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11-09-2003, 05:44 PM
Who do yall think will win?? Caldwell or Waco Connelly???? CALDWELL ALL THE WAY
Just leave the Goal Post alone in Waco...remember its not our field...
and as always Hook Em

11-09-2003, 06:26 PM
Connelly is so much better than Caldwell is isnt even funny

11-09-2003, 08:30 PM
Well, at least we are going this year. So what if its that funny. We at least have a chance. Every game is not over until 0:00 at the end of the 4th quarter. That is when we will know who will win the game.

11-10-2003, 12:20 AM
Pulling for Caldwell, but Connally seems to have put it all together and ready to whip butt...swarm

11-10-2003, 02:55 AM
Connelly is so much better than Caldwell is isnt even funnyLorena 55, Cameron 0
Caldwell 20, Lorena 14

You do the math!

11-10-2003, 08:03 AM
let's see so by that score Caldwell should have beaten Cameron....hmm....75-0? Oh you didn't. It was 24-23, my bad.

oh btw, that whole "let's tear down the goalpost" thing was really immature.

<small>[ November 10, 2003, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: theyoefnshow ]</small>

11-10-2003, 08:18 AM
Connally rolls...they are really putting it together...the Cadets could be a darkhorse..any team that throws up 52 on Gatesville is for real..

11-10-2003, 08:25 AM
Hey 18-3A let's show the world we are for real,
I'm Pulling for Caldwell, Rockdale, and what's the other teams name that made the playoffs?

11-10-2003, 11:29 AM
theyoefnshow (quote)
(hey buddy, JV and fish don't mean sh*t. This is the big league now. As for that loss, it's funny how you remember the exact score of that game as it was the only game Caldwell has beaten Cameron in recent memory. Besides, when one team is given 3 free touchdowns and the other has 2 or 3 taken away, it's hard to come back from that once you've already scored 24 points. Get real buddy. Why don't you compare what Cameron did that season in week 13 & 14 as opposed to what Caldwell was doing *thump*thump*thump* Familiar sound after that first week of November huh?)

Is that the sound coming from eYo land good luck in bball. :p

11-10-2003, 01:21 PM

11-10-2003, 01:38 PM
oh the hornets will have their balls next week 2 don't worry

cant stop me
11-10-2003, 02:07 PM
LMAO this game isnt even funny at all Lorena should be going atleast they would put up more of a fight then Caldwell. But o well how i want them to win but i just gont see it........ i predict Blowout

11-10-2003, 04:06 PM
I hope Caldwell pulls off the upset, but Waco is a heavy favor.....football players shouldn't read this stuff its gotta mess with the majority of their heads....

11-10-2003, 05:04 PM
oh the hornets will have their balls next week 2 don't worryMaybe so butt not this week. The oYe can’t take the fact that yawl were 1-9 this year. You should support the teams out of your district not tear them down. Caldwell always supports the teams out of their district & yes even Cameron. After the season is over we are one not 6. Good luck 18 aaa.

11-10-2003, 05:09 PM
oh btw, that whole "let's tear down the goalpost" thing was really immature.The whole goalpost thing was not immature! our guys made it to the playoffs! that's what count! You know you would be happy if people did not believe in y'all and y'all went to the playoffs! You know you would be happy like our guys were! We showed people that we could make it and we did! The guys took their excitment out on the goalpost! Sorry but our guys did what it took to make it to the playoffs so the coaches let them tear it down!

<small>[ November 10, 2003, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: hornet_06 ]</small>

11-10-2003, 07:27 PM

oh btw, that whole "let's tear down the goalpost" thing was really immature.The whole goalpost thing was not immature! our guys made it to the playoffs! that's what count! You know you would be happy if people did not believe in y'all and y'all went to the playoffs! You know you would be happy like our guys were! We showed people that we could make it and we did! The guys took their excitment out on the goalpost! Sorry but our guys did what it took to make it to the playoffs so the coaches let them tear it down!Amen! btw, our own coaches told them earlier in the week that if they won the game, they could do what they did. It was a reward not a sign of immaturity. I really don't see the big deal with it any way. Are you just mad because Caldwell did it and not Cameron? What would you say if your team would have done it?

