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View Full Version : 'Crazy for You' bear won't be sold anymore

02-04-2005, 08:47 AM
(not to be confused with the "You're Sick and I'm Having You Commited" Bear)

here's the story:

Associated Press
Feb. 3, 2005 02:51 PM

MONTPELIER, Vt. - After weeks of protests from advocates for the mentally ill, Vermont Teddy Bear Co. has agreed to stop producing and marketing a "Crazy For You" bear that comes with a straitjacket and commitment papers, advocacy groups said Thursday.

Company spokeswoman Nicole L'Huillier said the statement issued by the groups was "a little bit inaccurate," but would not immediately elaborate.

The $69.95 bear no longer appeared on the company's Web site Thursday

02-04-2005, 09:01 AM
This politicly(sp) correct crap is sending America down the tubes for crying out loud.:mad:

02-04-2005, 09:30 AM
but it's a cute little mentally challenged bear! lol You can't please everybody!

02-04-2005, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by onfirebball05mustang
but it's a cute little mentally challenged bear! lol You can't please everybody!

The way things are looking, you cant please anybody.

02-04-2005, 09:31 AM
they forgot that face mask a la Hannible Lector. that would be REALLY cute.

02-04-2005, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by pirate44
they forgot that face mask a la Hannible Lector. that would be REALLY cute.

lol that would add a little something to it!

02-04-2005, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by onfirebball05mustang
lol that would add a little something to it!
it could be the "I Could Just Eat You Up" bear

02-04-2005, 09:55 AM
While I thought the whole thing was pretty funny, as a mental health professionl-turned-BrahmaMom, I have to protest. There are times where straitjackets are used, and if I had ever been in one, I would take offense. Commitment is an unfortunate means to protect someone from themselves or protect others from them. There are more mentally ill folks out there that you may be aware (heck, we don't treat 'em anymore, so you probably run into a few every day, and then there are the ones that run around undiagnosed--oops, sorry, wrong soapbox). There are moments when they are very aware of how sick they are, and to experience that with them is gut-wrenching. I can't encourage adding to their suffering. This message was not meant to be politically correct, only seen through the eyes of, as one attorney called me, a bleeding heart. But at least my heart bleeds BRAHMA RED!!

02-04-2005, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by pirate44
it could be the "I Could Just Eat You Up" bear

no, then those that eat just a little too much would protest :p

That's very true, BrahmaMom, although we can laugh and make jest of this bear/incident, there are those that do have such problems, and this truly isn't a ploy to make light of their situation for our entertainment, but c'mon...an "I Could Just Eat You Up" bear sounds like a good valentine's day present! lol

02-04-2005, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by BrahmaMom
While I thought the whole thing was pretty funny, as a mental health professionl-turned-BrahmaMom, I have to protest. There are times where straitjackets are used, and if I had ever been in one, I would take offense. Commitment is an unfortunate means to protect someone from themselves or protect others from them. There are more mentally ill folks out there that you may be aware (heck, we don't treat 'em anymore, so you probably run into a few every day, and then there are the ones that run around undiagnosed--oops, sorry, wrong soapbox). There are moments when they are very aware of how sick they are, and to experience that with them is gut-wrenching. I can't encourage adding to their suffering. This message was not meant to be politically correct, only seen through the eyes of, as one attorney called me, a bleeding heart. But at least my heart bleeds BRAHMA RED!!
i politely disagree. ive been hearing this story for a few days now and it seems it's only the advocates and health professionals who seem to be the only ones protesting. if i had to be in the straight jacket, i doubt i would care what the bear was wearing. i bet animal rights groups protest at the fact of there even being teddy bears available to purchase. when do we stop grabbing our ankles for every special interest group.

02-04-2005, 10:23 AM
Knowing and having dealt with people with mental illnesses I can see how that these professionals find no humor in the bear. Let me ask you guys a question does Bad Taste = Politically Incorrect?

It seems that everytime something of questionable taste is called to task people are quick to trumpet the idea of political correctness.

Personally, I think the bear is funny but it is not a strecth for me to see how it would offend others. Guy you have to be closer to the issue to appreciate how others feel.

02-04-2005, 10:25 AM
Regardless, I wish I had one. They are probably going to be worth some money in a few years.

02-04-2005, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Hupernikomen
Knowing and having dealt with people with mental illnesses I can see how that these professionals find no humor in the bear. Let me ask you guys a question does Bad Taste = Politically Incorrect?

It seems that everytime something of questionable taste is called to task people are quick to trumpet the idea of political correctness.

