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Z motion 10 out on 2
02-16-2005, 10:17 AM
District 5

With Vernon's basketball win last night over Iowa Park, Vernon claims a share of the district title with Graham. Instead of a playoff game between the two rivals (who split games in the regular season) the coaches decided to flip a coin. Graham goes in as the #1 seed and Vernon as the #2.

I'm not sure why they flipped the coin instead of playing a tie breaker game. That game would have drawn a huge crowd and settled the district champion. The last time these two teams met a fight broke out on the court. Maybe that had something to do with it. Also the momentum thing. Neither team wanting to start the playoffs fresh off a loss.

Anyway, best of luck to both teams maybe they will meet gain in the area round.

02-16-2005, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Z motion 10 out on 2
District 5

With Vernon's basketball win last night over Iowa Park, Vernon claims a share of the district title with Graham. Instead of a playoff game between the two rivals (who split games in the regular season) the coaches decided to flip a coin. Graham goes in as the #1 seed and Vernon as the #2.

I'm not sure why they flipped the coin instead of playing a tie breaker game. That game would have drawn a huge crowd and settled the district champion. The last time these two teams met a fight broke out on the court. Maybe that had something to do with it. Also the momentum thing. Neither team wanting to start the playoffs fresh off a loss.

Anyway, best of luck to both teams maybe they will meet gain in the area round.

Z, I have to tell you, I grew up in IP and Vernon and IP had a great rivalry, but I never encountered fans and students as awful as Graham. I certainly don't want to seem as though I'm pilling on Graham for their recent troubles, but there is a patter of poor sportsmanship that has been allowed at that school for some time (I graduated almost 15 years ago).

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-16-2005, 12:01 PM
I agree. Last year at the playoff game with Graham at MSU, the Graham fans (Mostly students) were so bad. They had all these disrespectful chants, t-shirts that degraded Vernon, and signs that mentioned the Vernon Lion Football loss to Graham.

I was so mad after the game I was ready to get into a fight. In fact, had my kid got into one, there would have been no punishment at home for him. But he didn't and I didn't we just left with our heads down and our tails between our legs after they beat us.

I think that a couple of things have contributed to it such as the winning streaks Graham has had over all of us and the fustration that builds up on the losing teams---add that to the Graham administration never getting a handle on it in the first place and you get some heated games in all sports.

As far as IP and Vernon the football games are always competitive. I don't know the total win/lose records against each other but I bet they are close. Because we win some and lose some that may play down the fustration factor. Rivalries are good but when Graham's student fans become so disrespectful it tends to make things get out of hand, such as the fight between the players in the Vernon/ Graham basketball game.

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-16-2005, 12:10 PM
This year may also be a bit humbling to the Graham fan as IP beat them in Football and now they are co-champs with Vernon in basketball. It has been a long time since the Steers had a down year. And then the down year they are still co-champs in football and basketball....maybe I should move to Graham! Just kidding I love my Vernon Lions even when we don't come in 1st or beat Graham.

02-16-2005, 08:22 PM
Poor Vernon, it's sad to hear about the Lions losing to Graham.
OK, after that sarcastic remark..... does anybody around North Central Texas remember Leo Britain and the powerhouse Vernon Lion machine? How about Graham and their 15, yes count 'em 15 straight defeats to the Lions?
Come on guys, lighten up. The Steers have some catching up to do.

02-16-2005, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by VWG
Poor Vernon, it's sad to hear about the Lions losing to Graham.
OK, after that sarcastic remark..... does anybody around North Central Texas remember Leo Britain and the powerhouse Vernon Lion machine? How about Graham and their 15, yes count 'em 15 straight defeats to the Lions?
Come on guys, lighten up. The Steers have some catching up to do.

Hey VWG, I have to sorta agree with you on that one. I was in on a couple of those years. Myself and Mcarthur may have played against each other if he graduated 15yrs ago. I was on the '89 and '90 team.

