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bc 76
10-07-2003, 06:45 PM
Just saw on the news that the head coach at rice cons was suspended from his job.

10-07-2003, 06:49 PM
is this real? This could be a big hit to a team that was a true contender.

10-07-2003, 07:29 PM
This could be a real blow to the team,if it's true. Hope the boys pull together and keep their season going.

10-07-2003, 07:30 PM
why was he suspended?

10-07-2003, 07:31 PM
Read the article..., it down the page a few subjects...

10-07-2003, 07:52 PM
jason, go here:


10-07-2003, 07:57 PM

Or here for the article...

10-07-2003, 09:07 PM
So, what about the other coaches involved. Were they innocent by-standers, or are they going to let Roark take the fall all by himself?

10-07-2003, 10:03 PM
I don't think that any of the other coaches involved are in trouble. they did not drive the vehicle and had no control over Coach Roarks decision to drive away. what were they to do? I don't know what the law says, but i feel that as long as they comply with the police they are innocent.

10-07-2003, 10:12 PM
this sucks.

10-07-2003, 10:26 PM
It only matters how good the team is doing in a given year in whether or not a coach gets suspended, fired or whatever. Roark will be back. If he had fewer than three wins, he'd already be gone.

10-07-2003, 10:28 PM
First they have to bail him out

Second they'd have to send the team up to prison for practice and he'd have to coach via live video feeds and Nextel phones...

And BTW, I feel for the guy... If given 1 more second to think about the situation, I'm sure he wouldn't have done what he did...

But this isn't the type of thing you can 'slip' under the rug... It's already been on the news (Houston)...

<small>[ October 07, 2003, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: Gobbla2001 ]</small>

Bandera YaYa
10-07-2003, 10:43 PM
I don't think that any of the other coaches involved are in trouble. they did not drive the vehicle and had no control over Coach Roarks decision to drive away. what were they to do? I don't know what the law says, but i feel that as long as they comply with the police they are innocent.What about drinking on school property?? I think that would be against the district's policy and they would be in just as much trouble on that one!
You can't consume alcohol on school property, guys.

10-07-2003, 10:44 PM
KHOU channel 11 led off their news at 6 with the Rice story, and KTRK channel 13 had it on their 10 pm news. At least three area papers will be carrying the stories tomorrow, and I have yet to see where any facts that I wrote on Friday nite/Saturday am were incorrect. However, I received numerous "shots" about the attack I put on the Rice coach, as well as the thread being closed while it was very active. I do know that as long as you tell the truth it's durn hard to be successfully sued for slander. It's a shame for the kids and the program that one person can make such bad decisions after he is placed in a position of authority. A felony is defined as a major crime, and in my opinion a person convicted of such should not be a teacher or a coach.

10-07-2003, 10:45 PM
I agree with you there YaYa. :rolleyes:

Bandera YaYa
10-07-2003, 10:47 PM
It only matters how good the team is doing in a given year in whether or not a coach gets suspended, fired or whatever. Roark will be back. If he had fewer than three wins, he'd already be gone.Are you kidding? I mean, if that coach is guilty of drinking on school property in a school owned vehicle, I think you can kiss him goodbye forever....Right?? What school district these days, allows it's teachers to do that?

He might of had a chance if he did it and got caught by anyone else, but to have the cops arrest him is bad.....he's toast..

<small>[ October 07, 2003, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: Bandera YaYa ]</small>

Bandera YaYa
10-07-2003, 10:50 PM
Besides, how STUPID was he?

10-07-2003, 10:55 PM
Bandera YaYa:

It only matters how good the team is doing in a given year in whether or not a coach gets suspended, fired or whatever. Roark will be back. If he had fewer than three wins, he'd already be gone.Are you kidding? I mean, if that coach is guilty of drinking on school property in a school owned vehicle, I think you can kiss him goodbye forever....Right?? What school district these days, allows it's teachers to do that?</strong>
If we all got what we deserved we would be in A LOT of trouble...yes what he did was wrong and not a wise decision...but we have been shown mercy in our lives...we were not condemned to death or prison for our sins soooo.....let's show a little mercy ourselves...a sin is a sin...no matter how big or small...so until we are walking on water maybe we should not be so quick to be judge , jury, and prison guard...i am sure the authorities involved (judicial and school) will handle this situation the best way they feel it should be handled and dole out the proper punishment for the crime...just my thoughts, again take them and a nickel and buy a piece of bubble gum...

Bandera YaYa
10-07-2003, 11:08 PM
I do agree with you....no one is a Saint..I'm just saying that you are dealing with a school district where I think the rules about this sort of thing is pretty clear. I don't think he should be condemned to h***, I'm sure he's punishing himself more than anyone else could do...it was just a really dumb thing for him to do. I don't think he's a bad person...but I do think that he should lose his job. Sorry, but he chose to work in a profession that has really strong rules in matters such as these, because of the nature of working with children. Just a real bad decision on his part, one I'm sure he regrets BIG time. I just really am concerned about the part of him driving away with the police officer still attached to his car...could be facing capital murder, if that cop had fallen under the car and been killed....think about that. Thank God that didn't happen...but apparently he didn't at the time. I just don't understand what got into him...but maybe he always did this...I just don't get why he did it just this "once" ...or was it normal for him to drink at such a place....he had to know he'd get in real big trouble if caught...just seems like the whole story isn't being told here....

10-07-2003, 11:29 PM
Thanks Bandera Ya Ya for putting this in the proper perspective. I am a member of the Wharton County 100 Club and we have a dim view of people putting our officers in life threatening situations. It's not that a bad decision was made here....it is that a number of bad decisions were supposedly made by a person in a position that is a role model for young adults. First, drinking on school property. Second, ignoring the officer's request to get out of the car. Third, driving off with an officer on the running board, endangering the officer. And 4th, waiting around 4 hours to turn himself in to the authorities. We have all made and continue to make mistakes, but not to the extent that were made in this instance. I am sure that the Wharton County District Attorney will be quick to point this out. I know that these are all accusations, and the facts will be brought out in a court of law, but would you want your child to be under his guidance until this legal procedure takes place?

Bandera YaYa
10-07-2003, 11:43 PM
EXACTLY. He continued to make the wrong decision....I mean, was he that drunk, to make so many bad choices??? So he was out there driving around a school stadium....that drunk???? Glad your child wasn't playing in the parking lot that night! come on, people.....it could have been really bad.....I think he was lucky.....he might lose his job, but at least he didn't kill anyone.
I guess you can look at it anyway you want...

10-08-2003, 06:11 AM
I've known him since college, he is a good guy that made a mistake.
I also know that he will accect his punishment and comply, IF he is convicted

I knew a coach several years ago that was stopped with a student in the car, found out he(the coach) had been drinking.
TEA yanked his certificate for life

10-08-2003, 06:40 AM
Bandera YaYa:
EXACTLY. He continued to make the wrong decision....What an unbelievable series of lapses in judgement.

10-08-2003, 07:02 AM
Have to agree with most of ya'll. How do we expect our children to follow the "No Tolerance" rule in school if the so called "Teachers" don't themselves. I'm going to be selfish on this one. Ring'em up. Think about. Would you or I have gott'n away with it? Ummmm....don't think so.

