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View Full Version : Trash Talk- Why?

12-05-2001, 12:12 AM
I have been amazed at the amount of trash on some of these boards. (we ALL know commerce is a good team, otherwise they wouldn't be in the 4th round. thanks for repeating it OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. you are right, the tigers "never quit.")
however, it's gone overboard on some of these boards. i firmly believe that rooting for your team is awesome. inform the rest of the world that your team is a quality group of players and good people. but there is a point when your trash, slang, and rhetoric goes way overboard and when you pass that point, you make your whole school look bad. it may only be a select few who are doing this, but when you pose as representative of the whole school, the whole school can take a bad rap. i am looking forward to a fabulous game this weekend b/w TWO great teams. give credit where it is due. this weekend play your darndest. if you don't play, scream and hollar like there is no tomorrow, b/c unfortuneately, for one team there won't be a tomorrow. GOOD LUCK BEARS AND TIGERS.

12-05-2001, 12:21 AM
Well said bear! I couldnt have said it better myself.

Owen B
12-05-2001, 12:56 AM
You haven't seen any trash from Commerce fans on this forum. Are you referring to posts on the TXPreps forum? If so, there are a couple of posters from Commerce and a couple from Gladewater who take things a bit too far for my taste but, except for one post, I haven't seen anything out of line.

I counted ten different threads at TXPreps about Commerce and/or Gladewater. Three were started by people from Gladewater, three by people from Commerce, and four by people from other places who are not fans of either team.

12-05-2001, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by bearfan:
I have been amazed at the amount of trash on some of these boards. (we ALL know commerce is a good team, otherwise they wouldn't be in the 4th round. thanks for repeating it OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. you are right, the tigers "never quit.")
however, it's gone overboard on some of these boards. i firmly believe that rooting for your team is awesome. inform the rest of the world that your team is a quality group of players and good people. but there is a point when your trash, slang, and rhetoric goes way overboard and when you pass that point, you make your whole school look bad. it may only be a select few who are doing this, but when you pose as representative of the whole school, the whole school can take a bad rap. i am looking forward to a fabulous game this weekend b/w TWO great teams. give credit where it is due. this weekend play your darndest. if you don't play, scream and hollar like there is no tomorrow, b/c unfortuneately, for one team there won't be a tomorrow. GOOD LUCK BEARS AND TIGERS.

We really dont have much of that on this forum. We had a few from Abilene Wylie that were a problem, but they're gone now. We have a few from Newton that are borderline, but nothing really outta line. We try to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesnt get outta hand.

12-05-2001, 08:56 AM
I myself am a Commerce fan and was trying earlier in the week to get a little more talk about the game. No trash talk here, just football. Seems to me a majority of the talk has been about LaGrange, Newton, Sinton Bellville, Giddings etal. I am looking forward to a great game Friday and will be in the stands, 50 yd line to be precise, watching my brother work through his senior season. Good luck to both teams. Tigers never quit. LOL

12-05-2001, 11:52 AM
Agree bearfan...some posters do go over the line and keep saying the same thing over and over. Afraid some of the Commerce posters are guilty, if they are really fans of the Tigers.
Should be a great game Fri nite. Good luck to Tigers and Bears.

Go TIGERS!!!!!

12-05-2001, 02:06 PM
Maestro: Forgive us for not jumping in and getting in the middle of a conversation on Commerce. A lot of us are in areas where the newspapers barely cover our teams, much less those in other areas. We are somewhat unfamiliar with them unless something is posted on this forum. Get your fans up on it and inform us. As a whole we are supportive of others. We are from different places, but we all support down-home 3A TEXAS Football. Have a great Friday or Saturday night.

eye of the tiger
12-05-2001, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by bearfan:
I have been amazed at the amount of trash on some of these boards. (we ALL know commerce is a good team, otherwise they wouldn't be in the 4th round. thanks for repeating it OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. you are right, the tigers "never quit.")
however, it's gone overboard on some of these boards. i firmly believe that rooting for your team is awesome. inform the rest of the world that your team is a quality group of players and good people. but there is a point when your trash, slang, and rhetoric goes way overboard and when you pass that point, you make your whole school look bad. it may only be a select few who are doing this, but when you pose as representative of the whole school, the whole school can take a bad rap. i am looking forward to a fabulous game this weekend b/w TWO great teams. give credit where it is due. this weekend play your darndest. if you don't play, scream and hollar like there is no tomorrow, b/c unfortuneately, for one team there won't be a tomorrow. GOOD LUCK BEARS AND TIGERS.

