Celina game, dude!!! We could really use some extra support.