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View Full Version : Whole Middle East rapidily moving toward freedom, voting and Democracy!

Old Cardinal
03-06-2005, 10:46 PM
Things are really looking good for the people of the Middle East--freedom and Democracy are within their reach. Since Alfhanistan, Iraq and now Palestine have experience the freedom of voting the others in-- Egypt, Lebanon, and other nations are demanding free elections! If history repeats itself as in Japan, South Korea etc: these Countries will also move toward Christianity within a decade. It's hard to suppress a people when they see a glimpse of freedom as a possibility for them and their children. COMMENTS?

03-06-2005, 10:50 PM
I wouldn't say I agree with the broad brush you have painted the middle east with...but a fair number of Muslim countries are beginning to see some improvements in freedom and measure toward democracy..but we are far from a rapid movement in that direction.

As far as Christianity taking hold in the Muslim holy land..I would hope so, but it would take some amazing acts by God for that to happen..we can pray to that end.

03-07-2005, 11:45 AM
I would tap on the brake a bit. I hope democracy takes hold, but you are talking about thousands of years of turmoil that center around religious beliefs. The muslims believe that Jerusalem is their holy land just as Jews do. Unless there is a monumental philosophical and doctrinal shift, I think we're actually heading the other direction. I think we are heading to WW3. Especially, now that Iran appearantly has nuclear weapons. I hope that I am wrong, but I have history on my side.

The Christianity thing is an interesting one, also. You realize that by "asking" them to turn to Christianity, they are totally turning their back on their religion for thousands of years. Imagine if muslims were invading the US and trying to convert us to Islam at the same time they were killing US citizens. That would be a tough sell, don't you think?

I think we all tend to look at things through out "American eyes". We have to realize that we don't always have the answers and sometimes we're even wrong.

03-07-2005, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Macarthur
Imagine if muslims were invading the US and trying to convert us to Islam at the same time they were killing US citizens.hat would be a tough sell, don't you think?

I think we all tend to look at things through out "American eyes". We have to realize that we don't always have the answers and sometimes we're even wrong .
America is not targeting Iraqi citizens to kill.
If freedom and liberty make us wrong. Then We're Wrong . :rolleyes:

03-07-2005, 04:06 PM
he never said we were targeting the innocent iraqi citizens

03-07-2005, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by mwynn05
he never said we were targeting the innocent iraqi citizens
Maybe not but many who have made similiar statements have implied so. I thought that should be mentioned...
We aren't the barbarians, you know?
I also don't believe Christianity will bloom in the middle east any time soon.