10-08-2003, 09:06 AM
Sorry everyone I have been out of the loop for a few days and just read this article. My question is...if drinking on school property is now allowed then why were the other coaches not arrested as well? I understand the Rice Coach did other things as well and so he should have more than one arrest warrant but the other coaches were in the wrong as well. And according to downlow there was a head coach from another school there as well. Something, in my mind, doesn't quite add up here. Let's make an example of one?

10-08-2003, 09:26 AM
Most schools have enacted a zero tolerance policy, which I find to be ridiculous since every case needs to be looked at on an individual basis (one punishment does not fit all), so it stands to reason that the coach will be fired quickly once the charges were filed. But, it appears that schools have a different policy when it comes to employees.

Convicted or not, he clearly violated school policy. Just a student would receive the wrath of a zero tolerance policy, so should this coach.

Does anyone know which Bellville coach was with them? Was it the HC?

10-08-2003, 10:25 AM
Everyone better look out for the Raiders now because they are on a mission and will not be stopped. Them taking our coach away is truly hurting us but dont expect us to stand by and watch our championship season go down the drain.


10-08-2003, 10:28 AM
Everyone better look out for the Raiders now because they are on a mission and will not be stopped. Them taking our coach away is truly hurting us but dont expect us to stand by and watch our championship season go down the drain.

RAIDERS ALL THE WAY 15-1Great attitude. Keep it up and make the run that you are expected to make. Best of luck!

10-08-2003, 10:37 AM
Wharton is one of those counties you dont want to live in and especially the town. There is alot of things that go on in that town that is either crooked or classless. There isnt anything innocent about some of the coaches over there either after what I saw last year during an athletic event with Sealy. I wont believe anything until a final investigation is held. I dont understand how anyone can have a opinion when they have no clue what is going on. This board isnt very classy. I think all of these posts should be omitted.

Go Bellville, Beat Columbus!!!

<small>[ October 08, 2003, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: seasick4 ]</small>

10-08-2003, 10:55 AM
I personally don't think they 'took' your coach aways, he pretty much accomplished that on hiw own...

Keep rollin' though, Rice, unless we meet again...

10-08-2003, 11:09 AM
Have to agree with most of ya'll. How do we expect our children to follow the "No Tolerance" rule in school if the so called "Teachers" don't themselves. The following articles are from the Caller times about something just as sad, if not criminal(?), in the fact that "teachers" were involed. I know this is not 3A, but I felt it related to underware's post about expecting our children to follow "No Tolerance"article (http://www.caller.com/ccct/local_news/article/0,1641,CCCT_811_2327789,00.html)
article (http://www.caller.com/ccct/local_news/article/0,1641,CCCT_811_2330652,00.html)

<small>[ October 08, 2003, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: pirate4state ]</small>

10-08-2003, 11:20 AM
I don't think that these 2 stories are the same because obviously one is more serious than the other, right? When is enough, enough? I can understand why some people say, "lighten up" but we just can't afford to lighten up anymore. The story out of the Calallen school district is shocking! That teachers would think that this type of behavior would be considered funny is scary. I just shake my head & wonder what our world is coming too. It really is sad. The Rice AD/HC situtation is terribly sad, his career is probably over, he & his family will have a tough road ahead of them, but he needs to be held accountable for his actions! I hope his team can stay together & get through the rest of their season. And I hope that we can all treat each other with respect & kindness.

10-08-2003, 11:21 AM
Well Seasick, I guess we will take you off of the Chamber of Commerce mailing list for Wharton. Surely you are not just upset because the Wharton paper's article lists Bellville's AD as an occupant in the van?

10-08-2003, 11:24 AM
Two situations...

Cop falls and his body rolls under the tires...

It was halftime, a kid runs out from behind a car...

I've made mistakes in my life that might have resulted bad things, luckily they haevn't happened to me and luckily they didn't happen to him... From what I read RC is leaning toword letting him coach the remainder of the season, no lesson learned there...

Trust me, I want him to do well, he's married into a Cuero family, has two Cuero guys on his coaching staff and was a great coach in Cuero, but something needs to be done...

BUT, why in the hell did the cop get up on his step-board? Never heard of that...

Ranger Mom
10-08-2003, 11:24 AM
This board isnt very classy. I dare you to find a "classier" one!!

<small>[ October 08, 2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Ranger Mom ]</small>

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 11:25 AM
Wharton is one of those counties you dont want to live in and especially the town. There is alot of things that go on in that town that is either crooked or classless. There isnt anything innocent about some of the coaches over there either after what I saw last year during an athletic event with Sealy. I wont believe anything until a final investigation is held. I dont understand how anyone can have a opinion when they have no clue what is going on. This board isnt very classy. I think all of these posts should be omitted.

Go Bellville, Beat Columbus!!!Well, if you are calling us "un-classy" for having opinions about what happened, then I guess you just called yourself the same! eek!
There is no difference between what we have been talking about and what you just said about Wharton.......

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 11:27 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Gobbla2001:
[qb]Two situations...

Cop falls and his body rolls under the tires...

It was halftime, a kid runs out from behind a car...

I've made mistakes in my life that might have resulted bad things, luckily they haevn't happened to me and luckily they didn't happen to him... From what I read RC is leaning toword letting him coach the remainder of the season, no lesson learned there...

Trust me, I want him to do well, he's married into a Cuero family, has two Cuero guys on his coaching staff and was a great coach in Cuero, but something needs to be done...

BUT, why in the hell did the cop get up on his

....letting him coach the remainder of the season???? eek! What's up with that???
Well, I guess then the whole school district can just have a beer bash in the parking lot this Friday....I mean why not....heck the school can start selling beer at the concession stands...make some extra money...might be quite alot! Hey, wonder if our district will follow suit and join in the fun!! :D :D WooHoo!! ..party..party!!

Unless the whole incident is a complete fabrication, do you see the ramifications? frown

<small>[ October 08, 2003, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Bandera YaYa ]</small>

10-08-2003, 11:28 AM
If its true about the Bellville AD, then this becomes interesting because I think Bellville has a zero tollerance policy.

Oh what a tangled web we weave!

10-08-2003, 11:29 AM
Roark will be back. I gotta disagree with you here. I think he signed his resignation letter the second he put that truck into drive.

10-08-2003, 11:29 AM
No charges have been filed on any of the other coaches, no accesories or anything, they were just there scouting with him and there talking to him, SO FAR!

crimson blood
10-08-2003, 11:30 AM
i find it no less than interesting that our society has gone to the point of qualifying guilt on the basis of technicalities. several times the qualifying comment is made 'if convicted' and not if he did it.
so how do you feel if a person actually commits a crime and yet it is dismissed on a 'technicality' or in an oj simpson-style of jury with so much political, and external pressure that common sense and the safety of society are ignored?
if the guy did what is mentioned and if he truly cares for the young people under his authority he should not allow the public spectacle to make a statement contrary to morality.
i don't know if anything happened so pretend that this is a hypothetical situation. i don't know the individual in the story and don't even recall meeting someone from this school. these statements are not intended as a cop out but just to point that it would not matter to me WHO had actually done this, the consequences should be the same.
unless some saboteur planted the illegal substance at least some of the individuals in that vehicle planned to commit a crime or a series of crimes. for some amount of time they saw themselves above the law.

