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View Full Version : Why is Wills Point so underrated? (NM)

10-13-2002, 06:45 PM

10-13-2002, 06:49 PM
Umm, how are we underrated? We have only played Gilmer as far as worthy teams, and we are already in the top 10 on almost every poll. Considering we have had almost no real competition, I would say #9 or #10 in STATE is EXTREMELY generous!

10-13-2002, 06:58 PM
Surely we should be up there with Forney or Commerce.

10-13-2002, 07:49 PM
Most people would not put you in the category as Forney or Commerce because most of your success has been recently. Forney and Commerce have good teams every year. Now in no way am I saying that you guys don't belong in the same category because you guys are playing great ball, it's just that WP hasn't put together several solid years as other programs. Wp03 I think you said it the best, if you guys make a good run the rest of the way and some other teams lose I see your stock rising.

10-13-2002, 09:55 PM
I got four ounces of Russian Caviar and a good chilled bottle of Stoli, that says Sinton would be happy to trade spots in the polls with you flower, believe me when I say, the last thing you want right now is a big ole Bullseye painted on your chest. But if you really must see yourselves up higher in the polls, just keep winning ballgames, they will come.

10-13-2002, 10:53 PM
dude we would have killed to be #10 last year. We were like #50 something and we were almost as good as yall are this year. Be happy, top 10 is a great honor whereever you are in it!

Owen B
10-13-2002, 10:54 PM
What ratings have you looked at, Wallflower? AP and 3A Down Low have Wills Point ahead of Forney and Commerce. Harris, Collier-Sharp, and Data Poll have Wills Point between Forney and Commerce.

None of them mean all that much. Commerce was at #9 on the AP Poll at the end of last season, the same place Wills Point is now, and went on to win a State Championship.

10-13-2002, 11:21 PM
Yea, we seem to be ahead of Forney and/or Commerce on like every poll. Wall, I don't know where you have been looking, but it must be one heck of an under-the-table poll, 'cuz I havn't been able to find it! Hell, at the beginning of the Eustace game, the Eustace announcer even said over the speakers that "Eustace is 0-3, Wills Point is 5-0 and in the Texas top 10"! We are anything but underrated as far as other ppl are concerned, even myself. I know we have a great team, best WP has seen in years, but who have we played to really show us that we are worthy of being higher or even as high as we are? I don't think we can truly say we are 'underrated' untill we see how we do in Round 1 against 'you know who' wink And WillsPointGradTJC, no offense but I believe we are way better than last year's team from what I have seen so far. Last year's biggest upset for us (in my eyes) was Crandall, and I think this year's varsity could beat last year's Crandal varsity by a good 2 or 3 TD's. It really upsets me that Crandall is no longer in our district...

10-14-2002, 05:58 AM
All of your points are well taken. :) It's best to be rated low and stay under the radar. Anyway, the teams that WP will be playing know enough about them to prepare mentally and physically before they meet. Will WP go Division II?

10-14-2002, 01:50 PM
they are better, but way better? tey must prove that by winning the first round aginst Forney, if they dont they will be known as just another one of those Wills Point dissipointments because no one cares that they win this district, I hope they crush Forney but dont say they are way better then last year yet.