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03-08-2005, 03:03 PM
Any ideas? Past experiences with different breeds and so forth. Why I should get what? So forth.

03-08-2005, 03:13 PM
I prefer Labs for their companionship, intelligence, and gentle disposition. Drawbacks are: large and can be destructive to property such as flowerbeds, etc.

03-08-2005, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
I prefer Labs for their companionship, intelligence, and gentle disposition. Drawbacks are: large and can be destructive to property such as flowerbeds, etc.

had one growing up...and loved it. we put a small electric fence around the flowerbed. seemed to cure that problem real quick.

03-08-2005, 03:20 PM
guess it's cause i've been born and raised with 'em...i find English Cocker Spaniels to be reliable and with a nice disposition....they tend to be good lil guard dogs, but other than that, good dogs

Bandera YaYa
03-08-2005, 04:17 PM
I have had many.....my fav is my little Double Dapple Dacshund...or maybe my Minature Schnauzer....but my Rhodsian Ridgeback was adorable, unless it could be my perky Yorkie.....then there was those two border collies....they were so much fun......or still, the black and yellow labs were great.....as was the Irish Setter...but in the end, I love my Siamese cat the bestest of all! :kiss:

03-08-2005, 04:22 PM
Growning up we always had chow mixes.. they are soo cute. The only thing is.. we never knew what they were mixed with... I saw some really cute pit puppies at the mall the other day, but I dont know how you feel about pit bulls.

03-08-2005, 04:35 PM
Ive got a Great Pyranese. They are really big and make great guard dogs. They are very loyal too. Only thing is, you have to shave them during the summer so they dont over-heat. I also have a Jack Russel terrier. He is fun. Very loyal and energetic and smart.

03-08-2005, 04:40 PM
Aww Jack Russel's are soooo cute... i might have to come dog nap your doggy!

03-08-2005, 05:11 PM
Jack Russel Terriers are pretty hyper and energetic...remember Robert's dog Jack Bulldog_12? But they're still pretty fun to mess around with...haha...

03-08-2005, 08:11 PM
I think English Bulldogs are excellent dogs. Not too big, not too small, very well tempered, but also very protective. The only downside is that to get a purebred you are looking at a couple grand.

03-08-2005, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by ASUFrisbeeStud
I think English Bulldogs are excellent dogs. Not too big, not too small, very well tempered, but also very protective. The only downside is that to get a purebred you are looking at a couple grand.

thought about that, but I heard they have lots of health problems? any truth to that. and yaya I had a Ridgeback and I loved it. I am looking for something that wont rip the house apart, and can be kept inside some of the day.

Ranger Mom
03-08-2005, 08:50 PM
I'm a "mutt" kinda gal....but the best purebred I ever owned was a Norwegian Elkhound....his name was Rambo.

He was a big, gentle giant.....GREAT with the kids, very laid back, but unfortunately he died when he was 8 of tick fever.

If I was in the search for another purebred, I would go with another Elkhound or a Golden Retriever.

Rockdale Tiger
03-08-2005, 09:53 PM
Get a weenie dog!

La Grange
03-08-2005, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by rockdale80
Any ideas? Past experiences with different breeds and so forth. Why I should get what? So forth.

My dads a vet. so I am around dogs a lot. If you want a dog that will live outside and just be fun to be around get a lab, but know that labs are very active dogs that like to jump and play and tear up things. A golden retriever is a great dog that is very relaxed but also loves the outdoors. We have one and it is a great hunting dog and just...dog.

If you want a nice housedog that is very funny, playful, and a good compainon get a weenie dog. We have three and they are all very nice. We have a pug and she is a handful, if you want a cool dog to get the ladies...don't get a pug.

Before you get the dog make sure you take a look at their parents. That should give you a good idea of your dogs demeanor and how well you are going to like him/her...and I would definatly suggest a her.

03-08-2005, 10:10 PM
Rockdale....Answer these questions and I will get back to you.

1. Large breed or small
2. Inside or outside dog
3. Will the dog be alone or always with somebody
4. Is your lifestyle go go go or is it more like a couch potato
5. Do you have time to exericise dog
6. Is your personality laid back or is it hyper
7. Do you want a dog with long hair or short
8. Do you want a purebred or will a mix do fine
9. Do you have a specific use for the dog...hunting, herding etc...