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-16-2005, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by VWG
Poor Vernon, it's sad to hear about the Lions losing to Graham.
OK, after that sarcastic remark..... does anybody around North Central Texas remember Leo Britain and the powerhouse Vernon Lion machine? How about Graham and their 15, yes count 'em 15 straight defeats to the Lions?
Come on guys, lighten up. The Steers have some catching up to do.

I was sounding pretty beat down in my earlier post huh?

02-16-2005, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Z motion 10 out on 2
I was sounding pretty beat down in my earlier post huh?

Sorry Z, but buddy I can't shed any tears for Vernon. Those teams that Coach Britain had back in the 80's and 90's were awesome. Domination wasn't even close to how they used to steamroll Graham, Iowa Park, Bowie, heck.... whoever tried to stand in their way got demolished.
All I am saying is that Vernon, no matter who you talk about in North Central Texas football, has a HUGE edge in the win column in all time series wins/losses.
I respect the Vernon athletic program with the highest regard..... but to give sympathy after some of the butt whoopin's I've seen the Lions put on people for so many years, well, I just hope you can see my perspective.

02-16-2005, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Z motion 10 out on 2
This year may also be a bit humbling to the Graham fan as IP beat them in Football and now they are co-champs with Vernon in basketball. It has been a long time since the Steers had a down year. And then the down year they are still co-champs in football and basketball....maybe I should move to Graham! Just kidding I love my Vernon Lions even when we don't come in 1st or beat Graham.

My money's on IP in baseball this year as well. Graham and their multi-million dollar ballpark will just have to suffer through it. :D I allways knew the Graham fans had no b@lls, who else would choose a STEER to be their mascot?

02-17-2005, 12:13 AM
i say this with NO anger in my voice, I'm a graham fan, and unless they've fallen off since i left the bathroom. . . they're still there.

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-17-2005, 10:17 AM
Your right they are still there. They should have a good run in basketball. I don't know what the track team or the baseball teams returns.

02-17-2005, 10:59 AM
YOu know, guys, it really doesn't have anything to do with domination. When I went to school, we all won some and lost some to each other in different sports. Graham certainly held no domination over anyone. The only dominance was the late 80's early 90's Vernon football program. But before that, when David Baugh was at IP, IP held an advantage over Vernon in the mid 80's. Each town has had periods of time that they held an advantage over the others. It's true that Graham has had a good run, but my point was that their poor sportsmanship was going on while they were not dominate.

02-17-2005, 11:57 AM
as far as baseball, im not too sure. but the graham guys track team shouldn't be too shabby. they will 3 of the 4 guys from the region champion team from last year. shot put should be pretty good in dan schmidt and pole vault in pecos mccool who placed 3rd in district last year to our other 2 vaulters who both graduated. kevin pinkston should be good in the hurdles after a trip to state last year. and i'm not sure what jeremy louder runs, but hes that crazy fast qb that plays for us, so he should do well wherever he does run. Don't know much about the girls, sorry.

02-17-2005, 12:03 PM
Z, in talking with the Graham Basketball coach, nothing would have been gained by playing again. Both teams would have still been co-champs, and the game would have only decided who went as #1 seed...added to that is the fact that the two teams should meet again somewhere in the playoffs...can you imagine what that game will be like?

Graham's students are spirited, but let me insure you that even though the administration doesnt do much to curb their disrespect, the coaches that are still on staff there are doing what they can to improve that situation, demanding that the kids cheer for the "Steers" instead of at or against the other team... even though they are in limbo as to what is going to happen with their jobs. It looks like some of them will be packing their bags and going elsewhere.

02-17-2005, 12:11 PM
Greenmonster, I agree with you about IP baseball, they should be the team to beat. Pretty good pitching, pretty good coaching, and Justin Swenson, who can do anything, and a great kid to boot.

I disagree with your comment about the "multi-million" dollar stadium in Graham. It wasnt multi, and it was donated. What were they supposed to say to the donor, "no thank you?"

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-17-2005, 03:26 PM

Your right on the money about Swenson. He is a heck of an athlete. I wish the Waggoner Ranch would donate some money to Vernon College for a JUCO football team! I know they would say yes!

That is what I figured about the basketball game. Hope they both do win some games and get a chance to play again.