11-10-2003, 07:40 PM
In a phrase:


11-10-2003, 07:49 PM
First of all we've been to the playoffs countless times so that wouldn't happen. 2nd, Coach would never tell them to do it and 3rd I'd call them morons too.

11-10-2003, 07:54 PM
First of all we've been to the playoffs countless times so that wouldn't happen. 2nd, Coach would never tell them to do it and 3rd I'd call them morons too.Sniff, sniff ---- it really bothers you that the oYe didn't show up this year, doesn't it?

Then the season for me after Friday night was entirely successful no matter what happens.

next generation
11-10-2003, 07:55 PM
Waco Connelly

11-10-2003, 08:35 PM
I think someone is a sore loser. Just get over the bad season that the yoe had. Every year can't be a winning one. Someone has to lose and this year, it was the yoe's turn for once. And to the comment someone made about how bad it looked when marlin scored 70 against the yoe; they said it was bad coaching. Well, it was about time that Cameron had a taste of their own medicine. People from here have told me that Cameron has ran up the score against many teams in the past. It was about time that someone gave it back to them. I don't know if they really did this or not, I'm just passing on the message. Good luck next season yoe. Good luck Marlin and Rockdale in playoffs. GO HORNETS!!! BEAT WACO-CONALLY!!!

11-10-2003, 08:52 PM
I think someone is a sore loser. Just get over the bad season that the yoe had. Every year can't be a winning one. Someone has to lose and this year, it was the yoe's turn for once. And to the comment someone made about how bad it looked when marlin scored 70 against the yoe; they said it was bad coaching. Well, it was about time that Cameron had a taste of their own medicine. People from here have told me that Cameron has ran up the score against many teams in the past. It was about time that someone gave it back to them. I don't know if they really did this or not, I'm just passing on the message. Good luck next season yoe. Good luck Marlin and Rockdale in playoffs. GO HORNETS!!! BEAT WACO-CONALLY!!!Well said.

11-10-2003, 08:57 PM
I'm BEGGING You to tell me ONE TIME Cameron ever ran the score up. Please let me know.

11-10-2003, 09:18 PM
It depends on what point margins people consider running up the score. If some one thinks that 40+ points difference is running up the score, then it has happened in Cameron's past. There have been 40+ to 0 games in the past 4 years.
Now, in my opinion, when a coach puts in 2nd and 3rd string players and they continue to score, he doesn't ask the team to just lay down and quit. Most of those kids have not had alot of play time and they are going to give it their best. In that situation, there is only so much a coach can do short of throwing in the towel and thats not going to happen.

11-10-2003, 09:24 PM
Back to the Caldwell game. Our guys will be working hard this week in practice. They need to keep their focus and play with the determination I know they have, and they can come out on top. We are behind the Hornets all the way and are very PROUD of them.

Hornets, you know what you need to do. Now get after it.

11-10-2003, 09:56 PM
Hornet mom no disrespect but I'm scrambling my brain really hard to find the game you speak of. I for one am not b*tching about the Marlin game but I think 70 on any team is excessive ESPECIALLY when the excuse that "They scored on us and we got mad and scored on them 4 more times" is used. I saw the boxscore and in the 3rd I think 14 points were scored then in the 4th 21 were added. Obivously we blew no one out this year...last year.....hmmm...China Spring was probably the largest margin and I don't think we broke 40 on them......beat Caldwell 35-14 but those 3 tds came within a 3 minute timespan in the 4th......year before........shut out Mexia 35-0 but that was a playoff game and there was no score at the half....no wait, it was 3-0 Cameron at the half.......Sorry....I'm just totally missing your claim.

11-10-2003, 11:27 PM
I'm BEGGING You to tell me ONE TIME Cameron ever ran the score up. Please let me know.Last year in Caldwell scoring with your starter in with 1:16 left in the game when they were up by 2 tds. That's running up the score.

11-10-2003, 11:38 PM
I'm BEGGING You to tell me ONE TIME Cameron ever ran the score up. Please let me know.I'm wasn't meaning in recent history. The people I have talked to around town have been watching Caldwell football for years and remember Cameron always taking it out on us. But HornetMom and Burnt Orange 86, ya'll bring up good points. GO HORNETS!!! BEAT WACO-CONNALLY!!!