Ive gone back over all the gladewater/commerce posts i could find, and I dont find any trash talk. I dont belong to any of the other boards that talk 3A football so I dont know about them. Trash talkers havent lasted very long on this board. I do however finish most of my posts with TIGERS NEVER QUIT and I will probably continue to do that. Im sorry if that offends you. It surely is not ment to offend anyone. I think it is going to be a good game Friday and think the winner of this game will play for state. Have a safe trip to Tyler and a safe trip home after the game.

12-05-2001, 11:38 PM
you obviously didn't look hard enough. there are quite a few scattered throughout. honestly, there are only a few who are just blatantly trash, but it's still not good. one post called "gladewater antiques" is particularly uncalled for. but, we can't police everyone, especially fanatical adults trying to live out their football careers through their children or silly kids who haven't quit learned how to conjugate verbs and that think a "sentence fragment" is when their time in juvenile hall gets reduced.
please do not think that i point all fingers at the whole city of commerce. no city is without idiots. lol.
this board is extremely classy and the
people on here (all but a few) have shown true sportsmanship. the monitors have done a great job funneling out the trash.

what do deion sanders, randy moss, and that smoot guy on the redskins all have in common? i will never root for them b/c they blow their own horns too much and they destroy the game of football.

12-06-2001, 08:43 AM
Bearfan, the post referring to "gladewater antiques" was on the TXpreps board and I do agree that individual was somewhat overzealous. However he is still supporting his alma mater when a lot of graduates could care less about their schools. You and I and many others all know this will be a great game on Friday. I'm not even from Commerce. My mother lives there with my youngest brother who is a senior starter, that is where my interests lie. I looking forward to the post-game posts about this one. good luck to everyone.

eye of the tiger
12-06-2001, 09:05 AM
Bearfan I dont participate on the TXpreps board, but I do not like trash talk anywhere. It just isnt necessary. You can tout your teams accomplishments without bashing the other team. I dont see how anyone can say anything bad about a team that has made it this far in the playoffs. I agree about the pros you mentioned. Football is a team sport not an individual sport.

Owen B
12-06-2001, 09:34 AM

That "Gladewater antiques" post was the one I thought was out-of-line.

The most zealous Commerce backer (not the one who posted the antiques post) at TXPreps was a two-way starter (all-district first team offense and defense) for Commerce in '99 and '00. He's off in New York at school now but he loves his Tigers. I'm sure he is irritating to Bear fans but he'd be a whole lot more irritating if he was still playing for Commerce.

12-06-2001, 11:33 AM
i don't care if that former student/player is on the moon coming up with a cure for aids, his behavior is ridiculous. maybe they'll teach him class and/or decency while at that school.
cheer for your school, but don't be the village idiot.

Owen B
12-06-2001, 01:24 PM
I guess I didn’t express my thoughts well, bearfan. I don’t know the guy personally but I do know that he’s a good kid, athlete, and sportsman who, for the first time in years, can’t show his enthusiasm on the field. So I cut him some slack. I did think that some of his slang, although not vulgar, was offensive. I pointed that out to him two or three days ago and he apologized and has toned down his posts since then. I don’t think you could ask for more.

BTW, I’ve been doing some reading in the Tyler paper and elsewhere about your Bears. They are tough. Tomorrow’s game should be a good one.

12-06-2001, 01:37 PM
Nothing wrong with a little trash talk every once in a while.

12-06-2001, 01:43 PM
Gladewater is a great little town, and Gladewaterites, or Gladewaterians, or whatever they call themselves, shouldn't be ashamed of all the antique shops. I've taken my wife to that little bed and breakfast with the bakery a couple of times and had a blast. Made a point to drive by and take a look at the football stadium because of Gladewater's history of having good to great teams. I remember watching them crush Springtown at the Gopher Bowl in Grand Prairie when Leon Clay was their quarterback. Good luck to the Bears and Tigers. I've gotta root for the Tigers, though. I'd like to see them win it all. Then my Indians, God bless 'em, can say they beat a state champion. It might do their egos good after that spanking Aledo gave to them a few weeks back.

12-06-2001, 01:57 PM
Hey Alvaradobacker I was just thinking about you and wondering where you had ran off to. The reason I was thinking of you is that you guys have played Kennedale and I was wondering what your thoughts were on the possible match up if they win with the winner of Commerce/Gladewater. I know it is not part of this topic but your name came up so I asked. Thanks.

12-06-2001, 02:48 PM
I think Kennedale will win this week. It's time for Bridgeport to take off that glass slipper and go home with their 5 losses. I also believe Kennedale will give Commerce all they want in the next round. But I'd give the edge to Commerce because they've been this far before. I don't know anything about Gladewater this year. I'm picking Commerce against the Bears because anybody that can play Forney to within 8 is pretty darned good. They've obviously improved a lot since they played Alvarado early in the season.