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02-23-2005, 08:53 AM
hey marlin fan. this is the miniature schnauzer i was telling you about. they are fun dogs and are pretty easy to care for. my grandparents breed and sell them (as well as chihuahuas) in Troy, TX. i was looking for an appropriate dog, but i have heard they are NOT good with children. so ill be looking for a dog that is a little bigger.

LH Panther Mom
02-23-2005, 08:56 AM
That is so cute!

02-23-2005, 09:00 AM
i think this is more marlin fans type:


HighSchool Fan
02-23-2005, 09:02 AM
with the way that marlin fan has been acting lately, do not let him have any animal or dolls. he might try to do a little damage to them :p

AP Panther Fan
02-23-2005, 09:05 AM
Cute! My sister in Austin has/had two of them. One was very gentle with kids, the other one not so. Anyway, the not-so-loving pup ended up moving in with the neighbors and she is back down to one.:D

02-23-2005, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
Cute! My sister in Austin has/had two of them. One was very gentle with kids, the other one not so. Anyway, the not-so-loving pup ended up moving in with the neighbors and she is back down to one.:D
when we went up to visit them a couple months ago, the min.schnauzer that is their house dog was fine with my son. but we were only there for a day and my son didnt have time to annoy it. young children have a tendancy to be very rough with dogs and the smaller ones will snap at the kids when they get mad. the larger dogs like hounds or mastiffs will pretty much let a toddler pull, jerk, poke and hit them, and the dog wont mind.