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The Silver king
04-07-2005, 05:55 PM
pepito joke:

pepito was at school one day when the teacher said" ok class, you are going to pick a letter out of this hat and which ever letter you get is going to be youre home work. you will haveto make a sentence that has at least 4 of thosewords.pepito happened to pick D.so pepito goes to school the next day and watches sandygo. " I went to alabama on an air plane and saw an anima". so then pepito goes up. ' D cow jumped over D fence, D feet first then D tail. :evilgrin: :evilgrin:

post yours

04-07-2005, 06:17 PM
Ha, pretty good...

Little Johnny Joke:

Little Johnny's parents had just had a new baby, but it was born without ears...

They were all going to the hostpital to visit the baby, and knowing that Little Johnny always said bad stuff at the wrong times, his parents said, "Now, Johnny, you gotta be nice to the baby, we don't its feelings being hurt"

"No problem!" Johnny said...

Later on at the hospital, Johnny looked down at the baby and said "Awww, he is soooo cute, gunna be so handsome when he gets older, just like me."

Then he turned around and asked his parents "Does he have good eye site?"

His parents said "yes, Johnny, he has 20-20 vision..."?"

Little Johnny replies "That's good, because that ugly son of a b**** won't be able to wear glasses..."

The Silver king
04-09-2005, 08:33 AM

Old Cardinal
04-09-2005, 07:10 PM
A lady gets on an airplane with-- let's just say a not so beautiful baby. A gentleman walking down the center-isle stops in his tracks and exclaims- "Well that is the ugliest baby..! Catching himself he blurted out, "Excuse me I am sorry Lady" and proceeded on.
The Stewardess come along and sees the lady kind of crying and tenderly says, "It's allright, don't be upset, I will go get you a Coke to relax you and I will also get your little monkey a banana."