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View Full Version : You know you're from the Golden Triangle when.....

04-21-2005, 08:28 PM
Some of you probably have already seen this before...

You know you're from the Golden Triangle (or lived there too long) if:

"Meeting a celebrity" means standing in line at the Olive Garden next to the local weatherman.

Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a camper on the Eastex Freeway.

"Vacation" means driving to Houston.

You've seen all the biggest bands ten years after they were popular.

Your work or classes are cancelled because of snow, and missed the next day because it reaches 90 degrees.

Two words: Bob Becker

You see people wear tank tops at funerals.

You think of the major food groups as gumbo, beer, and barbecue.

You own a 'swirl' painting from the SE Texas State Fair that you made as a child.

When it rains it's the talk of the town for days.

When it snows it's the talk of the area for weeks.

During the summer, the car trunk doubles as an oven for your groceries.

You measure distance in hours.

You've never seen your feet when swimming at the beach.

The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page, but requires 6 pages for high school football.

You've had to switch from Heat to A/C in the same day.

You only own 3 spices: salt, pepper, and Tabasco.

You think that opening weekend for dove and deer seasons are national holidays.

You find 98 degrees "a little warm," and 60 degrees downright freezing.

You tell others, "Technically, Vidor is outside the Golden Triangle"

You think the only seasons are hot, damn hot, and winter.

You went trickertreaten.

You know if another person is from out of town the second he or she walks in the door.

"Overachievers" go to A&M or UT. The rest must choose from Lamar, McNeese, or LUIT.

Triplex? What the hell were we thinkin'?

You've had several friends move off and move back within a couple of months.

You have a friend that lives near an oil derrick.

The State Fair is the major event for the whole year.

Honeymoon means "Galveston."

Your third field trip to Gladys City sucked as much as the first.

You get these and send them to all your Golden TRIANGLE FRIENDS.