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View Full Version : Jason- Your Attention Needed

01-20-2005, 02:22 PM
Jason, you have got to seriously deal with the guy making the following statement---he's out to ruin your "viewing" pleasure. Just thought you ought to know....

Get Rid of Cheerleaders? Columnist Slams CBS for Five Second Shot of NFL Cheerleaders Hinder During Game - Rabbi Smuley Boteach goes on to say, "CBS, one of the main networks that airs football games, has a network rejoin they often use as they come back to a game after a commercial break. Amazingly, it does not show a football player. Instead, it shows cutaway shots of cheerleaders, with a few pictures of these overly made-up dolls jumping up and down, and then one shot – I kid you not – of a woman's behind. A five-second close up of a woman's rear end – that is a commercial for football? The connection? Must be esoteric because I am not sure how the one illustrates the other