<small>[ October 08, 2003, 11:33 AM: Message edited by: crimson blood ]</small>

10-08-2003, 11:34 AM
This a sad situation for all involved. Hopefully, in the future we as coaches will be a little more cautious about how we carry ourselves. An old coaching buddy of mine once stated, and it is the best advise that I have ever heard as a coach: "Boy, coaching is like a fraternity, the only one's that you can trust are coaches."

During these times it is important for us as coaches to stick together and not let this isolated incident, whether it be true or false, to damage or ruin our credibility as professionals.

As for the comment about Wharton's coaching staff made by seasick: I happen to be close friends with several of those guys and I must say that your comments show your lack of intellectual fortitude regarding the issues at hand.

In laymen terms you have just been called a dumb a$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 11:38 AM

Roark will be back. I gotta disagree with you here. I think he signed his resignation letter the second he put that truck into drive.Yup!

10-08-2003, 11:41 AM
They're pretty serious about this season in Rice... This is pretty much their last year as a powerhouse in 3A, and for sure their last 'great' shot a title, and boy do they ever have a great shot... They really want to go after this season, but I find my morals telling me that you can't do that...

10-08-2003, 11:45 AM
Bongo - the article can be found @ journal-spectator.com. Two articles, both found on the internet version of the paper.

10-08-2003, 11:45 AM
there's one on the front page @ www.victoriaadvocate.com (http://www.victoriaadvocate.com) as well

10-08-2003, 11:46 AM
Well said, coach!

I'm just baffled as to why Roark, et. al. thought they could get away with consuming alcohol on school property? Couldn't they have just gone to a local watering hole to get their drink on???

Also, if there were other coaches in the van, if JUST ONE of them wasn't drinking, he could have been a designated driver or something. But if all of them were consuming alcohol and were all intoxicated, then just HOW STUPID can you get??? Geez.....

Fortunately, and thankfully, I am a VERY light drinker, if at all....I'd be the perfect designated driver for a drunken coaching staff, LOL!!!

All in all.....HORRIBLE lack of judgement on the part of the coaches involved. Hopefully this will serve as a lesson to the rest of the coaches in Texas.

10-08-2003, 11:47 AM
KHOU channel 11 led off their news at 6 with the Rice story, and KTRK channel 13 had it on their 10 pm news. At least three area papers will be carrying the stories tomorrow, and I have yet to see where any facts that I wrote on Friday nite/Saturday am were incorrect. However, I received numerous "shots" about the attack I put on the Rice coach, as well as the thread being closed while it was very active. I do know that as long as you tell the truth it's durn hard to be successfully sued for slander. It's a shame for the kids and the program that one person can make such bad decisions after he is placed in a position of authority. A felony is defined as a major crime, and in my opinion a person convicted of such should not be a teacher or a coach.RiverRatDad, my response to you the other day was meant insure that we weren't dealing with just rumor. You proved it wasn't just a rumor on that thread.

10-08-2003, 11:48 AM
Yah, SintonFan, he was pretty much 'right on the money' with it all, we just wanted to make sure before anything was started...

10-08-2003, 11:50 AM
He's not married into a Cuero family. That's his brother.

Ya Ya-
What happened is a terrible situation and a bad mistake by a man that I know very well. He's a good guy. He gave me my first job and I learned a ton from him and will thank him for that forever. The thing is....if you think this is the first time a coach has ever drank beer on a scouting trip, you're living in a false reality. Not condoning it what-so-ever but how many times could EACH one of us been arrested for doing something stupid but were fortunate we weren't? I know I've done some REALLY stupid stuff that could have easily torn my life apart. I think its safe to say that this is the case here. Please also consider the family in this. They are going through so much more than we can imagine. For all involved, I'm so sorry and I hope everything works out for the best.

10-08-2003, 11:52 AM
Thanks, Crow, forgot which one it was...

Anyway, he coached in Cuero and has a couple of Cuero guys on his staff, not what we wanted to see...

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 11:53 AM
This a sad situation for all involved. Hopefully, in the future we as coaches will be a little more cautious about how we carry ourselves. An old coaching buddy of mine once stated, and it is the best advise that I have ever heard as a coach: "Boy, coaching is like a fraternity, the only one's that you can trust are coaches."

During these times it is important for us as coaches to stick together and not let this isolated incident, whether it be true or false, to damage or ruin our credibility as professionals.

As for the comment about Wharton's coaching staff made by seasick: I happen to be close friends with several of those guys and I must say that your comments show your lack of intellectual fortitude regarding the issues at hand.

In laymen terms you have just been called a dumb a$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Good post.......and I agree with your terms! :D
Coaches are very valuable in my book...that's why I have no tolerance for just this kind of thing....your leadership is just so badly needed with these kids....I applaude your talents and your sacrafices in working with our young! :)

10-08-2003, 11:57 AM
If I'm reading the article correctly the coach was drinking durring half-time.. If this is the case then regardless of how good a coach he is, if he has so bad a drinking problem that he can't wait untill after the game regardless of it being of campus, then this is in no way a proper role model and leader of young adults!!!!

10-08-2003, 11:57 AM
He's not married into a Cuero family. That's his brother.

Ya Ya-
What happened is a terrible situation and a bad mistake by a man that I know very well. He's a good guy. He gave me my first job and I learned a ton from him and will thank him for that forever. The thing is....if you think this is the first time a coach has ever drank beer on a scouting trip, you're living in a false reality. Not condoning it what-so-ever but how many times could EACH one of us been arrested for doing something stupid but were fortunate we weren't? I know I've done some REALLY stupid stuff that could have easily torn my life apart. I think its safe to say that this is the case here. Please also consider the family in this. They are going through so much more than we can imagine. For all involved, I'm so sorry and I hope everything works out for the best.If there are zero tolerance policies around it's usually because of a major problem needs to be adressed. TexDoc, you have a good point, but there is abviously a problem in the coaching ranks if these policies have been put in place.

Quoted from TexDoc:
"Most schools have enacted a zero tolerance policy, which I find to be ridiculous since every case needs to be looked at on an individual basis (one punishment does not fit all), so it stands to reason that the coach will be fired quickly once the charges were filed. But, it appears that schools have a different policy when it comes to employees."

<small>[ October 08, 2003, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: SintonFan ]</small>

10-08-2003, 11:57 AM
After reading the article in the Wharton paper (which goes a little more in depth) I am wondering just how close Coach Roark came to also having an attempted murder charge on him.....read the article from this link.


10-08-2003, 12:06 PM
Man, that's a tough article, just think, if the guy wasn't a respected coach, everyone would be wanted his head...

This is stuff you see on CNN when they're covering LA high-speed chases etc... And I know that people look at it and say 'That dumbass should be arrested', but since we're talking about a coach we're excusing him...

<small>[ October 08, 2003, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: Gobbla2001 ]</small>

Gilmer Buckeye
10-08-2003, 12:20 PM
The thing is....if you think this is the first time a coach has ever drank beer on a scouting trip, you're living in a false reality. Not condoning it what-so-ever but how many times could EACH one of us been arrested for doing something stupid but were fortunate we weren't? I know I've done some REALLY stupid stuff that could have easily torn my life apart.Our society is built on hypocrisy. Just look at the "war on (some) drugs." Alcohol is a legal drug for adults, but it wasn't always so. They just gave up on that war. Prohibition doesn't work in a free society--period.

