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View Full Version : I'm a TOTAL embarrassment to my kids!!

Ranger Mom
10-22-2002, 10:58 PM
I went to my 8th grade daughter's Jr. High band concert tonight. They were playing their pep rally songs (since most of us aren't able to attend the pep rallys). The played some awesome songs, Hawaii Five-0, Another one bites the dust, etc. Then........we got to the fight song, school song, hey song, etc. The band director invited the audience to yell any of the words that we normally yell, if we wanted to. My daughter (who was seated at the very end chair - right up front) immediately put her head in her hands and started shaking it back and forth - she knew what was coming. You guessed it, I started yelling - I was the ONLY one in the entire auditorium who yelled. I only made it half-way through the song, because I was laughing so hard at my daughter, who was laughing so hard she had tears streaming down her face and couldn't even play her flute. I was given the honor of the parent in Jr. High with the most spirit. Afterwards, my daughter told me she was SOOO embarrassed, but that is was okay, because every one else thought it was WAY COOL.
(I guess I am still a child at heart - no one seems to like to have fun anymore!! :confused: )

10-22-2002, 11:02 PM
hehe, thats some good stuff. my parents would always give me heck at any of our concerts when i was in band. i finally got to where i wasnt embarrassed anymore bc it happened so often. dont feel bad, she will get over it. wink

The One
10-22-2002, 11:09 PM
Well your not an embarrassment to us and thats what counts, right? LOL

10-22-2002, 11:11 PM
yeah she'll get used to it, i used to love it, it was great. my mom would love to do things like that during my band concerts. hell after my freshman yr of hs me and my best friend just started doing stuff to embarass ourselves and our band director. but we didn't care, we were just having fun and we loved it. i think she'll get over it and one day she'll love to be able to joke w/ u at something like that.

10-22-2002, 11:16 PM
Oh, do I know where you're coming from. I am also a total embarrassment to my kids. I've been told many times that I'm too loud at games. All I do is encourage and cheer them on, everyone equally. Though I have been known to yell at refs. My son wants to hide when he hears me say anything. But..too bad, I can't shut up. I've tried.

10-22-2002, 11:16 PM
I can tell already, RangerMom. You're gonna be one of those parents who ring cowbells at their graduations!(I did that too, as did my brother) What are we here for if not to embarrass our kids?
They'll be stronger adults because of it! wink

Ranger Mom
10-22-2002, 11:16 PM
Ahhhhh.....Shucks!! http://fp.funfiles.plus.com/anim_emoticons/blushing_profusely.gif

Thanks guys ( and gals) ya'll are great!!

I'm not worthy!! http://fp.funfiles.plus.com/anim_emoticons/not_worthy_of_the_present_company.gif

10-22-2002, 11:21 PM
all i gotta say...again...is that parents who support their kids and have fun with them are the best. embarrassment will pass eventually. hehe, good stuff!!

Ranger Mom
10-22-2002, 11:29 PM
She was over it as soon as the concert was over. It just still cracks me up to think about the look of "defeat" on her face when we were invited to "yell".
Hey, if her friends think I am cool, then heck, so does she!! They (her friends) are NEVER wrong, you know!!
But, I agree, if we aren't there for our kids, who's gonna be?? They know I am there for them 100% 24/7 - and thanks to my big mouth - so does everyone else!!

10-22-2002, 11:31 PM

10-23-2002, 02:54 AM
Ranger Mom, you'll know when your 21 yr old daughter says " Thank You". That's because she finally knew she was apreciated. Kids will eventially grow up. Maybe your town will learn from you. It's about time some others learned from you, too.

BTW, I've always gotten up and yelled "Yeah!" when 2 bits was presented. :) :) :)

<small>[ October 23, 2002, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: SintonFan ]</small>

10-23-2002, 07:08 AM
When I was a boy and was playing reserve guard on the "C" team my freshman year in high school my mom would come to the games to cheer. My Dad always had to work but my mom would be there standing on the sidelines as the stands were too far away and too empty to sit in. She was very loud yelling 'go Tigers' , 'we want a touchdown', 'hit 'em again, harder, harder' and all. She had graduated from the same school thirty years before, and was full of pride and school spirit. She died 4 years ago and I hold on to those cherished memories now. I didn't realize then how many simple things my folks and I did together would mean so much to me in latter years. Kids grow up, and when they do, they need happy memories like you gave your daughter to tie them forever to the past. :)

<small>[ October 23, 2002, 07:11 AM: Message edited by: Pudlugger ]</small>

10-23-2002, 08:02 AM
I always loved it when my mom would do things like that. All of my friends wished that they had a mom like mine. Last year we averaged about 3000 at our football games and I could always hear my mom when I was on the field over ALL of the people in the stands.

