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05-04-2005, 08:03 AM
story here (http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/Entertainment/story?id=701186&page=1)

05-04-2005, 08:06 AM
i heard that they had a recorded phone call from Paula to Cory

05-04-2005, 08:08 AM
Yeah, supposedly ABC is going to air it tonight.

05-04-2005, 08:13 AM
i dont watch idol, but if i find out Donald Trump is sleeping with Tana or giving her hair suggestions, im boycotting The Apprentice

Phantom Stang
05-04-2005, 10:32 AM
Don't know if this will help the guy to sell books, but I'll bet it ruins his chances with female celebrities in the future.:D

Phantom Stang
05-04-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by pirate44
i dont watch idol, but if i find out Donald Trump is sleeping with Tana or giving her hair suggestions, im boycotting The Apprentice

big daddy russ
05-04-2005, 11:43 AM
They should just move the show over to daytime programming and get it over with. We could watch Idol right in between One Life to Live and Days of our Lives.

05-04-2005, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by pirate44
i dont watch idol, but if i find out Donald Trump is sleeping with Tana or giving her hair suggestions, im boycotting The Apprentice ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

05-04-2005, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by pirate44
i dont watch idol, but if i find out Donald Trump is sleeping with Tana or giving her hair suggestions, im boycotting The Apprentice

well when the real world turns to trash then i'm switching too

AP Panther Fan
05-04-2005, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by AggieJohn
well when the real world turns to trash then i'm switching too

turns to?

Think you're a day late and a dollar short...that show does get your attention though, just to see what ridiculous thing will happen next.:doh:

05-04-2005, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
turns to?

Think you're a day late and a dollar short...that show does get your attention though, just to see what ridiculous thing will happen next.:doh:

i hope you caught the sarcasm, and yeah it does catch my attention, the inferno is the best

AP Panther Fan
05-04-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by AggieJohn
i hope you caught the sarcasm

gotcha...the twinkle in my eyes today is actually the sun shining between my ears.;)

05-04-2005, 03:23 PM
Somebody on American Morning's 90 second pop said that its not a big deal if they did have a relationship.. its not like she picked the winner of AI (for one), or if she coached him its not like shes callin 1000 times every week voting for him (she was probably to busy after the show to be usin the phone anyway) ABC is jus goin down hill and they have to prey on Fox bc they are jealous!

Now if he would won AI that year I can see lookin into it.. but I dont really remember him. Guess he must sucked.

05-04-2005, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by CHS_CG
Somebody on American Morning's 90 second pop said that its not a big deal if they did have a relationship.. its not like she picked the winner of AI (for one), or if she coached him its not like shes callin 1000 times every week voting for him (she was probably to busy after the show to be usin the phone anyway) ABC is jus goin down hill and they have to prey on Fox bc they are jealous!

Now if he would won AI that year I can see lookin into it.. but I dont really remember him. Guess he must sucked. Actually he got kicked off the show because he didn't report a police incident he was involved in. So it had nothing to do with him being good or not. Besides, that's entirely inapporpriate for a judge that influences the voters by what she says to be coaching one of the contestants.

05-04-2005, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
Actually he got kicked off the show because he didn't report a police incident he was involved in. So it had nothing to do with him being good or not. Besides, that's entirely inapporpriate for a judge that influences the voters by what she says to be coaching one of the contestants.

IMO what the judges say doesnt really influence the voters.. if that were the case scott woulda been gone a LONG time ago. America votes how they want for who they want.. they dont vote for somebody bc lil miss paula says they are good.

LH Panther Mom
05-04-2005, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by CHS_CG
IMO what the judges say doesnt really influence the voters.. if that were the case scott woulda been gone a LONG time ago. America votes how they want for who they want.. they dont vote for somebody bc lil miss paula says they are good.

If she was coaching him, then he had an unfair advantage over the other candidates, in that he had instruction in how to better his performance....hence receiving more votes.

05-05-2005, 06:49 AM
Anyone see Primetime Live last night? It seems to me that there is blame to be had by both sides of this. He's telling "his story" to sell his book and to somehow try to appear "above" all of this. It takes two to tango, baby! :rolleyes:

05-05-2005, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
Anyone see Primetime Live last night? It seems to me that there is blame to be had by both sides of this. He's telling "his story" to sell his book and to somehow try to appear "above" all of this. It takes two to tango, baby! :rolleyes:

I saw it last night.. What amazes me is that just 2 weeks ago AI showed a thing about "a week in the life of an AI contestant" and they are pretty much with everybody all week.... I am not doubting he got a some help from her but he seemed to be gone a LOT! I dunno.. I wonder what RM thought about the whole deal. lol

Ranger Mom
05-05-2005, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by CHS_CG
I wonder what RM thought about the whole deal. lol

Well....since you asked!!:D

On Fox and Friends this morning they interviewed "Carmen Rasmussen" who was a contestant that same year. She said while she thinks there WAS an affair between the two that she thinks is appropriate, she caught Corey Clark in several lies.

First, they have a set genre with a list of songs to sing, there is no way Paula can handpick his song for him. Also, they have fashion consultants who go with them and pick out their outfits for them. If Paula bought Corey Clark clothes, it wasn't for the competition.

That being said, she said if they replace Paula next season, she feels the show will lose alot. Randy, Simon and Paula are the perfect balance for each other, IMO.

If I listen to any judges critique, it would be Simon's. He may be a bit harsh at times, but I normally agree with his assessment over the other two.

I think Corey Clark fell hard for Paula, and he was just a plaything for her. I don't believe he is telling this story NOW (when he has a CD and a book coming out) because he needs to get the "heavy weight" off of his shoulders.


Oh yeah...and more thing:

YIPPEE....................SCOTT'S GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-05-2005, 11:02 AM
A story about last night's Primetime story (http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050505/D89T21S00.html)

He claims AI has done nothing for him? He wouldn't be in the studio recording an album without AI! Gheez, what an arse!