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View Full Version : I hate gobblers....

04-24-2005, 09:17 PM
The ones in Goliad County, anyway...

Friday evening - Nothing at all...

Saturday - First hunt, NOTHING... Second hunt, three hens...

Today - Woke up around 7, heard gobblers going off about 200 yards out in some stick stuff... Grabbed my decoy/gun etc... and set up to try and get 'em to come in..... NOTHING... Moved to a different spot about 45 minutes later... set up my decoy and found me a tree... Started calling, about 2 minutes later, about 5 feet behind me, this danged hen starts yelping, scared the crap out of me... I yelped back and forth with her for about 20 minutes, NOTHING... she stopped yelping but hung around in the area for a while, which sucked becase my butt was going numb and I needed to move, but didn't want to spook her and have her spook other stuff, so I had to wait... Finally I lost site of her and waited another 5 minutes before moving into a little ground blind with a more comfy seat... NOTHING...

Went back out around lunch time.... nothing...

Went out around 6... Snuck around the corner of a scendero that goes back about 350-400 yards... Saw three big birds, started calling... NOTHING... They were about 300 of the 350-400 yards down, so I went through the woods to wrap around to see if I could determine the sex since the Gobblers weren't being too vocal this weekend... Sure 'nuff, they was hens...

Heard no more Gobblers, left the woods and the ranch at 7:30, on my way back home, about 14 or so miles from the ranch, a huge, and I mean Emu-size Gobbler walks across the road with a beard the size of a horse-tail... Lucky for him, I left my gun out at the ranch, or I woulda let go of all of the frustration from the weekend and he'd a been wrapped-up in a shirt and in the back of my car...

Anyway, get a call at about 8:22 from the owners of the ranch I hunt at... "Yah, we just heard 3 gobblers going crazy right behind the tank (bout a hundred yards out)..."

I'm really po'd...

04-24-2005, 09:23 PM
Sinton pirates had that same problem last football playoff season i hope we all have better luck later this year;)

04-24-2005, 09:36 PM
Oh yah, and the few times I did hear gobbling in the distance while out in the field, they were responding to cows and a donkey... figures