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02-03-2005, 05:17 PM
I saw on another board where a BC player transferred to WO-S and rumor has it that others are to follow. Do you know anything about this? If so, what's up? It sure seems like BC has a steady flow of drama from that football program these days.

02-03-2005, 09:01 PM
You there???

02-03-2005, 09:17 PM
Old Card and Old Cardinal are two different folks here. just some fyi...

Old Cardinal
02-03-2005, 11:35 PM
No Sinton fan I am the same person...To #1, I know of no one in BC that has transfered to WO-S period. If one of them gets kicked off the team for some reason they always go over to Orangefield.

02-04-2005, 12:00 PM
The Romero kid enrolled at WO-S on Tuesday. I know that for sure, and I heard more were coming. Just wondering if you knew what was going on.

02-04-2005, 12:12 PM
I had heard of this a few weeks back, this kid is a real athlete but he just has a discipline problem. I certainly do not agree with alot of the coaching staff I will give credit to Tarver he sticks by his decisions no matter how great the kid is at sports. Maybe you guys at WOS can teach him discipline and the importance of academics he will be better for moving. I personally think he needs the lesson Tarver is trying to bring home to him that certain behaviors deserve specific treatment. If WOS lets him play ball then I guess that teaching method will be lost with him. Just my take on the situation.

02-05-2005, 11:53 AM
The kid has created no offense at WO-S. If he does there, I assure you, he'll be gone. Maybe he sees this as a second chance. We all need those now and again. I respect the BC coach for sticking to his guns, I also think that, by him sticking to his guns, the kid may have learned that he is running out of places to go and he'd better get his attitude right.

02-05-2005, 09:10 PM
I hope your right WOS1.

02-06-2005, 12:07 AM
not sure about the rule hear but doesnt any athelete that transfers to another school have to sit out a year unless the ad releases him to play for that school...the reason i ask is that i heard the romero kid wanted to transfer to wos but that tarver was not going to release him....the kid is a very good athlete but i feel he has had many chances to proof that he could change....and i really dont think a new school will help..but i could be wrong....

02-06-2005, 01:49 PM
You are correct about the release thing. The coaches do have to let them go. As far as whether or not he has signed off, I have no idea. I know the kids think he's going to play next year. Of course, the release thing is kind of a double edge sword. There are as many kids leave WO-S for the local schools as there are come. I think the coaches have an understanding that, if you don't want any trouble in the future, then it's best you don't give any. Williams at LCM had to face that reality last year when he had to let Earl Thomas go.