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View Full Version : Arena Football player dies of presumed spinal cord injury

04-10-2005, 10:31 PM
Arena Football player dies of presumed spinal cord injury (http://sports.yahoo.com/top/news?slug=ap-playerdeath&prov=ap&type=lgns)

Rockdale Tiger
04-10-2005, 10:36 PM
Wonder if this has happened before in football? It is a sad day for football and may he RIP and my thoughts and prayers to out to his family and friends.

04-10-2005, 10:40 PM
Too sad to think about! I feel bad for his family.:crying: :crying: :crying:

Green Ranger
04-11-2005, 10:14 AM
This happens in lower level more than most people probably think. My prayers go out to the family, the teams, and anyone involved. Fact of the matter is this is a risk with any sport middle school and up. There was a athlete who was at the College Hockey Championship watching his team play, in a neck brace. He was checked into the boards and broke his neck in several places. I know of a young man last year who dove back to third base collided with the third baseman. Was in a wheelchair till this year when he died of complications (he was in high school). I know a cheerleader who as far as I know is learning to walk again after being thrown over a stunt at cheercamp (she was in high school). Something to think about, this is life, if you play there is always the risk. Prayers to the family and teams involved.

Green Ranger
04-11-2005, 10:48 AM
Look at the Povano incident yesterday, if that was a high school kid and a metal bat was used more than likely he would be dead. If I am not mistaken, softball at the UIL levels next year will require face mask on the batting helmets. Trying to cut down on injuries. Just something to think about.