11-10-2003, 11:53 PM
if I recall your boys got pissed and quit playing after that 2nd td. I was there, they stood there and Billy just basically walked to the goal line.

11-11-2003, 09:12 AM
The games I was talking about were in 2000. Not trying to start anything, just pointing out what others might call running up the score.
But I think its time to let the topic of the Marlin/Cameron score drop and turn to the playoffs. As it has been said many, many, many times on here...anything can happen on Friday night.
Good luck to Caldwell, Rockdale, & Marlin this weekend. GO 18-3a.

<small>[ November 11, 2003, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: HornetMom ]</small>

cant stop me
11-11-2003, 02:39 PM
who cares Cameron i think will come back strong next year as will Caldwell but ALL i got to say is GO Rockdale Marlin Caldwell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and every team has ran up the score before so just drop that sh** lol

11-11-2003, 09:00 PM
who is the home team between this friday

11-11-2003, 09:01 PM
lol i mean who is the home team friday

11-11-2003, 09:02 PM
The team that travels the farthest is usually home team

11-11-2003, 09:06 PM
Cameron couldnt run up the score this year....get it right.....i think your just mad cause yall went.....wait how many games did yall win....and we made it to the playoffs....so support your dang district...dont Knock em off before they even play....

11-11-2003, 09:26 PM
cameron should be ashamed someone scored 70 on them and marlin was freely substituting even before halftime and the total score is irrelevent you should be glad they did not run up the score and ask the coach who is to blame marlin or cameron.

11-11-2003, 09:50 PM
Cameron couldnt run up the score this year....get it right.....i think your just mad cause yall went.....wait how many games did yall win....and we made it to the playoffs....so support your dang district...dont Knock em off before they even play....AMEN!!! All three teams need all the support they can get, each week they go on. Good luck Rockdale and Marlin this week. GO HORNETS!!! BEAT WACO-CONNALLY!!!

11-11-2003, 10:00 PM
I hope the Hornets are REALLY prepared for this one because Connally ain't no Lorena! If they play like they're just "happy to be there," it could show in the final result badly. Caldwell has the potential as long as they forget about Lorena and gear toward the Cadets. Defense is our key bigtime this week.

11-11-2003, 10:06 PM
Actually, they flip a coin to determine home/visitors, and Caldwell is the visiting team.

<small>[ November 11, 2003, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: HornetMom ]</small>

11-12-2003, 07:19 PM
Beat tha h#ll out of Waco Connally!
2 days left!! wooo whoo!

11-12-2003, 09:17 PM
Beat tha h#ll out of Waco Connally!
2 days left!! wooo whoo!Major WOOOO WHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-12-2003, 10:15 PM
Ok, first off... how about everyone forget the past and think about right now. Caldwell=playoffs
Cameron=try again next season. No offense. That's just the way it is. No ifs,ands,buts, or any other excuses. Secondly, major congrats on the victory Caldwell! You guys did awesome and I'm really proud of you all. I wish I could be there to see it on Friday but I will be at my own game playing Barber's Hill for the Regional Semi-Finals in volleyball!! GOOD LUCK!!!

11-12-2003, 10:52 PM
And to the comment someone made about how bad it looked when marlin scored 70 against the yoe... Well, it was about time that Cameron had a taste of their own medicine. People from here have told me that Cameron has ran up the score against many teams in the past. It was about time that someone gave it back to them. I don't know if they really did this or not, I'm just passing on the message.Cameron Yoe games of late
vs China Spring W 39-8
Sep6 at Bellville L 20-28
Sep13 vs Gatesville L 6-21
Sep20 at Waco Connally W 28-7
Sep27 vs Giddings W 18-14
Oct11 at Caldwell W 35-14 18-3A
Oct18 vs Lorena W 36-25 18-3A
Oct25 at Troy W 26-13 18-3A
Nov1 at Rockdale W 19-7 18-3A
Nov8 vs Marlin L 16-17 18-3A
Nov15 vs Gatesville W 28-21(OT)
Nov23 vs Jasper L 0-46