Often the biggest mistake that people make is to choose a dog that does not fit their lifestyle and personality....let me know...I may be able to help!

03-08-2005, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by vet93
Rockdale....Answer these questions and I will get back to you.

1. Large breed or small
2. Inside or outside dog
3. Will the dog be alone or always with somebody
4. Is your lifestyle go go go or is it more like a couch potato
5. Do you have time to exericise dog
6. Is your personality laid back or is it hyper
7. Do you want a dog with long hair or short
8. Do you want a purebred or will a mix do fine
9. Do you have a specific use for the dog...hunting, herding etc...

Often the biggest mistake that people make is to choose a dog that does not fit their lifestyle and personality....let me know...I may be able to help!

1. medium to small
2. inside but with access to a backyard.
3. mostly with someone. will have roommates.
4. depends on how the day has been going. but mostly up doing something
5. yes
6. laid back
7. short
8. either
9. not really, but my parents do have a farm, and i dove hunt. may take him/her with me. but not required.

03-08-2005, 10:22 PM
Get a mut like my dog...http://img31.exs.cx/img31/3129/dscn00781hi.th.jpg

Rockdale Tiger
03-08-2005, 10:28 PM
Get a minerature dachsund...

03-08-2005, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by vet93
Rockdale....Answer these questions and I will get back to you.
Often the biggest mistake that people make is to choose a dog that does not fit their lifestyle and personality....let me know...I may be able to help!
I totally agree, you need to carefully determine your needs.

Now, if you want a fun house dog, I would recommend considering a West Highland Terrier. They are a white dog, the Cairn Terrier is the colored version. One, they do not shed hair like most dogs. Two, they are loving, energetic dogs, but they don't get very big. Three, they are very alert and will let you know if a stranger approaches. Four, they generate their own exercise by running around the house and yard. That is, you don't have to have time to take them for a regular walk. We had one and gave him all the exercise he could stand just by throwing him a ball.

03-08-2005, 11:45 PM
Rockdale....here is a few breeds that may meet your needs:
1. Jack Russell - active, smart, lots of personality, drawback: can be too hyper.
2. Dachshund - loyal, very good in house, not as active drawback: back problems, can be stubborn
3. Westies/Cairn terriers - curious, fun mild-mannered, more active than dachshunds but less than jack russells drawback: westies have skin problems, hair may be too long for you.
4. Welsh Corgi - active (herding breed), smart, not as hyper as the Jack Russells drawback: back problems, also Corgis tend to want to be the dominant dog.....can be stubborn.
5. Any terrier mut may be the best selection of all. Will have many of the fun characteristics of the terrier breeds but without some of the defects associated with purebred dogs. Muts will almost always be healthier pets with less trips to your veterinarian (not always but most of the time).

When selecting the individual dog.....take into consideration the dogs response to you. If you want a "in your face dog", then choose the dog or puppy that immediately runs up to you and licks you in the face. If you want a pet that is not so extroverted, then look for the pet that chooses to let you go to them and then wags their tail and greets you. Do not select a dog that growls, bites or runs and hides under the furniture when you appoach it....it could very well have some personality issues that you do not want to deal with. Good luck!!!

03-09-2005, 12:09 AM
I appreciate all the input. I will keep you guys posted on what we decide upon.

03-09-2005, 06:31 PM
I got a Rat Terrier and it's awesome. Very loyal and good for tricks. Never gets tired of chasing tennis balls.

03-09-2005, 07:51 PM
AWWWWWWW i want the puppy :(.......... hes soo cute!

Ranger Mom
03-09-2005, 07:55 PM
Take it from someone who knows...do not..I repeat DO NOT get a chihuahua!!!!

I am babysitting what started out as 3 chihuahuas and turned into 6 on Sunday.

Two are sitting in my lap as I type around them....and the "little mama" attacks everyone (dog AND man...but me) who dares walk closer than 10 feet to her puppies.

She is in the living room, because when I try and put her in any other room she cries, howls and scratches on the door to get out.

I will be SO GLAD when Saturday gets here and I can gladly turn these little "rats" back over to their owners!!!

03-09-2005, 09:08 PM
I want to get a German Shepherd, those dogs are awesome.