10-23-2002, 08:07 AM
Ranger Mom,

All through HS & Jr. High my Dad was the guy who always had the camera in your face taking shots of anything and everything you & your friends did. There were many times I was embarrassed and wished he would back off because it wasn't "cool" in front of my friends. Now many yrs. removed from that scene my father is no longer here with us but I still have all of those pictures to thank him for being involved. Enjoy your daughter's events, scream, sing and do what ever. Have a good time while you still have it. Down the road you will both be able to look back and laugh.

10-23-2002, 08:39 AM
As a parent I feel it is our DUTY to embarrass our kid's! Otherwise they wouldn't know how much we love them! It's a proven fact that when the blood rushes to their cheeks it is good for their circulation. So medically speaking, what we are doing is for their health!

<small>[ October 23, 2002, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: bulldog65 ]</small>

10-23-2002, 09:07 AM
I embarass my daughter all of the time...she always gives me the exasperated daaaad when I am doing something silly and fun. I can also tell that she loves every minute of it. Memories like the one you just gave your daughter are what she will cherish and think of often in the future. They are proof positive of the love and devotion that you have for her. Keep it up! :)

10-23-2002, 09:24 AM
I'm sure your daughter is over it since teenagers have so many OTHER things to worry about. She's lucky to have your support. Today there are too many parents who are too busy or uninterested in taking a part in their children's lives. I for one am glad that you are NOT one of those parents and in the future your daughter will also thank you.

10-23-2002, 11:22 AM

Keep "embarassing" your daughter. She will cherish the memories when she gets older, and remember how much you supported her. My daughter is in college and I still get the "lecture". Be quiet mom! LOLOLOL At the sports banquet last spring, a group of freshmen girls came up and begged me to come to their games this year. When kids do that, you know you're doing the right thing. :D

10-23-2002, 06:18 PM
These replies are great -a couple even made me tear up. Ranger Mom - keep up the good work! Our kids need to be a little less embrarrassed to have fun. I was always a loud one at the games myself - there were some of us when parents would start yelling at the refs - we would start yelling louder to drown them out. In middle school, my son said he always knew to kinda give the D-linemen a push forward when he would hear me yell, "Get up on the ball." You know how they come up to the line thinking they're encroaching and they are five yards or so off the ball in 7th grade. Another famous one was - "you can't play football sitting on the ground. I only yelled that at him and didn't have to do so very many times. Brings back fond memories - go to my students high school and college games now and yell my loudest. So, be there - be loud and be proud - the years will go by very, very fast. Keep up the good work!

eye of the tiger
10-23-2002, 07:03 PM
Ranger Mom it is one of the privleges and also a responsibility of parrenthood . It is our only chance to get even. I am proud of you.

Da Mules
10-23-2002, 07:48 PM
When I was playing LB back in the Stone Age, I came up real fast on a halfback and went flying at him & missed the tackle. A teacher in the sidelines standing right in front of my mom hollered "chicken-****!" and dear ole mom immediately beaned him right on the head, HARD, with her heavy-duty purse. Knocked him to his knees, and he got up and slunk away. Thank God I didn't even know about it until Saturday morning; I would have crawled under the goalpost.

10-23-2002, 07:58 PM
Lady, im embarrassed just hearing about it.

10-23-2002, 08:54 PM
To all Mom's everywhere -- keep on doing what you're doing, in the only way a Mom knows how to do it - - with her heart and soul.

10-23-2002, 10:13 PM
Hmm...band must be a totally different thing over there than it is here, Rangermom. Here, doing embarassing things at a band concert would have you kicked out and extremely looked down upon and considered non-classy. Then again I'm sure it would be ok if we were, for some strange reason, playing the fight song or something like that. When it comes to concert season though, it's about band, not the football team or the fight song or anything like that. We like to get the crowd going though...no matter how many angered football moms threaten to jump the band director if the team is losing...it's usually our fault for some reason. But our team is doing awesome this year and just about every game has been a complete blow out so we're a happy group of band kids. Best of luck to your daughter on flute.

Ranger Mom
10-24-2002, 08:44 AM
If you will re-read the original post, you will see that it WAS pep-rally songs. The band director threw together a casual concert, because we never hear the kids play the songs, since most of us have to work. The band director is the one who INVITED us to yell if we knew the words, otherwise, I wouldn't have.
Another little note, they also played our school song. In Greenwood, since we are the rangers, our motto has always been "Get your guns up". During the school song we always put our arm (with our little finger gun) up in the air, during that concert maybe 10 people did it. Too many people worry about what others think about them, I, on the other hand, DON'T!! :D :D :D