at Gatesville W 19-13
Sep7 at Lorena W 27-3
Sep14 vs Rosebud - Lott W 28-7
Sep28 at Manor W 42-0 18-3A
Oct5 vs Caldwell W 7-0 18-3A
Oct12 at Rockdale W 34-11 18-3A
Oct19 at Elgin W 24-0 18-3A
Oct26 vs Taylor W 27-14 18-3A
Nov2 at Giddings L 7-13(OT) 18-3A
Nov9 vs Hearne W 48-6 18-3A
Nov17 vs China Spring L 9-15

vs Gatesville L 2-34
Sep8 vs Lorena W 31-7
Sep15 at Rosebud - Lott W 42-0
Sep29 vs Manor W 48-6 18-3A
Oct6 at Caldwell L 24-28 18-3A
Oct13 vs Rockdale W 17-9 18-3A
Oct20 vs Elgin W 27-9 18-3A
Oct27 at Taylor W 24-7 18-3A
Nov3 vs Giddings W 42-0 18-3A
Nov10 at Hearne W 45-6 18-3A
Nov17 vs Lorena W 6-2 3A Div II Playoffs
Nov24 vs Mexia W 34-0 3A Div II Playoffs
Dec1 vs Sweeny W 28-14 3A Div II Playoffs
Dec9 vs Marlin L 26-27(OT) Reg III Final

at La Grange L 30-34
Sep10 vs Rosebud-Lott W 31-15
Sep17 at Rockdale W 21-20
Sep24 vs Giddings W 22-20
Oct1 vs Crockett L 10-41
Oct8 at Lorena L 13-16 17-3A
Oct15 vs Robinson L 0-23 17-3A
Oct22 at Marlin L 10-34 17-3A
Oct29 at Gatesville L 14-35 17-3A
Nov5 vs McGregor W 35-0

vs La Grange W 46-14
Sep11 vs Rosebud-Lott W 15-7
Sep18 vs Rockdale W 3-0
Sep25 vs Giddings L 7-17
Oct2 vs Crockett W 22-14
Oct9 vs Lorena W 19-0 17-3A
Oct16 vs Robinson L 13-21 17-3A
Oct23 vs Marlin L 3-7 17-3A
Oct30 vs Gatesville L 3-7 17-3A
Nov6 vs McGregor W 29-9 17-3A
Nov13 vs Teague W 7-3 3A Div II Playoffs
Nov20 vs Manor L 0-34 3A Div II Playoffs

Courtesy of DPoll.com

11-12-2003, 11:35 PM
Ok, first off... how about everyone forget the past and think about right now. Caldwell=playoffs
Cameron=try again next season. No offense. That's just the way it is. No ifs,ands,buts, or any other excuses. Secondly, major congrats on the victory Caldwell! You guys did awesome and I'm really proud of you all. I wish I could be there to see it on Friday but I will be at my own game playing Barber's Hill for the Regional Semi-Finals in volleyball!! GOOD LUCK!!!Good luck on Friday!!! Beat Barber's Hill!!!!

11-12-2003, 11:39 PM
sweet. My Sr year was 97. Damn you data poll! One year too late! Lemme think of some of the scores that year.....I'm not 100% sure on all of these but I'll do what I can....
beat Lampasas 20-14...think it was an OT game but I don't remember for sure
Groesbeck was next, think we blew them out
Lost to La Grange 14-13
think we beat Manor by final of 34 or 37 to 14
beat Rockdale 10-6
Don't remember the other games but we went undefeated in district that year. Beat Hearne, Giddings, Caldwell and Elgin......think the final against Smithville was 35-0.

Beat Lorena in round 1 by score of 20-17 then lost in area to Corrigan Camden 36-13. Boy did that game suck. They opened up w/ a TD run on either 1st play from scrimmage or kickoff. THen on 2nd possession did it again but it was called back for a penalty. Think that broke spirits just knowing they could score almost at will.

11-13-2003, 09:29 AM
So let me get this right, Marlin is supposed to apologize for being a better team than cameron, nope, I don't think so.

11-13-2003, 05:54 PM
not to be rude. but this post is not about cameron and marlin! It is about Caldwell and Waco Connelly! and no marlin is not supposed to apologize.. if cameron was that good they know the coaches wouldn't have made them stop scoring... stuff just happens like that.

<small>[ November 13, 2003, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: hornet_06 ]</small>