A man's home is his castle. Drug usage in one's home should be legal for those of age as long as the person stays at home and off the road until he regains sobriety.

Now the situation with the coach is a little different as he was behind the wheel of a potentially deadly weapon. It was even owned by his employer. This is beyond stupid. Everyone knows how tough the MADD mothers have made the DWI laws in Texas and elsewhere. This didn't just start yesterday. And, furthermore, you don't ever mess with law enforcement like this and live to tell of it (career-wise, that is).

I definitely want to show some mercy to this guy if this is the first time he's ever been in trouble with the law, but I'd also like to know if this coach has ever railed against the use of "illegal drugs" as alleged "hillbilly heroin" junkie Rush Limbaugh repeatedly has on his talk show to know whether he should be subjected to the same harsh standards he might have demanded of everyone else, a la Limbaugh.

On the same general topic of the failed "drug war" (which has cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars in unnecessary imprisonment costs with no end in sight) and the "alcohol truce" which was called after Prohibition failed, there is yet another problem and that is the massive prescription of Ritalin to (predominantly male) kids who are "inattentive." This has been called the treatment of boys for being boys. Boys are just wired differently and are not ever going to behave like girls in any elementary school. Maybe a lot of the teachers wish they would, but a normal boy is not.

When you give a kid drugs at an early age and say it's really good for him, you are sending a mixed message that will be acted upon to the point of addiction to other substances later on in life in too many cases.

10-08-2003, 12:26 PM
Raiders4state, "they" didn't take your coach away, he made some poor choices, and one very dangerous one. Lots of lives have been affected here because of the choices made that night. That is how tragedies happen, people don't plan them. I am glad nobody was physically hurt, but this qualifies as a tragedy in my book. I am sorry your team had to learn such a tough lesson, it appears ours has been affected somewhat too. Take that talent, pull together, learn from this and go to State. Y'all have an excellent team--Good Luck!

10-08-2003, 12:33 PM
Gilmer Buckeye:
there is yet another problem and that is the massive prescription of Ritalin to (predominantly male) kids who are "inattentive." This has been called the treatment of boys for being boys. Boys are just wired differently and are not ever going to behave like girls in any elementary school. Maybe a lot of the teachers wish they would, but a normal boy is not.

When you give a kid drugs at an early age and say it's really good for him, you are sending a mixed message that will be acted upon to the point of addiction to other substances later on in life in too many cases.I COULD NOT AGREE WITH YOU MORE!
We're in the process of raising up millions of junkies. I'm not sure if it was said here, but wouldn't be easier to give the teachers Prozac instead of drugging our children???????

10-08-2003, 12:34 PM
Gilmer Buckeye, as a social worker who treated adolescents, I have to take issue with your position on Ritalin. I've seen it help out of control kids (male and female)gain control over their impulses and behaviors. Your argument wouldn't hold water for a juvenile diabetic, dependent on insulin; Ritalin and that category of medication are just as important to ADHD kids. As a matter of fact, I've seen too much self-medicating with alcohol or illicit drugs for ADHD kids who got off their Ritalin. It is a bind as a clinician because, as they reach adolescence, if you feel they are going to experiment with alcohol or street drugs, you can no longer ethically give them Ritalin or similar medications. Medications, appropriately prescribed, monitored, and taken are not the problem.

10-08-2003, 12:42 PM
Gilmer Buckeye, as a social worker who treated adolescents, I have to take issue with your position on Ritalin. I've seen it help out of control kids (male and female)gain control over their impulses and behaviors. Your argument wouldn't hold water for a juvenile diabetic, dependent on insulin; Ritalin and that category of medication are just as important to ADHD kids. As a matter of fact, I've seen too much self-medicating with alcohol or illicit drugs for ADHD kids who got off their Ritalin. It is a bind as a clinician because, as they reach adolescence, if you feel they are going to experiment with alcohol or street drugs, you can no longer ethically give them Ritalin or similar medications. Medications, appropriately prescribed, monitored, and taken are not the problem.What about the non-stimulant Strattera?
You think that the self-medicating was learned by these children when they took ritalin to help control themselves? The self-medication was learned by use of ritalin.

<small>[ October 08, 2003, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: SintonFan ]</small>

10-08-2003, 12:47 PM
Good point Crow.

The one thing that we are over looking are the families that are involved with this terrible situation.

10-08-2003, 12:53 PM
back in my day when I had attention problems we my Dad corrected it with a belt across my arse.

And I must say that it worked extremely well.

10-08-2003, 12:54 PM
SintonFan, I respectfully disagree, one of the few times I've disagreed with you. When people are in enough discomfort they will try to self-medicate to get some relief. Saw tons of it over the years. The newer medications are better, absolutely. There is a huge difference between a prescribed medication used for a specific medical condition and self-medicating or using drugs or alcohol. It is not learned behavior. You can't apply that theory across the board because you have too many medical conditions that require medication, blood pressure, diabetes, neurological disorders, cancer, cardiac disorders. ADHD falls into a medical category just like those conditions and those people have a right to treatment and relief, too. IMHO

10-08-2003, 12:58 PM
How about we let this topic go. The guy said he screwed up everyone has before, let it go.

10-08-2003, 01:01 PM
I too respect your opinion. My point in the case of ritalin is that it's over-prescibed. To the point of families(and school staff instigating it) giving their child a pill instead of seeking family therapy and in many cases child phsycology. They are trying to treat the symptoms but forgetting the root cause. Nothing or little is being done to what might be the actual epidemic.

10-08-2003, 01:08 PM
Child phsycology can screw up your kid as well...

Just a leather strap to the butt kept me in line (or did it? jk heh)...

My ex-girfriend was given child phsycology a lot when she was younger, really screwed her up, her mother was the one that needed phsycology-treatment...

10-08-2003, 01:15 PM
That's why the family therapy is important and should be tried first.

10-08-2003, 01:22 PM
Child phsycology can screw up your kid as well...

Just a leather strap to the butt kept me in line (or did it? jk heh)...

My ex-girfriend was given child phsycology a lot when she was younger, really screwed her up, her mother was the one that needed phsycology-treatment...I would have to agree with you on that. I have seen too many parents interested in giving their kids pills or sending them to a counselor in a situation where a swift hand (or board) across their backside would have worked just as well. Coming from a family of educators I feel that the teachers really lost control of the schools when the boards were removed from the classrooms. But we continue to live in a society that thinks it can cure all of its problems by medicating everyone. I think that there are some children who would benefit from medication, but many more are on it than really need to be.

10-08-2003, 01:22 PM
SintonFan, you got me on that one, very true...

10-08-2003, 01:23 PM
Unbelievable at all the victims !

The players that paid the price for him every practice, every workout, the students that look up to him, the program employees, his children, the policeman, on and on and on and on.....

Life changing decisions made at the most vulnerable times. Thank GOD I checked into AA at 17, been the best decision I ever made. My prayers go out to all the people who don't deserve the fallout for his life decision made in a lousy parking lot.

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 01:58 PM
Man, that's a tough article, just think, if the guy wasn't a respected coach, everyone would be wanted his head...

