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View Full Version : Ok, here's my decision, truly.

05-11-2005, 12:01 AM
I have decided to go to Sam Houston State University in Huntsville.

After viewing all of my options, it's the way I want to go. I had alot of Advice and I thank all of you for giving it, but I've decided SHSU because of the closeness to home, the cost is much less than that of Hardin Simmons, and I know alot of people who go there, including 2 of my classmates, which will help me feel at home. The closeness to home is important to me because well, I live with my Grandparents, and have all my life. As of late, my Grandma has been sick on and off. She was diagnosed with colon cancer 4 years ago, beat it, and is still kinda fighting to build her immune system and has gotten pneumonia 2 times in the last month. My point: I don't want to have to have a 6 hour drive when something goes wrong.

I will also not be trying for the football team. I've been a part of a team my whole life and gave more to it than my studies alot of times. I know, I am going to miss football, but I know I am capable of graduating with honors if I have the time to apply myself. If I were destined for the NFL, then it would be a different story, but I think it's safe to say that it would be just for fun.

I'm sorry if I have disappointed anyone, but this is my decision and I stand by it. I'm a bearkat.

05-11-2005, 12:03 AM
Congrats man! Congrats!

05-11-2005, 12:48 AM
Congrats & Good Luck!!! :clap: :thumbsup:

LH Panther Mom
05-11-2005, 05:35 AM
There's no disappointment as long as you're happy with your decision. Congrats!

05-11-2005, 06:46 AM
Go Kats!!! :D

05-11-2005, 07:05 AM
good luck. SHSU is a good school.

AP Panther Fan
05-11-2005, 08:45 AM
Best of luck to you! It sounds like you made a wise choice for the right reasons.:)

Bandera YaYa
05-11-2005, 09:07 AM
Congrats on making a tough decision.....sounds like you are a very mature and responsible young man and your thinking of your grandparents proves that in my book.....Look up Brett Hicks, QB from Bandera 2002 State Team, he plays for SHSU....tell him Bandera YaYa says hi.......good luck and now you can start making plans!!!! WooHoo!!!!! :clap: :)

05-11-2005, 09:18 AM
Congrats, Good Luck, And God Bless!!!
You'll have to look up some friends of mine--several decided on SH for some of the same reasons! :D

Phil C
05-11-2005, 09:34 AM
Congratulations and Good Luck at SHSU!