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View Full Version : About the GodFather with very minor editing

Phil C
03-23-2005, 11:47 AM
I partially quote Stretch04 from another tread about myself "What do you do for a living besides watch girls sports (Which is odd in itself)." I am repeating an earlier thread I wrote with some very minor editing mainly again for those that are new on 3A DL.

When I was a boy about 12 there were not any girls' sports in our school even though volleyball did start when I got in high school. This was in the early 1960s in a small 2A school. One day they had an inschool track competition between some of the junior and senior girls. One of the girls after finishing her race collapsed into her teammates arms exhaused. One of the assistant coaches sitting next to me remarked to another coach "I still say a woman's place is in the home." I thought to myself (we had too much respect for adults to speak out our minds back then) "Yeah but what if they had the coaching, training and facilities that we boys have." Unknown to me this was a mountain in my life that laid asleep for almost forty years. I never attended a softball game or any other girl's sports until a few years ago. I was walking on the Sinton track while a softball game was going on. I don't remember the game but Sinton won easily. As I walked by I noticed that the Sinton pitcher was doing a great job. Her name was Amanda Stevens who is doing great at Texas Lutheran University right now. The girls played great but I noticed they didn't have the support that the boys' sports have. It was then I remembered what happened many years before. I was then hooked on girls' softball which is still my favorite but I also started supporting other girls' sports such as volleyball, basketball and soccer. I go to these events when I can while the athletes are in junior high so the parents and coaches and kids will know me and that I am just a local fan. I am not stupid as to not know that nowadays people are justifiable suspicious of strangers so I make sure that as many as I can know me. I would be concerned too if it were reversed (Remember I am a parent also). Over the past few years of supporting the Sinton Pirates and Lady Pirates some of the athletes called me GodFather because I go support the teams. Some of them have evern called me Sinton's Number 1 Fan which is an honor to be thought of but that is one that I have never really felt worthy to claim. I like and go all sports that I can such as football, boys' and girls' track and basketball, baseball, track. soccer, softball, etc. As long as health, funds and time permits I want to continue to do so. I support the girls more I admit because they still do not have the fan following that the boys' teams have.
I have been blessed to keep on in spite of being diebetic and have had cancer surgery (which was considered successful). That is why I really emphazise enjoying life while there is time. Some folks have said I need a life but this is the life for me. Others may enjoy partying, going to movies, watching tv, etc. This is what I enjoy and is my life. Why was I the lucky one? :D
I hope this may ease some minds who wonder about me.

I want to conclude by urging all of you to keep up with medical checkups. It could save your life. It did mine. I was blessed with God's help and the care of an outstanding physician and medical staff and the prayers of friends and family to come through ok. The early detection is very important. So no matter your age please keep up with medical checkups and urge all family and friends to do so too.

03-23-2005, 12:01 PM
Said it before, and I'll say it again, Phil---- They just don't make em' like you anymore, and I know everybody in Sinton wishes they had a lot more like you. Keep on doing what you do and enjoying it, my friend. We are all here in life just for a visit and it is important that we make each day "count" as you have found out first hand. From one "old guy" to another.... May God Bless and keep you.

03-23-2005, 06:02 PM
I just thought this needed one more go round on the first page. Phil's a class act and everyone should realize it.

03-23-2005, 06:25 PM
We think we have just removed "the whole piece" today...due to early detection.

And, by the way, I have never "wondered" about you...you go where most men fear (or just don't understand)!!!!

Phil C
08-03-2005, 12:39 PM
I neglected to thank you all for your support and someone once said better late than never so thank you.

08-03-2005, 12:40 PM
i'm so interested in meeting you phil

08-03-2005, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by AggieJohn
i'm so interested in meeting you phil

Phil was the 1st "poster" I met in person from the Downlow (that isn't from Cuero) - during a basketball game in Sinton.. I guess it was January 2003. Stay healthy Phil :)

08-03-2005, 02:12 PM
You da man, Phil. You da man! :cool:

08-03-2005, 03:49 PM
Re: BPhill C

Take it from someone that knows - he is the No. 1 Sinton sports fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-03-2005, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by OnceABucJr
Re: BPhill C

Take it from someone that knows - he is the No. 1 Sinton sports fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D That he is! :)

and the girls really do appreciate his support! :thumbsup:

08-03-2005, 03:57 PM
phil, bringing up old threads again:hand:

Phil C
08-19-2005, 11:11 AM
ttt (Sorry AggieJohn but maverick1 posted something so I felt it
was again necessary to bring up this thread back. Apologia.)

Ranger Mom
08-19-2005, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Phil C
ttt (Sorry AggieJohn but maverick1 posted something so I felt it
was again necessary to bring up this thread back. Apologia.) \

No apology needed PhilC.....that was a crappy comment that Maverick made anyway!

I agree, it needed to be brought back up to the top!!

Phantom Stang
08-19-2005, 12:44 PM
I've been a member here for a little less than a year now. However I have been an avid reader of this board, going back to the 2002 season

I feel compelled to say at this time, that PhilC's posts, nomatter what the topic may be, have always been among the reasons that keep me coming back.

08-19-2005, 01:04 PM
I never knew this thread existed.

08-19-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
ttt (Sorry AggieJohn but maverick1 posted something so I felt it
was again necessary to bring up this thread back. Apologia.)
my apologies to you, i just saw the date, i didn't actually read the thread, i have now, and wow, i do admire you phil

Phil C
08-23-2005, 12:45 PM

Phil C
08-23-2005, 12:46 PM
apologia everyone.

PhiI C
10-29-2005, 11:55 PM
ttt for some newer posters

10-30-2005, 06:33 AM
This forum is about HS FOOTBALL folks!! :mad: It's not about Phil C and whether he wears dirty sox or not Geez. !!!! Keep your threads to FOOTBALL ONLY !! :foul: :flamingma :foul: :flamingma :eyetwitch

PhiI C
10-30-2005, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
This forum is about HS FOOTBALL folks!! :mad: It's not about Phil C and whether he wears dirty sox or not Geez. !!!! Keep your threads to FOOTBALL ONLY !! :foul: :flamingma :foul: :flamingma :eyetwitch

Good point Green! I am so ashamed! :(