This is stuff you see on CNN when they're covering LA high-speed chases etc... And I know that people look at it and say 'That dumbass should be arrested', but since we're talking about a coach we're excusing him...You're not kidding....geeeeezzzzz, that could have been really bad. ( I understand the paper was probablly a little dramatic) My take is that he wouldn't have sped off if he wasnt' guilty. And as far as the rest of the jokers in the car...the AD was sitting there, if not drinking, then knowing Roak was! They should all be fired!
People, you can say how good of guys they are, and I do feel so badly for the families, but there has to be a point where WRONG is WRONG. Letting WRONG slide by will get you or your kid killed out there! These men were driving recklessly in a croweded parking lot, God only knows how they drove on the road...a road where you or your loved ones could have been!! Wake up people!! How many people have to die from drunk drivers????How many times will the legal sysytem ALLOW a drunk driver to get off ...2 times..4 times?? It's INSANE!! WHY ARE WE SOOOOOOO TOLERABLE ABOUT THIS !! UGHHHHHH!! :mad:

Yes "good people" make horrible mistakes....mistakes that can ruin their lives and those around them....it's a terrible shame....but, so do we ALLOW them to make them again??????? He may make the same mistake in his personal life, but something can be done so he won't do THAT again. He should lose his job, at the very least. He made the choices. :( Stand beside him if you are his friend? Absolutely!! Be there for him and his loved ones...they will need you. The deed is done.... let's hope something good will come out of it,

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 02:03 PM
Unbelievable at all the victims !

The players that paid the price for him every practice, every workout, the students that look up to him, the program employees, his children, the policeman, on and on and on and on.....

Life changing decisions made at the most vulnerable times. Thank GOD I checked into AA at 17, been the best decision I ever made. My prayers go out to all the people who don't deserve the fallout for his life decision made in a lousy parking lot.Apparently, you know how something like this can affect the lives of so many...You totally have my respect, don't know how old you are now, but you are one smart fella. Thanks for sharing....thanks for seeing the real issue here. :)

10-08-2003, 02:22 PM
Ya Ya...

What on earth do you do all day?

10-08-2003, 02:24 PM
Ya Ya...

What on earth do you do all day?Gets chased by snakes...

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 02:31 PM
Ya Ya...

What on earth do you do all day?I know, I know!!!!!I'm obsessed!! Just about things I feel strongly about.... :D

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 02:32 PM

Ya Ya...

What on earth do you do all day?Gets chased by snakes......ha ha ha...but THAT wasn't funny!! eek!

10-08-2003, 02:40 PM
Was one of those injured kids years ago, thanks to AA and good friends I have that family I always wanted growing up. Is easy to see the victims.

Have had some wonderful PM's since posting that from others that know the hurts from that illness. Great people on here.

10-08-2003, 02:44 PM
SintonFan: I completely agree with you that there may be an over-presciption epidemic. Absolutely, therapy should be tried first. The politics and economic reality of this is that insurance covers a small portion of therapy, but will reimburse at 100% for a family doc to prescribe Ritalin, Strattera, etc. We have an excellent family practitioner in Bellville, not all towns are so lucky. I have four boys, boys will be boys but there are differences. The first was classic ADHD and benefited hugely from Ritalin till he refused to take it, was finally able to focus on conversations, assignments, lectures, etc. for the first time with the aid of medication. If you've never had an ADHD kid, you have no clue what it's like. Our second responded well to discussions of belt therapy and firm limits. He is able to focus on what interests him and quickly completes work that doesn't intrigue him. Our third one is mouthy but can focus for years at a time without difficulty. The last one is fidgety, constantly moving, some would say ADHD, but he can focus and follow through so he is just a boy. I love them all dearly and respect their differences. Until you can get an ADHD kid to focus, talk therapy isn't much good. I am talking about severe cases, not where they can't sit still--that is characteristic of boys. Once they can focus, they have to be taught to cope and given skills to use. I pray critics of ADHD medication never have a grandchild with the disorder. Having a child with it is a challenge, having a grandchild with it is probably a heartbreak, at least a heartache. I'll get off my soapbox--ya hit a nerve, sorry.

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 02:49 PM
Was one of those injured kids years ago, thanks to AA and good friends I have that family I always wanted growing up. Is easy to see the victims.

Have had some wonderful PM's since posting that from others that know the hurts from that illness. Great people on here.You're the Poo, trojandad!! (and that's a good thing! :D ) Yeah for you!!! :)

10-08-2003, 03:41 PM
Good point Crow.

The one thing that we are over looking are the families that are involved with this terrible situation.That's the one thing that keeps me from getting into terrible situations. Next time anyone is thinking of doing something dumb, think of your family first and you'll probably not put yourself in that situation.

10-08-2003, 03:42 PM
o.k. how many of you think that one man was drinking two different kinds of beer during halftime at afootball game.

10-08-2003, 03:50 PM
I think Roark is gone. As for the other coaches they also should be punished but not as severly. They did go along with what ever was done except maybe the driving off part.I just hope it is over quickly for the kids sake. The team I think, at least a good majority of them were shocked and dissappointed. They have a good defense coach (Dumont)that can take over and the kids would follow him. With him at the helm the team would not miss a beat. GO RAIDERS!!

10-08-2003, 03:54 PM
This whole thing sounds like a setup to me.He may be guilty of having had a few drinks before the game .But nowhere is there proof that he was drinking on school property.How many people do you know that walk around the visitors parking lot checking for drinking.If he would have cheched anywhere it would have been on the home side , where he knows there is drinking going on.To see if the cans were really his they should have the cans as evidence and fingerprint them.I might've got outta there myself knowing wharton like i do.

10-08-2003, 03:55 PM
maybe he is and maybe he's not.

10-08-2003, 03:57 PM
Sounds like that cop has been watching too much tv.More like attempted suicide than assault.Or plain stupidity.

10-08-2003, 03:59 PM
www.journal-spectator.com (http://www.journal-spectator.com) has the whole story. How disappointing... frown

10-08-2003, 04:07 PM
This whole thing sounds like a setup to me.He may be guilty of having had a few drinks before the game .But nowhere is there proof that he was drinking on school property.How many people do you know that walk around the visitors parking lot checking for drinking.If he would have cheched anywhere it would have been on the home side , where he knows there is drinking going on.To see if the cans were really his they should have the cans as evidence and fingerprint them.I might've got outta there myself knowing wharton like i do.Rodeo, what does it matter if it was a set-up or not? Does a speed trap make speeding legal? There were beer cans in and falling out of a school district vehicle, for God's sake. Why would coaches who came to scout a game go in unison to a vehicle in the parking lot at half-time? Why would other people in the stands sitting nearby say that the people looked pretty loaded when they got there? Are we awake here?

10-08-2003, 04:16 PM
who said anything about can falling out of a school vehicle.i read all the articles and none of them said anything about a door being opened

10-08-2003, 04:19 PM
what does a loaded person look like . especially someone you dont know.i know people that dont drink that have that same appearance.you need to read the facts and quit speculating

10-08-2003, 04:21 PM
Raiders4state, "they" didn't take your coach away, he made some poor choices, and one very dangerous one. Lots of lives have been affected here because of the choices made that night. That is how tragedies happen, people don't plan them. I am glad nobody was physically hurt, but this qualifies as a tragedy in my book. I am sorry your team had to learn such a tough lesson, it appears ours has been affected somewhat too. Take that talent, pull together, learn from this and go to State. Y'all have an excellent team--Good Luck!THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT! Ya'll also have a great team as you proved to us. Looking forward to seeing you again in the play-offs.

