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View Full Version : Happy Texas Independce Day 169 Years

03-02-2005, 09:20 AM
Bubba Joe takes this moment to tell you folks Happy Texas Independence Day.
Raise the Lone Star Flag High and salute the Great State of Texas.
Bubba and the Family will be celebratin with family and friends this evening. On the menu are Texas flavored items including but not limited to:

Texas Whitetailed venison chops - chicken fried
Texas Wild Hog smoked sausage brats
Jalapeno peppers stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon
all grilled over a hot bed of mesquite coals
Texas Gulf coast shrimp and possible some redfish all from Copano Bay area

Of course the libations will have a TEXAS flavor or one of the following
Shiner Bock
Lone Star
and for my uncle
Dirtroad - Pearl from the 1100 springs of Texas

God Bless TEXAS
Biggest and Grandest

03-02-2005, 09:23 AM
Happy Texas Independence Day, Y'all! Sounds like an excellent way to celebrate, Bubba Joe!

03-02-2005, 09:24 AM
From Today's Austin American Statesman

A shining Lone Star

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Their notions of freedom had a few blind spots, but the signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence boldly accepted the risks.

On March 2, 1836, the outcome of the rebellion against the government of the vainglorious Antonio López de Santa Anna was far from certain. The fledgling Texas army was ill-trained, poorly equipped and supplemented by a group of volunteers who didn't cotton much to military discipline.

It was a spirit — brave but sometimes foolhardy — that laid the foundation for the state we share today. Like the signers, we are not perfect, and we aren't the most patient with each other. However, we live in a state rich in resources and people. Today we celebrate Texas' past, present and future.

Independence Day events today include a 9 a.m. memorial service at the State Cemetery at Seventh and Navasota streets. Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson will be the featured speaker.

At 11:30 a.m., state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, D-Austin, hosts a celebration in the Capitol Rotunda.

While we celebrate, we also acknowledge that the road ahead is still uncertain. Moreover, there are plenty of divergent opinions about how to proceed. Some things don't change.

Texans are accustomed to adapting and surviving, though, and that trait was established in the state long before 1836.

Viva Texas.