Personally, I think the bear is funny but it is not a strecth for me to see how it would offend others. Guy you have to be closer to the issue to appreciate how others feel.
i think we need to try to not offend people for the sake of offending them, but this was done in good fun, i would guess. where is the line that we cant cross micromanaging our actions so as to not offend every person on earth?

02-04-2005, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by pirate44
i think we need to try to not offend people for the sake of offending them, but this was done in good fun, i would guess. where is the line that we cant cross micromanaging our actions so as to not offend every person on earth?

The line probably is determined by considering others feelings before you act.

Although this was humorous lets not be unrealisitc and think that this wouldn't really strike a nerve with those who have had loved ones experience this.

I very unfrequently watch late night talk shows, but I was flipping channels and saw whatever the guy's name is on nbc (maybe cbs)...he had an action figure marine who was down on his knees and there was another action figure with a gun to his head...to me that was very offensive and of pitiful judgement.

Are people too sensitive? Yeah, when its not something that bothers you.

02-04-2005, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Hupernikomen
The line probably is determined by considering others feelings before you act.

Although this was humorous lets not be unrealisitc and think that this wouldn't really strike a nerve with those who have had loved ones experience this.

I very unfrequently watch late night talk shows, but I was flipping channels and saw whatever the guy's name is on nbc (maybe cbs)...he had an action figure marine who was down on his knees and there was another action figure with a gun to his head...to me that was very offensive and of pitiful judgement.

Are people too sensitive? Yeah, when its not something that bothers you.
i'll let you have the last word on this one.:)

02-04-2005, 12:59 PM
Pirate44, we can agree to disagree on this. It isn't a big deal, I wouldn't go out and boycott, much less sue, someone over this. I just feel for those who struggle. I guess it falls under questionable taste for me, I am NOT a politically correct kind of Mom. Too close to home for me, that bear is, that is all. Walk a mile in someone's moccasins, as they say. I've been in seclusion rooms with patients who have cried because they would never be "normal"--no, I didn't tell them I never would be, either, I told them "normal" was defined by everyone differently. The mentally ill are near and dear to my heart, the more the severe the illness, the closer to my heart. But the Sinton Pirates are near and dear, too, so we can respectfully disagree.

02-04-2005, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by BrahmaMom
Pirate44, we can agree to disagree on this. It isn't a big deal, I wouldn't go out and boycott, much less sue, someone over this. I just feel for those who struggle. I guess it falls under questionable taste for me, I am NOT a politically correct kind of Mom. Too close to home for me, that bear is, that is all. Walk a mile in someone's moccasins, as they say. I've been in seclusion rooms with patients who have cried because they would never be "normal"--no, I didn't tell them I never would be, either, I told them "normal" was defined by everyone differently. The mentally ill are near and dear to my heart, the more the severe the illness, the closer to my heart. But the Sinton Pirates are near and dear, too, so we can respectfully disagree.
agreed:thumbsup: i respect yours and Hupernikomen's opinion

AP Panther Fan
02-04-2005, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Snyder_TigerFan
Regardless, I wish I had one. They are probably going to be worth some money in a few years.

You were reading my "shallow" mind!:D

02-04-2005, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
You were reading my "shallow" mind!:D
looks like a few beat yall to it
bear on ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=74983&item=5555620351&rd=1)

AP Panther Fan
02-04-2005, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by pirate44
looks like a few beat yall to it
bear on ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=74983&item=5555620351&rd=1)

My goodness...the current bid is $306!:eek: Don't guess I want one that bad!:rolleyes:

02-04-2005, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
My goodness...the current bid is $306!:eek: Don't guess I want one that bad!:rolleyes:
theres one where the "buy it now" price is $500:eek:

02-04-2005, 03:12 PM
Correct or not,one of the funniest tv shows I ever saw was Amos & Andy.I think it's a shame because of a few people you want see any of the reruns.

02-04-2005, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by GUNHO
Correct or not,one of the funniest tv shows I ever saw was Amos & Andy.I think it's a shame because of a few people you want see any of the reruns.
i love that show. i think the actors were great. if you get a chance to hear the old radio shows, they will leave you laughing uncontrollably. i ahve a couple dvds of about 5 episodes of the tv program and about 200 episodes of the radio show.

02-04-2005, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
My goodness...the current bid is $306!:eek: Don't guess I want one that bad!:rolleyes:

Someone willing to pay $306 for the bear bothers me way more than the bear ever could.

02-04-2005, 07:21 PM
Me too!