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View Full Version : Bridgeport Track Meet

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-27-2005, 02:55 PM
Terrible day for a meet. Lady Z Motion Jr. (My daughter) fell in the first 50 yards of the 800 and was injured. Then Vernon decided to leave early as the conditions were bad and she didn't get a chance to run the mile.

Sucky day for a track meet!

02-28-2005, 07:57 AM
I'm sorry to hear about Little Lady Z...where are they running this week?

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-28-2005, 12:12 PM
Next up is Mineral Wells. I'm guessing this should be another big meet. I bet there were at least 15 teams at Bridgeport. I was dissapointed in Lady Z Jr's race. She was in lane 8 and she got out quick but when she tried to cut in a girl pushed her from the back and down she went. She is pretty small and then add on that a Freshman that lacks experience running and I guess that kind of thing can happen. Maybe this next meet she will get a better lane assignment. Not sure what to do when you are stuck out on the outside lane in the 800???