10-08-2003, 04:21 PM
coaches sometimes go to there vehicles together while scouting to listen to other games and scores

crimson blood
10-08-2003, 04:21 PM
I might've got outta there myself knowing wharton like i do. ok, rodeo, if so then you, too would be and should be locked up. we are not talking about ignoring a mall security. the officer was a policeman, properly identifying himself, according to the newspaper interview and eye/ear witness.

10-08-2003, 04:24 PM
a policeman and a former policeman.between the two it would have happened even if it didn't.

10-08-2003, 04:26 PM
brahma73 : tell me why is your coach not suspended if it were as you say it was.

10-08-2003, 04:29 PM
I just want to remind ALL of you that there is always TWO sides to every story. You are currently only hearing ONE side and are reacting to it. This man has a right to a fair trial by jury and proper defense in his behalf. I can tell you for sure by reading what most of you have said, you wouldn't be allowed on his jury because of pre-trial publicity and pre-formed opinions. I don't care what the man has done or is accused of doing. He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. I suggest you back off and let the justice system do its'job. Since this is a state-wide board, where can this man go to get a fair and unbiased jury? He shouldn't be tried in the press or on 3ADownlow. :rolleyes:

10-08-2003, 04:30 PM
sorry people but i'm not buying this one.guilty of something but not of drinking on school property.assault with a deadly weapon a little out there considering the cop jumped on a moving vehicle.

10-08-2003, 04:32 PM
Thank you, sinton66.That's exactly how i feel

10-08-2003, 04:53 PM
My problem with all this, and it's probably been stated previously by other posters, is that coaches have a lot of influence on these young men. If there are other coaches in that vehicle drinking on school property and if one of those coaches is leading the kids at my school, then I want to know about it. His behavior may not be an issue with the police, but it's certainly an issue for the school board to address.

10-08-2003, 04:53 PM
By the way, trojandad, hat's off to you. AA is literally a lifesaver and gives us many leaders who are not afraid to speak out for the good of others. You are obviously one of those.

10-08-2003, 05:08 PM
This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. NO REPORT that I've read yet said anything about anyone seeing them drinking on school property. They were being questioned about empty cans laying on the ground beside the vehicle in a parking lot. Some of you are automatically assuming that means they were drinking on the property. Since none of you were there, you can't possibly know that. Jeez.

10-08-2003, 05:08 PM
It will be interesting to see how this plays out, Bongo. We don't know the facts, all I do know is that it appears to be very tragic for all involved, and there are many of us affected. I would hope and pray that some good comes out of it for the communities, the families, the individuals, and the young men involved one way or another.

10-08-2003, 06:00 PM
Sinton66; you are right, I was not there and can't be certain of the circumstantial evidence found nor can I be certain of the witnesses story nor can I be certain of the meaning when a vehicle drives away with the cop standing on the running board. I'm just saying if my kid is being coached by any of the vehicle occupants, I want something more than a simple explanation.

10-08-2003, 06:04 PM
I agree with you Bongo, in principle. You are entitled to an explanation. But, only from the people involved. Any defense lawyer worth his salt is telling all of them to shut up right now. It will come out in a public trial, and I for one intend to wait until then to pass any judgement.

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 06:12 PM
This whole thing sounds like a setup to me.He may be guilty of having had a few drinks before the game .But nowhere is there proof that he was drinking on school property.How many people do you know that walk around the visitors parking lot checking for drinking.If he would have cheched anywhere it would have been on the home side , where he knows there is drinking going on.To see if the cans were really his they should have the cans as evidence and fingerprint them.I might've got outta there myself knowing wharton like i do....Then why did he run??? eek! If he had NOTHING to hide, why not just comply with the officer?????...nope, that just doesn't wash.

10-08-2003, 06:18 PM
Bandera YaYa:

This whole thing sounds like a setup to me.He may be guilty of having had a few drinks before the game .But nowhere is there proof that he was drinking on school property.How many people do you know that walk around the visitors parking lot checking for drinking.If he would have cheched anywhere it would have been on the home side , where he knows there is drinking going on.To see if the cans were really his they should have the cans as evidence and fingerprint them.I might've got outta there myself knowing wharton like i do....Then why did he run??? eek! If he had NOTHING to hide, why not just comply with the officer?????...nope, that just doesn't wash.I agree. If you are doing nothing wrong, don't do something that makes you look guilty.

10-08-2003, 06:19 PM
Ya Ya, what if they were in an indefensible set of circumstances? They may have been drinking elsewhere BEFORE the game, and not on school property at all. Blood alcohol test wouldn't know the difference.

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 06:21 PM
a policeman and a former policeman.between the two it would have happened even if it didn't.Don't care for officers of the law, do you? ?

So, you are blaming the police officers???????
Seems like you are blaming everyone else but the man arrested! He deserves his day in court, for sure but don't go blaming the victims here...geezzzz.

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 06:23 PM
Ya Ya, what if they were in an indefensible set of circumstances? They may have been drinking elsewhere BEFORE the game, and not on school property at all. Blood alcohol test wouldn't know the difference....oh, so they drove to the game under the influence...oh yeah, that's better! :rolleyes:

Rice girl fan
10-08-2003, 06:53 PM
Im very confused on this situation last year a volleyball coach was sent to another school in the district after an incident. I think Dr. Gott should keep that situation in mind when he is making his final decision about Roark.

Palacios prepare to lose Friday night!!!!!!!

10-08-2003, 06:53 PM
Ya Ya, I'm not condeming or defending anybody. This is a point you seem to NEVER get with me. I wasn't there and don't know what happened. Therefore I tend NoT to jump to any conclusions like some people. That said, small town cops are NOT the most experienced law enforcement people around. They do make errors in judgement too. Not gonna get into on here, but BEEN there, DONE that. If you think for a moment you can get a fair shake when it boils down to your word against theirs in a small town JP court, you better think again unless you just happen to have known that JP all of your life. And just for your info, I have a number of friends that are police, three of them are Texas Rangers, and another is my County Sheriff.

<small>[ October 08, 2003, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

Ranger Mom
10-08-2003, 07:08 PM
Matthew 7:1-2
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Rice girl fan
10-08-2003, 07:25 PM
Ranger Mom:
Matthew 7:1-2
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.I think this is a perfect quote and i think no-one including me should judge Coach Roark!

Chief Woodman
10-08-2003, 07:30 PM
Can we talk about something else?

10-08-2003, 07:43 PM

Good point Crow.

The one thing that we are over looking are the families that are involved with this terrible situation.That's the one thing that keeps me from getting into terrible situations. Next time anyone is thinking of doing something dumb, think of your family first and you'll probably not put yourself in that situation.To add to that... Never do anything you wouldn't want your kid(s) to see.

10-08-2003, 07:56 PM
Good point Spivey. First, last and always, they're what it's all about.

10-08-2003, 08:23 PM
Hey Rice girl fan what happend last year with the volleyball coach and whats going on now are two very different things. Coach Roark is an outstanding coach who has brought the towns of Eagle Lake, Garwood, and Sheridan a great football team, which has a chance to do something for this school that has never happend. (football championship) I don't know exactly what happend last year with the volleyball coach but please do not compare the two ok.

10-08-2003, 08:29 PM
You guys should be suprised that I am speaking in semi-defense of Roark because I know that 'crap happens', but having my sister killed by a drunk driver, I don't think he needs his hand slapped and then his job back, he needs to suffer the consequences, including his job... His brother will take over just fine, so it's not like I'm saying "Yah yah, lock him up so if they play us again we can beat 'em"...

The kids at Rice can learn a bigger lesson by the correct punishment being issued than winning a state championship (which I still do not believe is in jeopardy)...

But this all goes along with 'IF' all of the allegations are true etc...

10-08-2003, 08:51 PM
Hey,If I'm in a company vehicle,and I go to a job site and been drinkin,I GUARANTEE you I will be one fired SOB!This man was in a company vehicle and drinkin?I don't care whether you're the coach or the President Of The USA It's bye bye birdie in my book.And by the way I like to drink my beer as much as the next man.But I do it on my own time not on company time.

10-08-2003, 09:09 PM
Please, don't make me jump through the same "hoops of credibility" that RiverRatDad had to, I come from the same "vein of truth and honor" that he comes from. (But I can understand your caution with the likes of seaSICK and Rodeo!)
Now, this is not about football or conspiracies or someone "just making an mistake" - it is about moral integrity. They say a man is not judged by how he lives his life, but how his children live theirs. I don't know about the rest of you, but I need all of the help I can get raising my children. A high school head coach is a "community leader of the highest order" and a role model for hundreds, if not thousands of our youth. He broke the law by committing two felonies (involving a highly respected and veteran police officer performing routine law enforcement) and now has to suffer the consequences of our justice system, his employer, the community and his family. He no longer is, nor should be a role model in this area. He sent a regrettable, but irrevocable message to our youth. I only hope someday he may "gain back" his role in the community - unfortunatley it will most likely be in a place far away. As to blaming any part of this on the Wharton community, that would be an absurd attempt to blame someone else for what was an illegal, senseless act committed by, what for now appears to be a single individual

10-08-2003, 09:37 PM
I think this horse has about been beat to death. IF is the key word to all this. I still maintain it was tragic, hope lessons were learned. There are two sides to every story. Nobody is sweeping this under the rug, so we can rest assured it won't be ignored by employers, communities, etc. Not my job to judge. I'm done with this thread, enough energy has been spent, now let's look at Friday night--Go Bulls!

the tigers are back
10-08-2003, 09:50 PM
AMEN!AMEN!AMEN! i agree let's get ready for some eek! friday night lights. :D

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 09:53 PM
You guys should be suprised that I am speaking in semi-defense of Roark because I know that 'crap happens', but having my sister killed by a drunk driver, I don't think he needs his hand slapped and then his job back, he needs to suffer the consequences, including his job... His brother will take over just fine, so it's not like I'm saying "Yah yah, lock him up so if they play us again we can beat 'em"...

The kids at Rice can learn a bigger lesson by the correct punishment being issued than winning a state championship (which I still do not believe is in jeopardy)...

But this all goes along with 'IF' all of the allegations are true etc...Sadly, you know just what can happen......
football championships are irrelevant and lives are precious. You rock, Gobbla2001!

10-08-2003, 11:30 PM
let it go, trust me we aren't helping anything.

10-09-2003, 01:31 AM
If interested, print out all of these replies on here and then sit down with the rented movie "Clean and Sober" with Michael Keaton and Kathy Bates and see how many of the reasonings that have been given on this board are similar to what is heard on that movie. No matter who's "right or wrong, judged or not judged", it will sure bring light on how people with problems in that area deal with them successfully and unsuccessfully.

10-09-2003, 07:57 AM
I just can't get over all of you condemning a man for drinking when that was just a speculation. And if other coaches we in the vehicle with him they should be punished as well. If we are going to assume he was drinking then we have to assume they were all drinking and should be facing this firing squad on this board as well. Granted he should have never driven away because that did make him seem guilty of something but haven't we all panicked at one point and time in our lives. As for the officer, he put his own life in jeopardy by jumping onto a moving vehicle. I read the article in the Wharton paper and I think they over dramatized the whole event. Why are they (the Wharton police)making such as issue of this when they said that if he would have not taken off all he would have gotten was a citation. People are acting like he committed a horrible crime. I just hope that the kids can get past this and not let it affect the remainder of their season. I know how much they all admire and respect this man. If he was such a poor excuse of a person as some of ya'll seem to think, how would he have earned the respect of so many people, children and adults alike? All we can do is pray for him and his family and hope that good can come of this.

Bandera YaYa
10-09-2003, 09:30 AM
Good post trojandad...still some people just don't get it. I don't drink very much at all (just at YaYa gatherings :D ) and I would never get behind a wheel and drive, ESPECIALLY where I know kids are hanging around!! He's a teacher for Gosh sake!! In, fact it was reported they all were school employees in the car??? The question I have is WHY did he run from the law, if he was so innocent??? Sorry, I just don't buy that he simply paniced! That's pretty lame if you ask me...he's going to have to come up with a better one than that ...and oh, so it's the cop's fault he almost got run over? geeezzzz... :rolleyes:

<small>[ October 09, 2003, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: Bandera YaYa ]</small>

crimson blood
10-09-2003, 09:37 AM
you can fool some of the people some of the time...
cheermom,, mindsets like the one you voiced are a large part of the problem.

those worthy of respect do not run from the law and bring accusations such as this on themselves.
disregard for the badge [and the government it represents] is one of the worst crimes against the state.

as far as 'condemning the man' i condemn the actions of whomever was driving that vehicle, drinking at a public school function, littering the remains of the evidence on the parking lot, defending whomever did the above. when that or those persons are caught, i would personally lock the cell door behind them for their actionsif i could. because while i do not 'condemn the man' i do hold him accountable, responsible, liable for his actions.

whomever did the above, and someone did, has made their own bed and earned the right and obligation to lay in it.

to defend those serious actions in any society is insanity.

__________________________________________________ ____
without cheerleaers is would just be a game

10-09-2003, 09:57 AM
You are all accusing him of drinking and there is no proof to that. Just because there were cans on the ground doesn't mean they belonged to him. Was that the only car in the lot. He is not even being charged with drinking but that is all you people can talk about.

10-09-2003, 10:09 AM
You're right, CheerMom, it has not been proven that the beer cans were his because he didn't hang around long enough to be asked, etc...

The fact is a person who isn't guilty of whatever it was that he was being confronted with doesn't go speeding off with an officer on his "school's" vehicle...

I've made mistakes in my life, and given one more second he would have thought it out I'm sure and wouldn't have left... But he did it and he has to take punishment, I don't care how bad the athletic program needs him...

The main purpose of school is education, agree? There we go, educating kids that it doesn't matter what laws they break, if they're thought of as an important person they should gett off the hook...

Personally he's getting off easy, if you ask me (law-wise anyhoo)... IF you read the Wharton article it discribes how the suburban (while the cop was aboard) started veering towords some parked cars, which is the only reason the cop jumped off...

NOW, I think the vehicle was fish-tailing and he pulled out of a slide and the vehicle took that direction... But with two cops being the only witnesses to come forward, that could have EASILY been an attempt at manslaughter or attempted murder, but they're not trying to throw the book at him, just trying to make sure he's punished for the obvious, and that's that he broke the law and put a lot of people in danger...

10-09-2003, 10:18 AM
Cheermom, perhaps you should read an excerpt from the Victoria paper regarding the incident.

"Guin said a person approached Officer Randall Whitlock during halftime of the Navasota-Wharton football game and told him he had observed people in a white Chevrolet Suburban in the parking lot of the stadium "possessing and consuming" alcohol.

Guin said Whitlock followed the person to the Suburban and observed beer cans around the vehicle, which was marked Rice CISD on the side.

According to Guin, Whitlock approached the vehicle and asked the driver to step out. Instead, Guin said, the driver put the window up and as Whitlock was standing on the running board, began to drive away. Guin said Whitlock attempted to stop the vehicle before fearing for his safety and jumped off."

Now, there was a witness to the consuming of alcohol on school property, there were beer cans around the vehicle, and the drivers evaded the police.

We have a problem in our community with too many parents giving their kids free passes with consuming alcohol. I've seen it too often where parents work their tails off to get their kids out of an MIP or other offense when the kid should be punished. And I've seen coaches let their "star" player slide on similar issues.

We need positive role models in our community. Role models who not only claim to have a zero tollerance for alcohol use but who live by it as well. IMHO

10-09-2003, 10:26 AM
I guess we will see what is most important to the two schools involved, stand behind men that are suppose to be teaching students to do the lawful and moral things in life or stand behind men because they have developed winning football teams. If there were beer cans where the coaches were gathered during half-time and they weren't from those coaches it would have been good to move to another spot. Most people go to the parking lot to smoke or take a drink during half-time, both are breaking the law. Coaches must accept the responsibility when at any school function to behave beyond reproach because of the role model they have to play. No excuses accepted. It is hard to believe that 2 AD's could let themselves get in this situation. What a shame 2 successful programs now have a dark cloud hanging over them.

10-09-2003, 10:46 AM
CheerMom, I hope you are teaching your children to respect our law enforcement officers who put their life on the line everyday to protect us! The example this Head Coach set by speeding away and injuring an officer (because he panicked - give us a break - he was hiding something, no responsible (sober) adult would behave in this manner!) is inexcusable and is behavior that cannot be exibited by a "leader of our youth".

10-09-2003, 10:51 AM
I have read all the articles on this story. In a dark parking lot how is someone going to witness what someone is drinking unless they are up close? Just because someone "thinks" that is what they were doing doesn't mean that it was so.
Did the police pick up the cans and take them as evidence? Did they collect fingerprints? I doubt it. If that was the case then he would be charged with drinking on school property and in a school vehicle. But it is all speculation. And if there was drinking going on in that vehicle why weren't any of the other coaches charged with anything? I believe that there were two different brands of beer cans on the ground. Was Coach Roark drinking both? I don't think so. If he was so intoxicated as one so called witness claimed than wouldn't he have still had alcohol in his system when he was arrested? I think this whole situation is just attempt to ruin a man's career and future wherever that may be. And to possibly ruin a championship for a great group of players.

10-09-2003, 11:00 AM
I have read all the articles on this story. In a dark parking lot how is someone going to witness what someone is drinking unless they are up close? Just because someone "thinks" that is what they were doing doesn't mean that it was so.
Did the police pick up the cans and take them as evidence? Did they collect fingerprints? I doubt it. If that was the case then he would be charged with drinking on school property and in a school vehicle. But it is all speculation. And if there was drinking going on in that vehicle why weren't any of the other coaches charged with anything? I believe that there were two different brands of beer cans on the ground. Was Coach Roark drinking both? I don't think so. If he was so intoxicated as one so called witness claimed than wouldn't he have still had alcohol in his system when he was arrested? I think this whole situation is just attempt to ruin a man's career and future wherever that may be. And to possibly ruin a championship for a great group of players.OKAY, TAKE OUT THE BEER, TAKE OUT THE ALCOHOL... If they're just trying to ruin his career they not only would have had him for the two felonies they have him with right now they would have busted him with possible attempted manslaughter, which they didn't (but they COULD, but THEY'RE NOT)...

FACT: His crime took place in Wharton County...

FACT: He was picked up in COLORADO COUNTY BY COLORADO COUNTY ENFORCEMENT... It was not in Wharton County where he was picked up, therefor, the investigation wasn't continued until Wharton sheriff(s) could come pick him up, which by then the alcohol may have been out of his system...

But like I said, let's forget about that...

YOUR KID, in the DARK PARKING lot you talk about runs our from behind a car when this guy is pulling out of the parking lot, YOUR KID in that DARK PARKING lot gets HIT by this coach...

Do you say "Let him go, I don't want to ruin his coaching career at Rice Consolidated'?

If that is what you suggest you can go sit in the jail-sell with him and comfort him and tell him how sorry you are that this happened to him and that you feel for him and think they're treating him SOOOOO bad...

10-09-2003, 11:42 AM
Lots of good points made by everyone. The facts aren't out there yet. Nobody is going to let this slide, I just hate to be judge and jury based on media reports (seen them ruin too many lives and the retractions are never the headlines and hardly ever seen). Bongo, I think the Bellville Athletic Dept has been more consistent in recent years and not let too many "stars" miss out on their one week suspension and twenty mile run! I can think of one young man in particular who ran his twenty miles three months after knee surgery and sat out his one week suspension. Sounds like two more players are doing so this week. I'd bet we'll have moe next week against Navasota, due to the Fair, I hope not. Let's let the kids focus on football and let the adults do their jobs in sorting this out. Go Brahmas!

10-09-2003, 12:17 PM
I have read all the articles on this story. In a dark parking lot how is someone going to witness what someone is drinking unless they are up close? Just because someone "thinks" that is what they were doing doesn't mean that it was so.
Did the police pick up the cans and take them as evidence? Did they collect fingerprints? I doubt it. If that was the case then he would be charged with drinking on school property and in a school vehicle. But it is all speculation. And if there was drinking going on in that vehicle why weren't any of the other coaches charged with anything? I believe that there were two different brands of beer cans on the ground. Was Coach Roark drinking both? I don't think so. If he was so intoxicated as one so called witness claimed than wouldn't he have still had alcohol in his system when he was arrested? I think this whole situation is just attempt to ruin a man's career and future wherever that may be. And to possibly ruin a championship for a great group of players.CheerMom, You appear to be a very compassionate person. But, I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee. I believe in forgiveness as much as the next person. But I also believe that bad behavior should be accompanied with appropriae consequences. I'm curious to know what you think we should do with Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein if we ever captured either of them. Slap them on the back of the hand? For crying out loud, if you and your child(ren) were at that game, you (they) could have been run down by an out of control suburban. Don't let your compassion blur the facts.

10-09-2003, 12:21 PM
OK, I think we've speculated enough on this topic...LOL Let's let the chips fall where they may and let the school district and authorities handle this one.....I don't want to start any more speculation or anything of the sort...so I'm gonna close the thread....