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View Full Version : Rice Cons. vs. Navasota, Bellville vs. Columbus, 20-3A Baseball

04-05-2005, 08:52 AM
Two important games for the playoff scenario? any thoughts?

I know there is a thread about our Brahmas!!!

All thoughts please!!

Go Brahmas!!

04-05-2005, 10:04 AM
I think it will be tough game for the Brahmas, but you never know what can happen. I'll be pulling for ya'll!! As far as my Raiders, I'm not really sure how Navasota is doing, but of course, I'm picking my boys to win!!

04-05-2005, 10:59 AM
Well I think that the Brahmas are going to find it tough going against the Cardinals. They pitched the Kid who threw the pellet 86mph. They pithced him against Rice to asure a win. Basically they are conceding Columbus. Good move to get into the playoffs.
Rice will have to play an error free game to beat Navasota. They can do it. I pick the Raiders in this one. Thank goodness I don't have to load any more crawfish. I had 4000lbs go to Bully's last Friday.:eek: :eek: :o :wave: :wave: :wave: